The Beastie Boys new look...



  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Ya'll shouldn't have sold your bangin' rare groove collections.


    ...for burnt out b-boys.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    it may not be aamzing, but I don't think they are interested in the kid crowd or the record/music nerd crowd. All i see this album being is a way for them to stay relevent to their aging middle america crowd which if it gets any kind of push will buy this in droves. And this is much better than the alternative... them stillt rying to rap. Just saying.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    this is much better than the alternative ... them still trying to rap.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    this is much better than the alternative ... them still trying to rap.


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    I like.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    If this was a private press record, it would be kinda cool.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    I think part of thier appeal for the second half of thier career was that they were MC's who could also play instruments. Kind of a novelty. It will be interesting to see if they can now exist as just a band w/o the MCing.
    That song and video were NOT imho.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I think part of thier appeal for the second half of thier career was that they were MC's who could also play instruments.

    It's generous to say they were average at both.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    I compare it to Queen Latifah singing jazz... Its not meant to be next level, its just meant to extend their career and hopefully gain an older audience.

    I likes. Good work music.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    If this was a private press record, it would be kinda cool.

    Exactly. If this were some 70s record that someone found digging I bet they'd be juiced, but because it's a major label group with a long history of good and bad music, people don't get excited.

  • hendravishendravis 689 Posts

    I likes. Good work music.

    i cant complain beucs , as much as i love them there's alsways something that doesnt do it for me on their albums.. but what i like i love so

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Interesting before the U2 guitar comes in.

    But the big news is that Baby Huey was cryogenically frozen at death, preserved for 37 years, and then thawed out to produce this album and appear in this video. Now that is some big time pull.

    Also: Is that the jawbone of an ass making a guest appearance?

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I was about to tell you all to stop hating and that there was a badass song on the album. Then I realized I accidently clicked on an Elektro 4 song called, "Tell her."

    In conclusion, this album is tepid, and Elektro 4 is the shit.

    - spidey
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