How much is a Ho these days?

Sometimes when I'm driving around the neighborhood I see a Ho and I wonder how much it costs to get a Ho. Not that I have any interest in actually purchasing a Ho's services, I'm just curious what the going rate is these days. Sometimes I'm tempted to roll down the window and say "How much?" but I think that's rude when I don't plan on purchasing, and also it could be an undercover cop, and then she would arrest me and wouldn't beleive me when I said I just wanted to know how the market was doing.How much is a Ho?
which means no way. also, there is no way of finding ho`s in a dollar bin.
do you want a dollabin ho...?
2.You are getting to comfortable.
3.This type of thread is the exact reason why you self banned yourself last time.
4.Don't do it Son.
5.This poast also falls into the category of non record related and not really funny enough to "get over".
6.Leave pimpin' steez to pimps.
7.You ain't no pimp.
9.I have the distinct feeling you don't own ANY Donald Goines books.
10.Pimp slappin' greatly differs from Bitch slappin'so don't go there Son.
Ok, usually I have an inkling to why things offend you, but this, I admit, that I am befuddled as to your reasoning...unless of course you are offended by a "non-pimp" even discussing sexual commerce becuase they are obviously "disconnected" to the local pimp/ho/john paradigm...
Anybody fuckin w/ this?
nice box!
really that the entire session? Would like to hear that
the voice reviwed it and it sounds awesome-6 cds worth of jazz funk
too bad it won't be released on vinyl
How can the outtakes really enhance my exp?
I am cozy this morning.
too late!
the size of my text just changed and I don't know why.
boy thats true.
No, but those are from the 70s so the prices have probable gone up since then.
I saw this movie the other day where this dude says "I don't hit people in glasses" and then he reaches up and takes dude's glasses off. Also I saw They Live and Roddy Piper says "I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." and then he shoots people.
From the past Miles 70s sessions, it seems that a large protion of the actual released LP are made up of mostly the tamer/accessable material and the extra stuff seems to get really far out and I like getting really far out....dont knwo if that is true with this one, but I could see some intense moments that werent on the LP.
Come to the Tenderloin. Not in mint condition though.
6 cds...thats like a whole weekend of music.
PS: The average price in Europe is around 50 Euro. Why are you guys are so shy to talk about it? It's the oldest trade in history. You don't have to endorse it but no matter what it's there and will not go away.
55??? (75$) for one hour. Hooded BJ included. All the positions you want & all the cummings you can manage. *n*l & kinky stuff you gotta pay extra. Go too far and Mr. Bouncer will kick your naked ass.
It was worth it.
as long as there are no hairlines from the previous owner...
but I'm glad CAPTAIN WHITEY showed up screaming "DELETE!!!" just in case.
The neighborhood also has gang bangers, hobos, trannies, hipsters, working class folks, day drunks, and people that like to ride bicycles too. basically, its just like any other neigborhood in any other decent sized city.
they got bouncers at the ho house you go to? wow
ive never purchased ho services but this is interesting.
there are special hos out here on the beach that attend hotel pool parties and special events at the ritzy hotels. when you are nice and liquored up, they make a proposition to head up to their room. on the way up you find out shes slangin it. some of these girls are really really bangin... like dopest shorties at the party... who will juice you for your paycheck
Dude, you are so urban.
HANDY TIP: next time you look something up on somebody else's computer, look it up under "Google" - that way, when the list of previously-read websites pops up, it will just say "Google" rather than whatever you were looking at.
HANDY TIP #2: ...and after you're done with Google, highlight the subject line and delete it. 'Cause Google has a "last read" list, too...