Don't tase me bro!



  • TNGTNG 234 Posts
    This idiot was clearly pulling off a prank.
    Is there any footage that shows without a single cut how long he's been standing at that microphone?

    When he asks that last question, you can hear the person holding the camera or cellphone recording this would-be drama laugh out. That's a total giveaway. I mean you just have to look at this guy and you know what's up...

    Just some poor fool looking for attention.
    They should have used their nightsticks on fratboy and seriously slapped him silly.
    What a pussy, squeeling like a stuck pig when all he got was a friendly group hug.

    This is being shown in the news around the world with the typical "look at how fucked the US is and how their democracy is nothing but a joke..." commentary. Of course you don't even see the part with him asking his "questions" and setting this up in a more or less obvious way. All you see is him getting grabbed by the cops and then the pig wrestle when you can't really see anything but hear him squeel and holler like if he had the stun gun up his rectum.

    The need for two Americas looms.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    This idiot was clearly pulling off a prank.
    Is there any footage that shows without a single cut how long he's been standing at that microphone?

    When he asks that last question, you can hear the person holding the camera or cellphone recording this would-be drama laugh out. That's a total giveaway. I mean you just have to look at this guy and you know what's up...

    He asks John Kerry 3 questions and John Kerry does not want to touch them.

    -Do you believe there was voter fraud in the last election?
    -If so, why did you just roll over and concede?
    -Were you a member of Skull & Bones?

    Regardless of the dude seeming like a punk, these are all legitimate questions.

  • -Were you a member of Skull & Bones?

    This is legitimate to the political debate?

    At least now I know why he got tased.... :LIZARDPEOPLE:

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    The question of itself, independent of the connotations, is not an illegitimate question, although it is illegitimate to the "political debate." It is also a "loaded question," but Kerry could answer it in a yes or no manner.

  • dmacdmac 472 Posts
    He asks John Kerry 3 questions and John Kerry does not want to touch them.

    -Do you believe there was voter fraud in the last election?
    -If so, why did you just roll over and concede?
    -Were you a member of Skull & Bones?

    Regardless of the dude seeming like a punk, these are all legitimate questions.

    Certainly legitimate questions (except the Skull & Bones question*), but the form he chose to pose these questions was staged grandstanding at best. The laugh from the cameraman was a dead giveaway. This was intentioned to be a video for his personal website to collect high-fives from his bros on campus, IMO. As Meyer is initially pulled away from the microphone, his protests appear rehearsed. Only after the excessive, unnecessary force is applied does his smartassitude unravel.

    Andrew Meyer is obviously a punk, but I don't think he deserved knees in his back and multiple tasings for it. Kerry's lack of protest was the most disturbing thing about the incident. Meyer probably pissed him off, but where was the "let the boy go!"
    John McCain recently was able to shrug off a punk-ass question from a student with a joke right back at him. It was in poor taste, but at least he didn't let the kid get tased.

    *Because no member is ever going to discuss it, real or not.

  • dude was clearly not the brightest, but there was no need to taser him under the circumstances.

    I'm a little dissapointed in soulstrutters laughing at dude. I'm sure if the situation was reversed a freaking pitty party would be happening.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    dude was clearly not the brightest, but there was no need to taser him under the circumstances.

    I'm a little dissapointed in soulstrutters laughing at dude. I'm sure if the situation was reversed a freaking pitty party would be happening.

    Yeah, I mean we get it that the guy is an idiot and was pulling a prank. But this is straight up police brutality. Honestly, I wouldn't have had any problem if the cop/security grabbed him and been man enough to toss him out of the building. You have four officers there, how many cops does it take to carry him out of the damn building?

    This also has a lot of implications on college campuses. It is scary that when you persistantly ask a political figure a question, or resist arrest, you might be running the risk of being pepper sprayed or tasered. Shit like this is not an isolated incident - it just happened to get on videotape and John Kerry's dumbass was involved, so it made CNN. Police pepper sprayed us at UC Santa Cruz and then arrested two students on false claims that they assulted an officer.

    Yeah, dude is a moron, but please realize that this is a much greater issue that just a dumb Florida kid getting tasered.

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