

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Man....Harvey got some of y'all straight shook. It cracks me up to no end.

    I don't know why people hate on the boy.

    Yes, he's clearly insane and, yes, his passive-aggressive "I know more about Texas rappers than you because I am real and you are fake" post that he makes once a week gets tiresome, but he's still one of the better posters on here.

    He brings an indepth knowledge of several styles of music that most people on this board are ignorant of.

    this is true. you make a good point grouch.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Is it worth turning the ignore function on harvey to read and discover what's going on?

    Every other day is...Hi, I'm Phonics and I've got Harvey on IGNORE.

    Okay, everyone knows by now how proud you are to have me set for IGNORE.

    Now fight temptation and live up to your own proclamation.

    That means, you will never read this.

    But my guess is that you just did.

    Young_Phonics has me on ignore as well. It hurts, but I have to move on.

  • I've met them both.


  • Wow... I have a little fun with rashied and people take it really seriously...


    Yeah, I got tired of getting called a racist and asked Raj for a ban, even though I didn't really think it would happen. And then on friday afternoon I thought it would be funny to send the most absurd and inane insults I could think of.. the dumbust shit I could think of, rapid fire, just to see if Harvey would explode. I thought they were funny. I was cracking myself up. Shit, I still think its funny. Whats even funnier is how serious people are taking it...

    And I forgot... what does harvey contribute again beside Jpegs of rappers with no explanation of who they are and why people should care? oh- conspiracy theories and cut and paste article about grills.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Anyways, I'm glad a few people found it as funny as I did.

    and for the record, Harvey crossed a personal line with me a long time ago. I don't feel sorry for him at all. sissy.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    I've met them both.

    Harvey is a very nice guy. Years ago he was living in Eugene. (more deadheads per sq ft than anywhere else in the world.) He had a nice break beat web site before thebreaks. He is a good writer. Like many Texans, he thinks the world resolves around Texas and Texas music. He also believes all music originates in NOLA, which may be true. He feels strongly about his belifes, which is a good thing. Accept that his belifes include conspiracy theories and Texas rap.

    Met diz in Palm Springs this summer. Great guy, as you know. Was hoping to met you there too, but you were lunching.

    I think they should call a truce. Can't we all just get along? How do we expect the Sunni and Shii to get along when Harve and Egbert can't? How can we call for Bush to use more diplomacy when we try to flame the hate between strutters?

  • Southcrackalack is right too - if this had happened to anyone but Harvey, people would be screaming for ban.

    The thing is that this is the ONLY strutter this WOULD happen to- maybe with like 2 or 3 exceptions. Because Harvey has a strong personality, he can bring out the ire (no matter how silly or angry) in people.

    It couldn't happen to almost anyone else.

  • And I forgot... what does harvey contribute again beside Jpegs of rappers with no explanation of who they are and why people should care?

    Dude! Harvey's the one who made us all realize the significance of Slash's guitar prowess over EVERY guitarist that came before him. Then he offered irrefutable proof as documented on a Lenny Kravitz song. He blew a lot of minds that day. That day I knew... I was positive that... he was... a douche.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    is there a Glenn Close graemlin?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    There is something about Dizzy that just cracks me up. I thought those were funny as hell.

    Both Harvey and Dizzy make my workday less boring.

    dont ban either of these guys plaese.

    thank you.

    I agree with all of this. Why ban when you can force people to work out their personal grievances in public?

  • akoako 3,413 Posts
    no offense to ANYBODY but dizzy's always been one of my favorite dudes on here and pretty much any serious "ahem...i thought this was vewwy inapwopwiate"-style posts in this thread are sooo it almost made everything way funnier.

  • no offense to ANYBODY but dizzy's always been one of my favorite dudes on here and pretty much any serious "ahem...i thought this was vewwy inapwopwiate"-style posts in this thread are sooo it almost made everything way funnier.

    almost? It definitely made it funnier!

  • akoako 3,413 Posts
    no offense to ANYBODY but dizzy's always been one of my favorite dudes on here and pretty much any serious "ahem...i thought this was vewwy inapwopwiate"-style posts in this thread are sooo it almost made everything way funnier.

    almost? It definitely made it funnier!

    whoops...yeah total typo.
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