Nirvana vs. Pavement
Mad Drama Teacher
1,985 Posts
Don't bring your populist arguments in here, either. We all know that Nirvana influenced a million indie-rock bands, crushed hair metal, and left a number of rock standards for future shredders.Whose albums do you simply prefer to listen to? ^^^ gets my vote.
slanted and enchanted- best "indie" release of all time? quite possibly.
Pavement all day for me, though they were really very different, and not all that comparable.
Watery, Domestic EP is damn near perfect.
HU, Nirvana wins as far as "rock me" factor goes, but some of those songs off of In Utero are unlistenable -- "Tourette's" for example. Pavement has the lyrics.
Lingering question: What would Steve Albini have done for Pavement?
youve never had a bad day and threw this on and just banged your head. its SO therapeutic.
I know...
Edit* I take that back - I have 3 Pavement albums in my iTunes and I like the song "Cut My Hair."
It's Helmet that I have never heard.
though, nirvana should get some points for unplugged; great performance. nevermind the overplayed.
I see where you're coming from.
I go to "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle" when I'm in that mood.
Singing "I miss the comfort in being sad" seems to do the trick. Very emo.
Then I put on my "I wish the lawn was emo so it would cut itself" shirt and sulk for the rest of the day.
frances farmer is prob my favorite song on that album.
Heart-Shaped Box followed by FF, although HSB should have half a minute shaved off at the end.
again i dont know shit about pavement, but nirvana had:
oh the guilt
Fuck you.
Hcrink = nay.
Don't hate me for my mad indie guitar cred, dude.
Pavement hands down all day any day
you sound too cool.
b/w an 11 and a half minute demo of the under two minute "very ape":
Nothing is fucking with Bleach when it comes to that rawness...that in the end is much more important than cleverness.
on the other hand i saw pavement live a good 1/2 dozen times, and for some weird reason have more bootleg pavement shows than i can shake a stick at.
Nirvana all the way - Slanted and Enchanted is a beautiful record, especially if you are freshly in love, and they have some nice 45s, but record for record and live shows, too, I pick Nirvana.
I agree- but i'd still rather listen to Slanted!
I'm a huge Pavement fan- but I have to completely agree with this statement.Well done sir. You know more than Texas rap!
i acctually have that on cassette...