Is "Babel" one of the worst movies ever?

Mad Drama TeacherMad Drama Teacher 1,985 Posts
edited March 2007 in Strut Central
I say yes.All of you in favor of a class action lawsuit, check in here.


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,136 Posts
    Haven't seen it, but if it's similiar to the incredibly corny Crash then I'll take your word for it

  • Several of the reviews I read made the comparison to "Crash."

    Don't see it unless your life depends on it.

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts
    I'm guessing "yes". I'll be damned if I'm gonna watch it to find out, though. I'm still tapped out from that 21 Grams debacle.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Haven't seen it, but if it's similiar to the incredibly corny Crash then I'll take your word for it

    It's funny, when I saw the title of this thread, I says to myself, self, there is
    no way it could be any worse than Crash. And lo and behold, right away there is
    a mention of Crash. Crash=most retarded movie ever, overbearing, heavy-handed,
    cliche, not to mention the worst movie to ever win Best Picture.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    yeah it's geopolitical crash. shit was horrid.

  • HollafameHollafame 844 Posts
    [dicksnot] I kinda liked it [/dicksnot]

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    yeah it's geopolitical crash. shit was horrid.
    yep, i agree. if i had to pick one to watch again tho, it would be "babel" because it had a better look.
    the director is lucky he gets mentioned in the same breath as curon and del toro.

  • planlessplanless 819 Posts
    Crash is a good movie and Babel too. far away from being the worst movie ever.

  • parenparen 537 Posts

    watch Code Unknown, instead.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Crash is a good movie

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NEVER SEEN A GOOD MOVIE.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    i hear the japanese chick with the bad teeth is naked in the movie. that cant all be bad can it?

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Crash is a good movie and Babel too. far away from being the worst movie ever.

    Crash was for simps.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    I say yes.

    All of you in favor of a class action lawsuit, check in here.

    That's a bit much perhaps, but I did find it extremely underwhelming. Don't believe the hype.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i think some of yall have too much expectations before going into a movie. i hardly read reviews anymore and ill be damned if i go see a movie because it was nominated for some stupid bullshit award.

    crash was cool. it was funny. those that didnt think so didnt get it. rather yall were expecting more. dont.

    babel was nice too. once again i went in thinking this is a stupid brad pitt movie (which i knew it wasnt) and i left thinking it was better than the queen (double feature).

    lessen your hopes for a good movie and youll enjoy more... anyway, thats what i do and i never feel like ive wasted $40 at the movies.

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts

    lessen your hopes for a good movie and youll enjoy more... anyway, thats what i do and i never feel like ive wasted $40 at the movies.

    Do you realize what a sad commentary on the state of movies that is???

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    crash was cool. it was funny. those that didnt think so didnt get it.

    Crash wasn't a comedy, dude. At least not on purpose...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    watch Code Unknown, instead.


    Crash is doodoo of every colour.

    folks should just watch Code Unknown no matter what.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    i was very much a hatter of Babel when i first saw it. Over time, i have decided it's not that bad though. Should it have garnered all the attention it did, IMO no. But it was an interesting story and the connectivity of actions across the globe is somewhat of a cool idea to film.

    my biggest beef with the film was the negative light in which the director/editor chose to show each and every situation. at no point in this movie does anyone catch a break. as much as i hate hollywood cheese endings, the idea of every horrible thing happening to every person all at once, seems like the same premise of the cheesy ending, just the other side of the coin.

  • HollafameHollafame 844 Posts
    i was very much a hatter of Babel when i first saw it. Over time, i have decided it's not that bad though. Should it have garnered all the attention it did, IMO no. But it was an interesting story and the connectivity of actions across the globe is somewhat of a cool idea to film.

    my biggest beef with the film was the negative light in which the director/editor chose to show each and every situation. at no point in this movie does anyone catch a break. as much as i hate hollywood cheese endings, the idea of every horrible thing happening to every person all at once, seems like the same premise of the cheesy ending, just the other side of the coin.

    That was the point of the movie though, and in fact very true to life.

    There are shitloads of people in the world that "can't catch a break."

    What I liked about Babel was that it was REAL. Nothing that happened in that movie was far-fetched or implausible. Every scenario is entirely possible and in some cases highly probable.

    People can hatt on its heavy-handedness (a la Crash), but when you think about your average have to appreciate it because I can guarantee there were a lot of people that were deeply affected by the film. Sometimes you gotta lay it on pretty thick to get your point accross...and thats what they did at some points, but it was also balanced with a degree of subtlety.

    I also liked the fact that the film illustrates that no event occurs in a vacuum...the effects can be far reaching (the whole butterfly-->hurricane thing).

    All in all it was a million times better than 21 grams and most of the performances in the film were stellar. Hate if you want, but lets see you do better.

    On a side note, I cannot see how the Departed is any better a film than Babel.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

    Iwanted to like Babel. But the lack of endings in movies has been frusterating lately.

    Not that movies that stop instead of end are bad (see Texas Chainsaw Masacre OG version)

    But movies like Babel are annoying. Too many unanswered questions/ loose ends=

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts

    What I liked about Babel was that it was REAL. Nothing that happened in that movie was far-fetched or implausible. Every scenario is entirely possible and in some cases highly probable.

    see i totally disagree. Yes, every one[/b] particular item in that movie was plausible, but the fact that ALL[/b] happened at the same time...c'mon dog, pandering to 'psuedo-indie flick' crowd.

    shit...the whole subplot about the Japanese gun owner/daughter reeked of "over-the-topness". I mean she had to be deaf and have a mother who killed herself? Of course it's possible but the whole movie was wrought of these 'and' scenarios. to the point where i thought it took away from the film. towards the end, i wasn't thinking about how all was connected, but instead what foul shit is going to happen next.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    lessen your hopes for a good movie and youll enjoy more... anyway, thats what i do and i never feel like ive wasted $40 at the movies.

    Do you realize what a sad commentary on the state of movies that is???

    yeah I agree. fuck low expectations. once you've seen a really good movie, I mean a GOOD movie, why settle for anything less after that? I mean, it's these dudes' job to make good movies, and they are extremely well compensated for doing it. why give them a pass? it's not like in some fields where they lack resources or good people. Hollywood is a bottomless well of money. so why do we settle?

  • HollafameHollafame 844 Posts

    What I liked about Babel was that it was REAL. Nothing that happened in that movie was far-fetched or implausible. Every scenario is entirely possible and in some cases highly probable.

    see i totally disagree. Yes, every one[/b] particular item in that movie was plausible, but the fact that ALL[/b] happened at the same time...c'mon dog, pandering to 'psuedo-indie flick' crowd.

    You don't think that with 6 BILLION people roaming around this planet that these or even perhaps far worse scenarios could occur simultaneously?

    I think you might be living in the very bubble that Inarritu is trying to break people out of.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    I think you might be living in the very bubble that Inarritu is trying to break people out of.

    dude...go finish your latte and your essay on Bukowski. leave me alone to wander aimlessly in my 'bubble'.

  • I think you might be living in the very bubble that Inarritu is trying to break people out of.

    dude...go finish your latte and your essay on Bukowski. leave me alone to wander aimlessly in my 'bubble'.

    Fuck yeah.

    Take that, Frenchy!

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    yeah crash was funny because it was so stupid. there were moments where i was thinking that certain characters were in bad situations but overall i can laugh at stuff like that. so to me it was a comedy. haha... funny.

    lessen your hopes for a good movie and youll enjoy more... anyway, thats what i do and i never feel like ive wasted $40 at the movies.

    Do you realize what a sad commentary on the state of movies that is???

    yeah I agree. fuck low expectations. once you've seen a really good movie, I mean a GOOD movie, why settle for anything less after that? I mean, it's these dudes' job to make good movies, and they are extremely well compensated for doing it. why give them a pass? it's not like in some fields where they lack resources or good people. Hollywood is a bottomless well of money. so why do we settle?

    ive gone and paid for plenty of supposedly "good" movies and they turn out not as good as i had read/been told. so im not settling, i stratight up dont spend my money at the movies like before, i dont rent videos either like i used to. its a waste of my time and money.

    so no passes are given i just think movies are mostly bullshit now and i watch them with that frame of mind. that way, for the few times i try and see a pans labyrinth, babel, queen, children of men, i find myself enjoying the cinematography and overall movie more. i dont follow directors anymore either because theyve let me down over the years too. as have actors and acting from our "Stars".

    in regards to the "job" we are expecting from these directors/writers, its also a musicians jobs to create music that is enjoyable to listen to and look how well the music of today is?

    i left the music industry/media a few years back and have a great understanding of what crap is released to the public. i just dont want to be the sucker whos sitting on message boards complaining about a movie that was supposed to be great and once again for the hundreth time realize i just watched a bullshit movie over sold to the public.

    anyway, thats just me... but go on with yalls rant. its very entertaining as usual.

  • hertzhoghertzhog 865 Posts
    I'm definitely not crazy about it or anything, but hating on it like that is plain hyperbole. You didn't think the cinematography was good? The music? The acting? Sure, it has its flaws and everything, but no matter what: Babel > Crash. And like I said in the earlier thread about Babel, and as has been pointed out here, Code Inconnu is definitely the best film of the bunch. But I have a feeling that people who expect clear cut resolutions will end up disliking it even more than Babel.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    clear cut resolutions

    can downright ruin a film

  • I think you might be living in the very bubble that Inarritu is trying to break people out of.

    dude...go finish your latte and your essay on Bukowski. leave me alone to wander aimlessly in my 'bubble'.

    Dude, keep Bukowski out of this.

  • Don't people seek resolution, though?

    I'll answer that for you: They do.

    The reason I hated this piece of shit movie so much wasn't because of the acting, the cinematography, or the music -- who cares about those, anyhow -- I hated it because the characters were used for one purpose: To show pain and suffering. The development of the characters was nearly non-existent; they were thrown onto the screen, beaten up, ground up, and then the movie ended. Fuck that. The movie should have started where it ended. Good stories talk about pain and torture and anguish, but they couple it with redemptive qualities. I feel sorry for a director whose worldview is people being united through pain and sorrow. Personally, I choose love and hope.

    The anti-gun message of the movie was ridiculous.
    The bumbling American stereotype was ridiculous.
    The supposed language barrier was reminiscent of bad post-modern theory. It was also ridiculous.

    Worst movie ever.
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