charcoal grill enthusiasts, what should I cop?

I have an old gas grill sitting here and I don't feel like plunking down a hundred something to service it just to get it back to shape. Thus I'm making the move to charcoal (insert manly gruff noise here).Now, I am nowhere near a bbq expert, so if some of you southern brethren can steer me towards the right purchase, that would be 18.5" one touch gold @ $149weber 18.5" one touch silver @ $89.99a href=">prd_id=845524443295724&FOLDER>folder_id=1408474396672587&bmUID=1184639095967">store brand 22" @ $69.99So, what's the difference between gold and silver. Also am I just paying a premium for the brand name or is there a discernable difference in quality of construction. This is is for occasional use only, so 3-4 times per summer.tanks.....
and love it. Bought it a couple months ago and use it at least three times a week (when im in town), but slightly pricey ($250). sorry about the huge pic
but the first one you have listed looks real good. I STRONGLY suggest this book, breaks everything down. I believe they use the first grill you listed as the example grill.
this is my charcoal bbqing bible man, cant say enough about this book
Also invest in this charcoal holder so you don't have to use lighter fluid. Food smells and sucks with lighter fluid.
All you need is the basic Weber......
and the said above chimneys. lighter fluid is for assholes who don't know how to grill. little insider tip for ya as well....get some extra wide tinfoil and tuck around the edges of the ash plate (the silver plate in the middle of the legs) and keep it there when cooking. That way when you're finished - you just wrap the foil up into a ball and throw it out. Makes it so you don't have to deal with detaching the ash plate or worry about that shit blowing all over the place when you're cleaning up.
Yes definitely make sure you get a charcoal chimney regardless of the grill you buy. I personally don't think you need any kind of expensive or special charcoal grill to make great char-grilled food. Weber's have maybe the best rep and probably last the longest, but $150 for a charcoal grill seems unnecessary for grilling 3-4 times a year.
You can go with the most basic model... you don't really need the ash catcher unless you don't have a proper back yard or something (Maybe you have a small cement patio where you might find the ash catcher was useful)
You should check out craigslist or your local paper... I bought a like new deluxe weber at a garage sale for $20 and I see them fairly often and I'm not even looking for them. When people move they don't seem to want to take along their grill and figure on buying another one I guess.
Use that charcoal chimney and don't ever use lighter fluid... if you get a newspaper or some paper towels and soak it with vegetable oil and put that at the bottom of the chimney you can get the coals lit easily without lighter fluid.
Oh yeah, if you do get the smaller weber you can't make 'beer can chicken' it isn't tall enough. You may not know what that is but someday you will!
Good luck