The cost for health insurance in NYC for a healthy single male who doesn't smoke is $500 a month....this is the cheapest plan by the way! To me that shit is ludicrous!!! On my current salary, I could never afford that at all. In addition, I "make too much" to receive discount health insurance in NYC. Again, ludicrous!!! What I want to know is why are so many of our polictians and Americans in general against free health insurance for all American citizens? I mean to me it just doesn't make sense to do otherwise. Thoughts please!Amir
Hillary knows this.
I mean, I'd support efforts for universal health care anywhere - but it won't be easy. They did something workable in Vermont and Massachusetts, at least. Good luck.
pretty much the only argument I've ever heard on this.
I'm guessing there are some powerful drug company lobbyists involved all over this issue
just a thought though... maybe you can organize a group of working dj's who do not have coverage, call yourself a company and get some sort of group rate/premiums? I dont know what the legality of that is but something to think about or find more about?
good luck.
Seriously, just about every right-wing anti-government health care stance boils down to this. I wish I were joking about that, but I'm not.
now, mind you, in a perfect society, i do believe in free health care. but this is far from perfect, yes?
i would love for it to work. but i have very little faith in the government
dental horror stories in england. nerve ending switcheroos in italy.
but in the long run, people have the security of being covered without the gigantic wallet hit that happens in america. in america, a long hospital stay can wipe out six figures of savings. wtf!
my old girls parents dont pay health insurance and fly to costa rica to get operations!
with the obesity epidemic spreading rapidly,expect every aspect of health care in this country to be under siege in the coming years. everyone will pay.
In 2006 approximately 75% of the children born at the public John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas were born to "undocumented citizen" parents and were paid for by taxpayer $$$.
When they start discussing costs of treatments, it puts you in an environment not unlike a used car dealer's. It's absolute bullshit. The practices of medical and dental care are out of control in this country. All of the elective bullshit that they push on you wouldn't be an issue if medical coverage were offered to all. What happens in situations like mine is an instant skepticism and lack of respect for doctors who come across like they are more concerned about their profit than my health. It makes me sick (npi).
goddamned people be runnin' around holding up f.a. hayek's "the road to serfdom" like it's the bible. (again, npi.)
We strongly believe in this as a national value
When i think of how much healthcare costs in the US especially if you are in a financially precarious position I find it quite harsh and unfair...
We have problems with managing it (staffing,budgeting) in quebec there is a lot of hoopla about waiting time increasing etc...
however i can say from first hand experience service is still great...fucking great despite all the
the big issue here is allowing for privatization on a large scale
most think this is opening the door for social inequality and the end of the canadian way
with you guys there would be no problem for privatization thus making the universalization of healthcare that more manageable
it would be great for the country and the people and no one could complain
I can't beleive this is not as much of an issue in your country...
first off, there is absolutely no way at this day and age that we as a nation would go completely over to a social healthcare system. the healthcare industry is just to big. the best that could most probably happen is a social healthcare system with there still being an option to pay for your own healthcare. i mean, lets face it, there are a select group of people that have enough of the worlds economy to pay to have their asses frozen and thawed in gold coffins like 100 times over. they aint gonna take the same pitily shit you and i would get for free.
for example, remember school lunch? subsidized food that was controlled by the government. it was sustenance at a very affordable rate. but, now, honestly, how many of us ate that shit? not many. it was low grade horsemeat that met a certain government standard of quality. and it was very apparent that that standard was very low. this is what i imagine happening to healthcare if it were to be socialized.
You may have to wait longer for treatment, but the Doctors are just as capable.
Its been discussed at length on here before.
In the UK you pay 40% tax if you earn from ??33,300 and above. As opposed to the US # 25%: from $30,651 to $74,200 or # 28%: from $74,201 to $154,800.
It would take a HUGE hike in your taxes to set up. This would have obvious negative economic repercussions. So I don't see this ever happening in the US.
Thay brought me into this world and will no doubt see me out when the time comes...
A little Socalism is a good thing...
not gonna happen, not ever never ever never. and while there are obvious positives regarding the situation in canada and UK there are some CRAZY bureaucratic issues that go along with it. me the best thing i see coming out of this country is something similar to what is happening in MA. from what i have read about it, basically like car insurance everyone has to pay for healthcare insurance (except those in the extreme poverty group) and like car insurance you can get the baller plan if you want to drop a lot of money or just the bare minimum if thats all you can afford.
there is no perfect solution to this. insurance companies are embedded in our government and our lives. if we are going to live with them i would rather a situation like that above.
right now people are just testing their luck. 1 yr ago i would have said, fuck paying for health insurance, the only thing likely to happen to me is something crazy like getting hit by a bus. one appendix removal later ($20K bill) and i swear by insurance now. the thought of people have to pay for $20K for a surgery that you must have and can't afford is so depressing. but i am not going to just pull an idea out of the sky like 'lets give everyone free insurance'
shit...half the people who say shit like that (not talking about the strut specifically) don't have the first clue as to how we would pay for it in the long term (if you say iraq you are dumber than you think) and most of the folks are so against raising taxes. if everyone paid for insurance (even a little) it would in theory reduce our premiums we pay. that i think is the best thing we can possibly ask for given the current situation.
baby steps folks, baby steps.
wow. LA here I come.
or maybe toronto
would you guys be down for 40%
Right - this is what the country needs on a whole - not
standardized "free" care for everyone, which is not viable
at this stage in the game, but a MINIMUM STANDARD of heath care
for everyone, meaning that everyone has access to health care,
regardless of income - those with a higher income will have to
pay more ... people are scared of this because it smacks of the
evil "W" word, AKA "welfare," but there is a big difference between
handing out paychecks to people who aren't working, and creating
a safety net so that impoverished and low-income families are
not denied basic and quality care for their children and themselves.
"UNIVERSAL" health care doesn't have to mean "free" - it just means
coverage for everyone, at costs they can afford - so that if you
are diagnosed with cancer, it doesn't mean your kids can't go to college
and you have to sell your house.
It's funny how socialized medicine is treated as near-communism
by the powers-that-be in our country, yet our two biggest allies
in the world have had it for as long as any of us can remember.