revisiting your record collection from high school



  • Back when weed was $35 an ounce we used to listen to these:

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I was in High School 1984-1987

    This band was my number one untouchable every day play 10x shit:

    I was mad into the Beatles and 60's music in general, I had always played my parent's Beatles records as a kid, but in High School I started reading books about them and going to see "Hard Day's Night" at the revival cinemas...this was my favorite of theirs around the time:

    Local punk rock:

    other punk rock:

    dudes that were into punk were into hip hop then, too, at least the ones I knew...I got most of the "classics" as they came out, high school was about:

    The first copy my friend Ed & I had of this was the "Hot Club Version" all-instrumental...we didn't even know it had lyrics until months later, which blew our minds all over again. Other high school hip hop jams on lock:

    Other random shit I played so much I had to buy new copies years later:

    See, this is what happens when you get me started on this shit...

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    All of the above +

    Poison - Open Up & Say Ahhh

    Tom Cochrane & Red Rider - Victory Day

    Don Henley - The End of the Innocence

    BDP - Street Music

    NWA - Straight Outta Compton

    Ice Cube - Amerikkka's Most Wanted

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    By no means a complete picture, but that sums up jr and sr year of HS in Mankato MN....

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

    this is actually a rare record. GNRs first release on UziSuicide records, privatepressaxlhairbandrare.

    you know what? when I got home today, I listened to this and I dont think its really a live record. Have you heard those 'live' hiphop records where the audience is noise is dubbed in? 'holy war (live)' is a good example, you can even hear the audience noise looped.
    I could be wrong about this GNR record though, it might be a really well recorded performance. *but note that they dont say where and when the 'live' recording took place.

    For those who have the LP, check it out, am I crazy?

  • this is actually a rare record. GNRs first release on UziSuicide records, privatepressaxlhairbandrare.

    you know what? when I got home today, I listened to this and I dont think its really a live record. Have you heard those 'live' hiphop records where the audience is noise is dubbed in? 'holy war (live)' is a good example, you can even hear the audience noise looped.
    I could be wrong about this GNR record though, it might be a really well recorded performance. *but note that they dont say where and when the 'live' recording took place.

    For those who have the LP, check it out, am I crazy?

    I think it is really a live record, from the intro and the fact thec rowd noise isnt looped...I think it was recorded at the trubador if I am not mistaken. really live, yes...private press indie release, no.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Oh shit! Yeah! I forgot about Nation of Ulysees "Plays Pretty for Baby". That was huge for me around the end of high school.
    now THAT'S some fresh west coast ish.

    No, its not!

  • Still Have this Ultra Rare four record 7 in. color vinyl set.

    Don't have an album cover pic; but I was rocking the MDC hard in highschool:

    This one still gets played on the regular:

    Oh yeaH, I became somewhat obsessed with this album back then also (still am)

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