Zeitgeist............anyone seen this?



  • this film broke down what a joke religion is in solid way, i sent it to a born again friend of mine & he's now very very shook that his jesus is a fairy tale...

    I wish hardcore facts would enlighten people raised in a Christian upbringing(Southern Baptist especially!) that maybe what they were taught as a child..JUST might not be the absolute truth. I can remember starting to do this as early as my middle school years(and being called "crazy" or that I "needed to go to church"), and I have found that unfortunately probably 99% of the people that I have known..even when they seem like they acknowledge the whole religion thing is bullshit, ALWAYS go back to it. Whether in times of need,desperation,etc..it's almost as if it is so embedded in them that whether they truly believe in it or not, they just feel safer saying they do. This is the case with my girlfriend, while not religious in the sense of going to church(or even being offended by a lot of anti-religious shit)or anything like that..and showing MUCH doubt to the authenticity of what she was taught as a child, I really doubt she would openly admit she is not a Christian. I mean, believe what you want to..its your perogative, but why hang on to such a serious powerful belief if you don't don't believe it to be true 100%. I guess just to "keep hope alive" would be the answer...but I just can't go for that(no Hall'n'Oates).

    (btw, I am not saying that this movie and what it states is the absolute truth..I have no clue. I was just generally speaking)
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