Imus: The Rap Backlash



  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    There is no more personel accountability.....just excuses.

    but there are reasons why these things go down, acknowledging them doesn't mean you're an apologist.

    What you guys are doing is not "acknowledging the reasons why these things go down"--it's aggressively attempting to pin responsibility where it doesn't belong.

    i assume by 'you guys' you mean fakeass, and not myself or homie jroot who are both attempting to understand fakeass' point (which is quite valid when you read jroot's redux, although not necessarily pertinent to the imus discussion.)

    No, I include you. I do not include JRoot, because his analysis was considerably more precise. And do you even know what "redux" means?

    o'rly? ok faux show me where i was "aggressively attempting to pin responsibility where it doesn't belong." if anything, i've been trying to cut fakeass some slack and not belittle his opinion because it differs from mine..

    sidenote: i'm sure 'precise' lawyerspeak is how you like to hear arguments, but this is a 'record collectors' forum. if you can't lower your standards, at least try to be less robotic in your replies.

    TREW, if you want people to respect your contributions as those of an adult, then you're going to need to start behaving like one. If you are so hostile to the idea of precision, then don't get ass-hurt when people dismiss whatever you're trying--but failing--to say out of hand.

    Now, do you have a substantive rebuttal to anything I said? And, no, "I was just trying to cut dude some slack!" and "don't belittle me!" are not substantive.

    faux, question my adult status if you like, but first back up your remark about how i was "aggressively attempting to pin responsibility where it doesn't belong." you can't run from your claims against me.. prove me wrong, i'm sure you've got it in you.

    TREW, it's not my job to sift back through the thread and compose a cut-n-paste collage of all your previous posts. You know exactly what you said, and you have acted as an apologist for fakeass and his racist dribble throughout this thread. Now, if your repeated "Guys, he's got a point!" posts were intended to mean something other than that you think his attempt to displace the blame for Imus's actions onto rap and movies had some validity, then let's hear it.

    Fakeass was not engaged in some intellectually daring deconstruction. He was just being a dumb racist, and sentiments like that don't merit anything other than belittling.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Raven is so fugly...i have the right to say that. I think. I hope.

    Not ugly...just fat.

    but she's a fuckin kabillionaire and she's single.......One of these young dudes need to get their Stedman game together or i may have to leave my girl to chase that.

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Ed, i didnt mistype...i said fugly (fat+ugly)...
    I saw her in N.Y. during one of my trip...girl had the video game out. Anyway, she's scary in real life. I sware...But like you said, she's loaded with dollars, so i would teach her a thing or two, sexually speaking, but i'll cut off the light if that's an option.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    He can(and will) be back on the air when a company who doesn't mind the controversy will hire him.

    Nah ...he's done .....Sponsers wont support him on free radio .....Howard is at Sirius.....Too many black people at XM.

    Our mailroom personnel is contracted from the same company that XM Radio contracts their mailroom people from. All the young guys here can't wait til something opens up at XM (I have it on good authority that all the honeys work at XM)!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Ed, i didnt mistype...i said fugly (fat+ugly)...

    Fugly = fuckin' ugly

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    TREW, it's not my job to sift back through the thread and compose a cut-n-paste collage of all your previous posts.

    but you're so good at it.. and really, if you can't back up your claims against me with my own words, then drop it. bottom line is you're making unfounded claims. re-read my posts brother.

    You know exactly what you said, and you have acted as an apologist for fakeass and his racist dribble throughout this thread.

    oh boy, here we go.. honestly faux i don't even know we're arguing about anymore. i'm guessing it's because i thought fakeass had a point regarding mass media/rap/movies (as it pertains to the overall issue of racism and not the imus situation, as i've mentioned REPEATEDLY)

    we agree that imus is a racist asshole, deserved what he got, and whatever else is coming to him. i'm content to leave our discussion at that.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    izm posts =

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    i dunno, people told me fugly was that...old ass terms from th 90's. I think nobody is using it anymore. You sure about fuckin ugly? I would trust you if you tell me so.

    Hold on, phat means pretty hot and tempting right? OR you gonna crush my world again?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    i dunno, people told me fugly was that...old ass terms from th 90's. I think nobody is using it anymore. You sure about fuckin ugly? I would trust you if you tell me so.

    Hold on, phat means pretty hot and tempting right? OR you gonna crush my world again?

    Alas, Harvey is correct! You have been using the term wrong all these minutes!

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts


  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Fugly or not ..... and film

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    "blap and film" as in Kim and Ray, or "blap and film" as in Bangbros???

    ps : thanks for the clarification...seems like i needed it.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    RE: Censorship, Free Speech.

    CBS radio could have and should have and did fire Imus for a number of reasons.

    Firing him because advertisers pulled support would have been a good business decision. I think it is the reason he was fired. Nothing to do with censorship.

    According to CBS he was fired for making inappropriate remarks that did not reflect the values of CBS. This is also a legit reason for firing. I doubt if this was really the reason he was fired.

    Firing him because he made controversial comments I would consider censorship. Legal, since it does not effect his right to make the statements. Still it is CBS doing self censorship.

    If we are going to talk about freedom of speech while we are talking about Imus I think that would look something like, following the Imus show with the Michael Moore show or the Lazerwolf show. In other words if CBS was about freedom of speech everyone would have access to the airwaves.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts


    Interesting. We say "butt-ugly," but it sounds like regional variations on the same thing. How about "swass"? Is that not universal?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    It is honestly terrifying to me how little some people know about the Constitution. The less you know about your legal rights, the more easily they can be stripped from you.

    Now this is truth. Between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, we're talking about maybe 15 minutes of reading, and they're available at your local library. I know, it hasn't occurred to so many Americans because we take it for granted, etc., but fuck that. As an American, it's possibly the best 15 minutes you can spend reading in your entire life.

    Or, better yet, I'm sure you can Google it right now.

    Seriously. Better than Wax Poetics. I shit you not.

  • As I screamed at a guy at work, "THIS IS NOT A FIRST AMENDMENT ISSUE."

    And, then as I got heated at my boss, "THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIP HOP."

    Man. this story and its legs are just amazing to me.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Dude, beyond the fact that you are mad, you
    are also all wrong. Just stop. Please stop trying
    to tell everyone how the black man should be presented
    to society, because frankly, you aren't in any position
    to do so, as far as I can see.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    What race/nationality are you? That might change perspective on things.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    What race/nationality are you? That might change perspective on things.

    how will that change what im saying?


  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    What race/nationality are you? That might change perspective on things.

    how will that change what im saying?


    so a black man saying what im saying is ok,
    but if i was a white man and was saying exactly the same words then it would be racism..

    I didn't say any of that. Why don't you just answer the question?

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Yall loose too much typing on one racist republican dude. People like him are numerous, it's just that they usually dont post on a forum mainly dedicated to "black music"...oh gosh i hate this term...
    Dude is just out of his league. He's like a KKK member at some Black Panthers Party reunion. He sticks out like a sore thumb. He dont realize it because the simple idea of him being wrong is not compatible with his personnality. The real question would be "why do you bother listening to Eddie Kendricks or Gil-Scott?". Does he ever know about those dudes? And why do you bother posting about Black people when you obviously don't know much, probably dont hang around much and probably dont give a rat azz. Trying to play the educated fool is nice sometimes, but words can't fool everybody dude...Going to Scool gives you a job maybe, but not a brain apparently.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

    I don't think they needed to fire him. But it's not my company so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    Why not Casper ?

    And yes.... your opinion does matter.

    First let me start by saying I was wrong to bring up the first amendment as it does not apply to this situation. I stand corrected. Personally I hear misinformation on the radio regularly, that I feel is more damaging than Imus's stupid comments. I'm not going to quote anyone. Just turn on Mike Savage, Opie&Anthony or any other idiot with a talk show. I'm not sure how many people actually believed that the entire Rutgers team were prostitutes. To me, misinfo that is more believable is more damaging to a society. I understand that CBS fired Imus as a business move. But if I were firing/censoring people on moral grounds, I might aim my sights elsewhere first. That is all.

    And I do not think all censorship is bad. Sometimes it's very necessary.

  • BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts
    This is interesting! You guys should be proud that you never walk away from a debate, no matter how loaded the bases are.. I have been reading these kinda battles for 6 years now, anything that provokes dialogue and discussion, particularly in the utterly confusing and hypocrisy ridden (and enjoyment ridden, of course) world of hip hop.. is valid and useful.

    now that I feel stupid enough to reply, riddle me this

    I have a jamaican friend. She is an emcee. She has a song about "hos", where she calls out "bitches" for making "hos" of themselves. This is a song about real life. It's not conscious, it's just straight up, fuck hos. fuck em.

    does she deserve to be taken to the cleaners on oprah?

    where do you draw the line between "I believe all women are hos" and "i'm purely addressing women who actually ARE hos in this song, and shouldn't require a disclaimer to do so". Surely it's all about context!


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    unbearable thread

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    and it's drivel not dribble, smart guy.

    No, "it" is not.

    They're two wholly different words and I deliberately chose "dribble" to refer to the noxious trickle of your posts, like so much intellectual diarrhea.

    Don't ever step to me on some vocabulary schitt, cretin.


    Flagrant onanistic abuse of the "Knowledge Dropped" graemlin.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Personally I hear misinformation on the radio regularly, that I feel is more damaging than Imus's stupid comments. I'm not going to quote anyone.

    I listen to the radio all day and have no idea what "regular misinformation" you're talking about....To dismiss Imus' comments as "stupid" seems like an attempt to gloss the obvious racist and sexist mentality responsible for his remarks

    Just turn on Mike Savage, Opie&Anthony or any other idiot with a talk show.

    i don't know who Mike Savage is ....Opie and Anthony were fired before with very little opposition ...They had a big audience......Is what they did less offensive ?

    I'm not sure how many people actually believed that the entire Rutgers team were prostitutes.

    Nobody actually believes he actually called them hoes because he actually believed they were actual prostitutes..... please dude

    To me, misinfo that is more believable is more damaging to a society.

    Misinformation like using censorship in a discussion where it doesn't belong ?

    The Misinformation discussion belongs in the Dick Gregory thread.

    But if I were firing/censoring people on moral grounds

    We've already established this isn't a censorship issue so please stop using the word......and try not to think of this as a moral issue....either you support or don't support employing a racist and sexist.......there is no but

    I might aim my sights elsewhere first.

    where ? rap ? Rap doesn't belong in this discussion either.......The film and television argument is weak..... and i don't beleive any other radio personality ever called a group of black women nappy headed hoes.

    And I do not think all censorship is bad. Sometimes it's very necessary.

    There's that word again

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    the reality of the whole situation is the hiphop generation is going to scoff at whoever says it, regardless if it was a successful rapper or a republican politican.. look at bill cosby.


  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    My god it is nauseating to watch people try to come up with excuses for this man. He is a professional speaker dating back decades. Words are his business. Noone puts words in his mouth. Did I mention that he's a professional speaker? Maybe folks could make excuses for a 2 year old uttering a racial slur, but a man for whom speaking is his trade?

    I listened to Ready to Die on the way to work this morning. Am I any more likely to let Biggie quotes slip when speaking with my boss? No. And I'm not a professional speaker.

    He's an old racist prick. Ya wanna know where those words came from? They came from the mouth of an old racist prick. Period.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Interesting that the artist chose to make Lois more voluptuous when she turned Black.
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