Soulstrut Book

Lately I've been getting into those books like they have in Japan with all the pictures of albums with info about them (I can't read the info because it's in Japanese, but whatever) and it got me thinking, why hasn't soulstrut done a book like that, in English. Motown67 has all these pictures and reviews listed in the reviews section, why aren't they all compiled into a book? Soulstrut wins by selling a book, record heads win by getting a book like this, everybody wins. Let me know when it's made so I can be the first to order one. Thanks.
sure thing, will do.
can you let me know when the pre-orders happenin?
Because it's prohibitively expensive to do so, especially if you do it legally. (Album cover reprinting is a gray area and not one that most people like to wade into unless they want to risk getting sued).
Personally, I think the fact that this stuff is online kind of negates the reason why a lot of people would need/want a book to begin with, especially since you can update stuff on a site infinitely faster than the other way around. That said, for aesthetic reasons, I'd love to see a book. I just don't see it being an affordable thing for Strut to invest in.
A Waxidermy book would probably be a much better concept.
Can we have a book with all the best threads then? Paperback is sufficient. I'd cop.
kala could do the prelude.
I fear it would be too heavily censored by HKKKUNT
Hahah you almost made me spit my cereal out.
My character would be too much from one comic book to contain
I started making one of these using the iPhoto book templates. I think i have about 5 pages done or so, with 4 records per page. It is very DIY, but those apple books are pretty high quality.
So basically, you're saying "Soulstrut's Book of NRR Lists."
Well, the NRR's are what the board is all about, so I believe it should be fully represented.
it'd be a nice bathroom read.
I'm thinking more of a quote book something like you see at the checkout line of the Barnes and Noble. The paper is like the size of a large index card and they're real cheap little books that the thinking is (to the extent there is thinking) someone will carry around with them in their purse or backpack or briefcase and pull it out when they need inspiration. You know the books I mean. Some of them are about cats, others are about Martin Luther King.
Here's a few quotes that would definitely make the pages. Bonus points to anyone who can name the author of two or more. One is a gimme.
???I'm white and a fan of reggae and I like Matisyahu???
???every other word out of my grandfathers mouth is the n bomb, it doesnt mean i don't love him???
???As far as points there really are not any in what I posted???
???i'm really not THAT much of an asshole. but, i can be when pushed...???
???some of you muhfucks are definately secret squirrlin' on some nuts that don't exactly, you know... fall from trees. do us all a favor and wipe that nasty shit off your face. Go ahead. Ban me.???
???Do you have a set of testicles or what? Gimmie your address...I'm sending my chihuahuas over to rape you.???
???Did any of y'all hairy folls ever get like tired of your chest hair and decide to shave it off, then realize "oh shit... my chest is now clean as a baby's ass, but the rest of me is still all beast-like!!!" Then you have to end up shaving your whole damn body unless you don't mind looking like a centaur every time you get naked in front of your woman.???
???Never before has music been simulataneously so gay and so thugged-out. It's like heaven for me.???
Phill Most?
That was the gimme. I'm chuckling by the time I get to "beast-like!!!" and then when he hits the centaur, it gets me laughing out loud every damn time
damn. how did i miss the o.g.? this is my new favorite shit.
biting my motherfucking idea? if there will be a book published, i have get some percentage from the 50 copies sold......
You know what's about to happen...and yet the payoff isn't remotely ruined by that. LOL for days.
This sentence cracked me up. In or out of context it's funny.