Busch beer appreciation

going from sports medicine professional to business owner to record store employee means that the wallet isnt as thick as it once was. A fella needs to cut corners, and this has been the most pleasant surprise in my budget cutting:
fuck a PBR and a Miller...this shit tastes good,its smooth and only costs 10 bucks for an 18 pack. Definitely one of the finer cheap beers.

the best. But its a purely sentimental exercise.
No. No unflavorful beers in NC.
Brew City Light is a decent really cheap beer. My wife's Granny pounds that shit harm.
My current favs are Rogue Dead Guy and Stone's Gargoyle IPA. They both are worth the 35+ price of admission.
Two Wayne's World references in one thread? Unreal.
That was my roommate & mine's college junior year studying fuel - great stuff!
this shit really ain't to much higher on the tottem pole than "cheap mega-corporate pisswater" these days. The quality has def dropped since the 90's, b/4 it was available in evert cirlce k and quikie mart.
And the best 40 is:
"Olde English 800, yeah, that's my brand/drink it in a bottle, 40 ounce or can"
Im bout to make a whiskey thread. Anyone else here like whiskey!? Hell yeah, that shit is almost all I drink!
or the personal fav.
3 cheers for BEAM!
though i must admit, ive cut back on drinking since i moved down here. i had a jack neat the other night and that shit fucked me up.
Me too, but I didn't get much studying done drinking that shit!!
A friend of mine's trick was to put 2-3 shots of southern comfort into the mickeys grenades, shake it up, then chug it. The VERY short route to getting fucked up.
PS He had uhm, some bad experiences and is straight edge now, maybe that's saying something.
no doubt. fuck mixing whiskey with shit. We should get a drink sometime.
which reminds me. allow me to shit on southern comfort. nastiest shit ever. what in the sam hell are them rednecks putting in that shit? tastes like nasty cough syrup. disgusting.
on the other hand, i had some of that knob creek whiskey the other day and i actually like it better than makers [but not better than jack]. also, j&b and most all them johnny walker's are crap too. walker's adds artificial wood taste to their shit and it tastes nasty.
the only beer worse than high life is miller lite.
miller lite is so bad it's ruined my night.
HIGH LIFE IS THE SHIT!!!! sometimes it gives you the shits, but IT'S THE SHIT
at least Lite doesn't have the stale, flat yet sweet taste of HighLife. In fact it doesn't really taste like anything at all so I don't see how it could ruin a night. But, I'll still buy Keystone Light over both em tho so that should tell you the kinda coinoissuer you're dealin with here.