When did this become a $200+ 45????
4,513 Posts
Just saw this end on eBay. It's an original Seven B presing and in mint condition, but I've always seen this go in the $50-$60 range on eBay. Now it's over $200???? What gives?http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4735609050&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
I've been seeing the Capitol issue go in that range (50-60) for a couple years, maybe even a little higher. So the local issue going for more makes sense. $212 is definitely a decent chunk of change, but I don't think I've seen many NM copies being auctioned recently
the real question is who is this nemo23 character.
The highest I've seen a Seven B version go on eBay was for $80. The last one I saw was in March, 05 and it only went for $52.
damn, which one?
isn't this like a 10 dollar record? i have passed it up so many times it's unbelievable that this would be going for 200.
Don't you know? It's a "groovy band"
Maybe this is another " I just heard about a DJ Shadow sample" purchase.
Popsike flat-out LIES sometimes. I'm convinced of it.
What?! I didnt even know it was worth five. I've got like two of those. You can practially find that on the street. Shit, Ima get in this ebay game.
Maybe with all that talk about a Seven-B box set, someone said "OH, SO IT IS OF INTEREST, EH? FUCKA, JUMP THAT SHIT UP TO TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!"
"Rare 45s 10 degrees to starboard..."
A VGplus copy of the Seven B issue sold for 120 something about 2 weeks ago & I think it was even listed as 'northern soul' instead of 'funk'...
I'm gonna blow up Delay's spot on this one, he bid on his own auction under another name, super obvious though it was like Dr. Delay or something like that. Sorry man
I think the 'Just Dropped In...' 45 has been catching big bucks.