crates list roll call

akoako 3,413 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
who all was on it?i was, its how i made my way to soulstrut.looking back, i cant believe there was still a forum-by-email in the early 2000s. crazy shit.


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I signed up to it, but didn't participate. I think I got some outlook folders with all the shit in there... I'm going to have a look someday...


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    Tragically, I lost all my archives when I let my yahoo mail account lapse.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Yes, signed up thanks to O-dub. Use to contribute as much as I could and started posting my record reviews on that list in 2001.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Present. Still have the emails archived on zip disc somewhere.

  • I was up on that. Before that shit got took to

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

  • soulstrut wasn't there in 2000? i thought that i first registered in 1999? what was the crates list?

    i sometimes stumble across the old exotica music list (from the uk?). some very good information that was passed on in that list. best source for any info on odd european music.

  • akoako 3,413 Posts
    soulstrut wasn't there in 2000? i thought that i first registered in 1999? what was the crates list?

    i sometimes stumble across the old exotica music list (from the uk?). some very good information that was passed on in that list. best source for any info on odd european music.

    soulstrut was around, it just wasnt popular yet.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    Yep yep.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I was on it under my real name from around '98. I definitely remember O-Dub and Philly Phill from there. I think Sixtoo posted to it for a while, and Johnny Juice posted a few times before it was wound up. There were a few other crates list folks who used to post here but have since moved on - Sermad is over at Vinyl Vulture these days, I think, and Diplo was a pretty active contributor for a while, too. I'm sure there's a bunch of others whose names just escape me.

  • soulstrut wasn't there in 2000? i thought that i first registered in 1999? what was the crates list?

    i sometimes stumble across the old exotica music list (from the uk?). some very good information that was passed on in that list. best source for any info on odd european music.

    soulstrut was around, it just wasnt popular yet.

    not popular for you, son!
    you were around 13 back then?

    i didn't know that there was a crates list. sounds interesting. was it better than the-breaks?

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    soulstrut wasn't there in 2000? i thought that i first registered in 1999? what was the crates list?

    i sometimes stumble across the old exotica music list (from the uk?). some very good information that was passed on in that list. best source for any info on odd european music.

    soulstrut was around, it just wasnt popular yet.

    soulstrut is popular?

  • akoako 3,413 Posts
    soulstrut wasn't there in 2000? i thought that i first registered in 1999? what was the crates list?

    i sometimes stumble across the old exotica music list (from the uk?). some very good information that was passed on in that list. best source for any info on odd european music.

    soulstrut was around, it just wasnt popular yet.

    not popular for you, son!
    you were around 13 back then?

    i didn't know that there was a crates list. sounds interesting. was it better than the-breaks?

    i was probably 14 when i joined, hahaha you werent far off!

    werent crates list and the-breaks the same thing?

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    I was on there.

  • cardovacardova 743 Posts
    i was there.

    i was also on o-dub's short lived list.. what was the name again?

  • DigginDiggin 319 Posts
    Me too. I have notes from '98 about checking Volt/Stax/Hi releases for Wu samples

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Yoink! FAQ You, too.

    Regular contributor with the obscure trip-hop/backpack samples, as opposed to the more mainstream hip-hop stuff (while mainstream hip-hop still used samples).


    Submitting my first sample i.d. (can't remember what it was though)

    Angus Beaty (now occasional Guardian music journo) defending his decision to pay a huge wad on ebay for POZ, and then starting a club night dedicated to worshiping the LP for it's rareness, I mean, for just how good an LP it really is. And a week later another copy of POZ going for half the price.

    Egon (I think) going off at new-jacks for not starting with the basics and being too obsessed with the raer. This started some heated exchanges about digging integrity, piousnsess etc.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Just remembered the lowlight:

    My friend walking into the record shop I worked in and saying, "have you seen this?"

    He was holding something called The Holy Book of Hip-Hop Samples[/b]; some nerf had printed loads of the FAQ off and was selling it.

  • Just remembered the lowlight:

    My friend walking into the record shop I worked in and saying, "have you seen this?"

    He was holding something called The Holy Book of Hip-Hop Samples[/b]; some nerf had printed loads of the FAQ off and was selling it.


    i've actually seen someone selling a link to on the german eBay. i can't believe someone paid about 20 euros for that. the description was something like: the winner will be guided to THE sample list website. almost every sample ever used is listed there and you can join the site's forum too.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Yes, funny when you know that the FAQ, a bit like Wikipedia, is always changing and being revised, not so funny when you think that some people who don't know about the FAQ thought this was an amazing buy, well worth the ??20.

    And somewhere, deep in the recesses of my grey-matter, I was wondering about the levels of irony in that I felt cheated to see some of my hard work (and all the other FAQ contributers) being exploited by somebody else who hadn't payed me any royalties. I mean, c'mon! What's that all about? Where's my due?

  • yep..but eventually I had to unsubscribe because that shit kept flooding my inbox. A lot of that shit was way over my head at the time.

  • yes, i was on the crateslist as a littler dude. still have some emails saved from that somewhere...

  • RerogRerog 569 Posts
    I was there... was real good for a while, but when it went downhill, it went downhill fast!

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts

    Just remembered the lowlight:

    My friend walking into the record shop I worked in and saying, "have you seen this?"

    He was holding something called The Holy Book of Hip-Hop Samples[/b]; some nerf had printed loads of the FAQ off and was selling it.

    Yes I remember the "book" as well. It seemed like quite a few versions got printed out and sold.

  • I was there...I was checking the FAQ as far back as '97. Signed up for the list and was loving the post my guys like Motown, soulman, Egon, etc.

    Ahhh...the good ol' days.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    yep..but eventually I had to unsubscribe because that shit kept flooding my inbox. A lot of that shit was way over my head at the time.

    Same here. I eventually switched to the digest version and even that was too much after a while. I, too, remember the hip hop samples bible thing that was just a print out of the FAQ. same font, same layout. I thought it was funny. Not as funny as selling the link to on ebay though, that's hilarious.

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts
    I was on there too

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    I was all up on that shit from the jump. I beleive ChrisCarnahan was on there too, dropping Anticon knowledge for dayz
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