A LIL GIFT from me to you. (NSFW)



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    I also prefer more...ahem, well endowed, mature women ( )
    That whole barely-legal-old-perv-taking-pictures thing isn't for me.

    Kern comes off as a only-slightly-less-creepy version of Terry Richardson. Must be some Vice Mag thing.

    And on that note: it dawned on me I haven't seen an issue of Vice in at least a year since Ithe only place I ever got copies from was the Groove Merchant when I was still living in the Bay. And Kern really reminded me what always annoyed me about Vice and the culture it represents: it's the endless fetishization of the 20s.

    On one level, I get it - I work on a college campus, I'm surrounded by people in their late teens and early 20s and even as I get older, they'll always be the same age (this is not a happy state of affairs, long-term).

    But part of the beauty of getting older is basically getting older. That "mature and sexy" thing is crazy real in terms of what I find fascinating and enjoyable about people who are older than the Zack Braff demogrpahic. And to me, the whole Vice shtick is stuck in this permanent state of arrested development...as if being 22 is the greatest thing that will ever happen in your life, when really, it's kind of an awkward, pre-adult age that most just stumble through. It's really not worth lionizing.

    I can see what you're saying - but at the same time - the kind of girls you're saying a mag like Vice flaunts are real girls. As far as I know - there ain't too much photoshopping or any of that nonsense going on. Kern's photos are undoctored - it's not some BS like you see in any of the nicer fashion mags - these girls aren't usually modeling for a living. Me like.

    Yeah and I'm not dissing that aspect of it. Like I said, it's not that I don't understand the appeal. But they're also not shooting 30 year old, "normal" women either. I'm not suggesting they have to..it's just that arrested development angle I was referring to. Most mags do it...it's just played for me personally.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    these girls aren't usually modeling for a living.

    some of the girls are professionals - porno, strippers, that sort of thing.

    some are found on the street - my gf & our roomate got approached at a clurb I think it was?

    kerns presence in his photos is a turnoff to me, he's creepy.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    kerns presence in his photos is a turnoff to me, he's creepy.

    Seriously. Classic case of not wanting to see how the sausage factory operates.

    This probably calls for a on double entendre grounds.
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