Zeitgeist............anyone seen this?

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
Sorry if I'm late!http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331&pr=goog-slPop your corn b4 you sit down and log on.......................


  • I watched it about a month ago. The religious portion was not presented with enough of a factual base for me to believe entirely, although the ideas were interesting. The second two parts were pretty good.

  • I watched it about a month ago. The religious portion was not presented with enough of a factual base for me to believe entirely, although the ideas were interesting. The second two parts were pretty good.

    You needed MORE of a factual basis than what was laid down in this film?

    I disagree. I think the film was very good. Well paced, well edited, well researched and because of all this, will probably be very hard to track down on dvd or find a mass audience. Made complete sense, wasn't full of illuminati,numerology mumbo-jumbo and rang of nothing but the TRUTH!

    Good Lookin out, Preme...

  • I've heard there are all sorts of factual errors in this film, even down to basic architecture stuff presented as "fact".

    I'm not interested.

  • I've heard there are all sorts of factual errors in this film, even down to basic architecture stuff presented as "fact".

    I'm not interested.

    Sadly, blind patriotism is keeping them blinders on, huh?

    Dude, watch the film and judge for YOURSELF.

    There are no factual errors that I could discern here. Furthermore, I was in NYC when this happened. I saw the playback over and over again and I saw THEN that it had all the earmarks of controlled demolition. It's very easy to see.

    The film's site provides a link to all the source research material. So, don't be so quick to dismiss seeing it. It's very well put together.

  • here's more proof...

  • I watched it and thought it was really well put together. It benefits from not delving into the 'illuminati" craziness and presents it points well I think. I actually found the religious stuff at the beginning to be the most interesting, just because there were some new ideas - I think people have made their minds up about 9/11, and little will change their view at this stage.

  • HOW can people be so willfully ignorant when the truth is presented to them in such an unquestionable fashion?

  • I liked the first part, although i don't understand why they didn't mention anything about the simularities with Sumerian belief (which pre-dates Egyptian culture).
    I didn't watch the 2nd part though. 911 truth conspiracies don't interest me.

  • Yeah, maybe I'll watch it then one of these days. I'm just wary of illuminatti harveycanal type shit. And I'm wary of films with a heavy POV. I absolutely HATED farenheight 911 because to me it was no better than some cheesy north korean propoganda film. that kind of shit insults my sensibilities. I'd rather be presented with facts, and if they are disputed then counter-arguments, and make up my own mind. But.... maybe I'll have to watch zeitgeist.

  • HOW can people be so willfully ignorant when the truth is presented to them in such an unquestionable fashion?

    As an American (assuming you live in America), how can you not question everything you're told? It's the people that automatically accept what sounds good to them that scare the shit out of me, on any side of an argument.

  • HOW can people be so willfully ignorant when the truth is presented to them in such an unquestionable fashion?

    As an American (assuming you live in America), how can you not question everything you're told? It's the people that automatically accept what sounds good to them that scare the shit out of me, on any side of an argument.

    I am an American but refuse to be an instrument of the control machine. Americans who love this country need to question authority and the government which is steadily and systematically usurping our Bill of Rights. The biggest problem facing Americans today is general apathy and a feeling of helplessness. A void that they fill by constantly working, spending and consuming like rats in a maze. There is very little going on in the way of thinking and Americans readily equate dissidence and the resistance to and questioning of authority to being "anti-american" or "communist". They are prisoners of their own mind(s).

  • I actually found the religious stuff at the beginning to be the most interesting, just because there were some new ideas

    new ideas? I think it's a mediocre and selective mash-up of well known research about religion - old news all the way through. Fortunately, there is an established tradition of critical research about almost any religion and relations between the different religions.

    but probably all that did not arrive in the US yet ?

  • Zeitgeist is dope

    this is also insane:

    about GAME THEORY

    The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC documentary series by British filmmaker Adam Curtis, well known for other documentaries including The Century of the Self and The Power of Nightmares. It began airing on BBC Two on 11 March, 2007.[1] The series consists of three one-hour programmes which explore the concept and definition of freedom, specifically "how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today's idea of freedom.


  • i agree that there is a high level "plan" (conspiracy) that may involve the implementation of principles based upon top-down knowledge that has been kept hidden from the masses and i am sure that i don't know the half. however, i am not going to blindly accept ideas that are presented to me without questioning their origins.

    i don't think they provided enough factual information in the religious portion of the film, but overall it was pretty good. i can't cite any examples right now b/c i'm at work and i watched it over a month ago, maybe i'll take another look and give some examples later. please believe that i am genuinely interested in most of the ideas presented in the film and i am not questioning it's relevance. i just wanna know exactly where their information came from - kinda like reading an essay with citations, ya dig?

  • I actually found the religious stuff at the beginning to be the most interesting, just because there were some new ideas

    new ideas? I think it's a mediocre and selective mash-up of well known research about religion - old news all the way through. Fortunately, there is an established tradition of critical research about almost any religion and relations between the different religions.

    but probably all that did not arrive in the US yet ?

    Sorry boss, I'm an Australian (sometimes referred to as the United States of Australia given some of our recent actions) but I found some of it quite new to me at least, particularly the ideas based around the solar system. I'm not saying it was absolutely revolutionary, but I hadn't seen it presented like that.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    after watching this how does it make you feel?

    who are these people in the white house?

    are you so hypnotized by pussy and your funk records that you are afraid to act in a patrotic fashion?

    how much further will they go for their gold/blood money?

    when does this shit end?

    cue up

    "this is not america" from the falcon and the snowman ost

    or it never really was america

    this place sucks

  • I think that to blame America is not the whole picture - this shit transcends countries and borders. Business has more sway in what's happening than any political parties, and they don't seem to have to answer to anyone.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I just watched the entire ae911truth.org video that was posted above. I'm totally floored. I wish more opinion was stated in the same logical manner. It's far more convincing than the one-sided Michael Moore type propaganda.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    I mean, I was aware of all this kind of stuff, but to see it all layed out this way is really disturbing.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Zeitgeist is dope

    this is also insane:

    about GAME THEORY

    The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC documentary series by British filmmaker Adam Curtis, well known for other documentaries including The Century of the Self and The Power of Nightmares. It began airing on BBC Two on 11 March, 2007.[1] The series consists of three one-hour programmes which explore the concept and definition of freedom, specifically "how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today's idea of freedom.


    ^^^ Started watching Game Theory, divx or something froze on me, watched Zeitgeist tonite (just finished!), and yeah they recycled some stuff from the 9/11 debunking film, but it was pretty refreshing. Pretty coherent and factually based, no doubt.

    I'm looking forward to watching Game Theory next. Good stuff!

  • seriously everybody needs to check it out

    from wiki:

    "The programme traces the development of game theory with particular reference to the work of John Nash, who believed that all humans were inherently suspicious and selfish creatures that strategised constantly. Using this as his first premise, Nash constructed logically consistent and mathematically verifiable models, for which he won the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences, commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics. He invented system games reflecting his beliefs about human behaviour, including one called "So Long Sucker---Fuck You Buddy", in which the only way to win was to betray your playing partner, and it is from this game that the episode's title is taken. These games were internally coherent and worked correctly as long as the players obeyed the ground rules that they should behave selfishly and try to outwit their opponents, but when RAND's analysts tried the games on their own secretaries, they instead chose not to betray each other, but to cooperate every time. This did not, in the eyes of the analysts, discredit the models, but instead proved that the secretaries were unfit subjects."

    John nash was found to be Paranoid Schizephrenic.

    Yet western society appears to have now been modelled on his ideas.

    The later docs also explain how this is the reason Iraq is now so fucked up.



  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    after watching this how does it make you feel?

    who are these people in the white house?

    are you so hypnotized by pussy and your funk records that you are afraid to act in a patrotic fashion?

    how much further will they go for their gold/blood money?

    when does this shit end?

    cue up

    "this is not america" from the falcon and the snowman ost

    or it never really was america

    this place sucks


  • Awesomely hilarious! I can understand being hypnotized by pussy and funk records too but I'm a patriot first, dammit!

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    John nash was found to be Paranoid Schizephrenic.

    Yet western society appears to have now been modelled on his ideas.

    this is nonsense. john nash won the nobel prize for proving something which is now called "nash equilibrium", an abstract theorem about games going into a steady state. nothing about western society is modelled after it, and it has nothing to do with his paranoid schizophrenia.

  • maybe i misunderstood

    but have you watched these 3 documentaries?

    thats kind of how i understood it

    shit is crazy anyhow



  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    maybe i misunderstood

    but have you watched these 3 documentaries?

    thats kind of how i understood it

    shit is crazy anyhow



    if the documentaries imply what you said then they are full of shit. i've read his papers. it's like blaming einstein's crazy hair for nuclear bombs getting dropped on japan.

    nash had a really elegant mathematical idea which happened to be applicable to economic theory, that is all.

  • well before calling it shit - i suggest you watch the documentaries then maybe i'll consider your opinion as well as the film maker - he did a fair amount of research himself by the looks of it. And BBC docs tend to be pretty on point

    its pretty well put together - there are even up to date interviews with John Nash on the subject



  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    well before calling it shit - i suggest you watch the documentaries then maybe i'll consider your opinion as well as the film maker - he did a fair amount of research himself by the looks of it. And BBC docs tend to be pretty on point

    its pretty well put together - there are even up to date interviews with John Nash on the subject



    i'll check them out. i didn't know they were bbc, i thought they were on some grassroots zeitgeist shit.

    i gotta say though, in general, blaming a pure scientist for how theory is later applied is no good. i was taking that a little personally is all.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    here's more proof...

    If you guys are watching videos,

    It's two hours long, but the first segment is only 45 minutes. The first segment is on the third World Trade center building that collapsed. Didn't hear about it? Most poeple didn't. Nothing crashed into it. It imploded all by itself supposedly due to a few fires. That building housed files on many large cases against big business like Enron.

  • cool - i'm a novice with a lot of this hardcore economics and stuff - so i just took it as i saw it

    check the wiki link for a brief over view of all three



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