Six Songs That Kill You

kidinquisitivekidinquisitive 1,627 Posts
edited July 2016 in Record Collecting
There seems to be an shared feeling that Soulstrut has been in a bit of a funk lately so I figured it would be a good time for a little show and tell. Here's six records I've dug up recently that make the time spent searching worth every second. Please share six of your favorite recent finds with photos and/or audio if possible


1. The Robins "Truble"

Love the production and the vocals and the sparse yet effective backing. I'd love to find more stuff like this.

2. John Martyn "Back To Stay"

I believe this is Martyn's first album and to my ears it may just be his best. This is no-frills, intimate folk of the highest caliber.

3. Roberto y su Nuevo Montuno "Nacio Pa' Mi"

From a super solid but somewhat overlooked mid-70's salsa album. Again, no frills music that feels so pure and timeless.

4. The G.C.'s (Gospel Clouds) "Let Us Pray"

This may just be my favorite gospel record. Harmony soul with unique instrumentation. If anyone else has a copy please PM me.

5. The Original Chambers Bros."Who Lives By The Law"

The lyrics to this just hit me like a bag of bricks.

6. Thee Midniters - Empty Heart

I'm not much of a garage head but I'll make an exception for this any day.


  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

    4. The G.C.'s (Gospel Clouds) "Let Us Pray"

    The hell are those keys?!? Very unique record...almost like if Curtis Mayfield did gospel stuff with a different backing band.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    4. The G.C.'s (Gospel Clouds) "Let Us Pray"

    I am really feeling this. Can't find anything on the net about it. How long have you had this?

  • 4. The G.C.'s (Gospel Clouds) "Let Us Pray"

    I am really feeling this. Can't find anything on the net about it. How long have you had this?

    I found it a couple months ago in El Cerrito. I couldn't find anything about it either. The group went on to do at least a couple LP's later on in the 70's and were relatively successful.

  • pknypkny 549 Posts
    You are truly That Dude. I'm downloading now, and if these tracks are on par with the stuff you put on your SS Swap mix, I'm hyped to hear them. Thanks for the generosity.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

    4. The G.C.'s (Gospel Clouds) "Let Us Pray"

    The hell are those keys?!? Very unique record...almost like if Curtis Mayfield did gospel stuff with a different backing band.

    This is the kind of song you just shake your head and say dammmmmmnnnnnn.

    Thanks for uploading!!!

  • Yeah, great record! Thanks for the mp3's dude.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    Yeah, great record! Thanks for the mp3's dude.

    ive been after a copy for about 5 or 6 years. maybe more... tough record to find.

  • Yeah, great record! Thanks for the mp3's dude.

    For a second I was trying to figure out why you photoshopped out my yellow adaptor until I realized you were showing your own copy. Have you come across any other early 45's by them or anything else on that label?

  • ... although, if PeeRow had merely photochopped out the adaptor to insert the face of 40 fonzarelli, that would've been all good too!

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    great stuff, thank you
    i'll try to contribute when i get a minute

  • my effort to improve the health of the strut:

    I will never tire of these:

    Gimme a Little Sign- Brenton Wood.

    yeah, you can catch it on the oldies station, but it is probably my favorite soul song ever recorded.

    Acid- Ray Barretto.

    This whole album is mind blowing; i was thinking today that most of the latin i like is just trying to recreate how i felt when i first heard this song.

    What a Man- Linda Lyndell.

    my first serious 45 purchase, I chased this for years. First serious soul grail...

    Bra- Cymande.

     Inspired by the other thread, this walked into the record store I worked at in college, and they priced it at $3...i will always have a copy of this record.

    Awakening- Ahmad Jamal-

    I love playing this late at night, when i'm up reading and my wife is asleep. later, when i come to bed, she'll say, 'you played the pretty jazz song,' and then go back to sleep.

    Right on for the Darkness- Curtis & Willie Wright.

    what a song. what a cover.

    Indie Rock List:

    Randy Describes Eternity- Built to Spill.

    Yeah, I'd say that's a long time.

    Talkin' Shit about a Pretty Sunset- Modest Mouse.

    Crashed my car, drove an hour home with the hood in a V with my ex-girl behind me. Pretty much sums up that song.

    Gold Star for Robot Boy- GbV.

    Just does it every time.

    Else- Built to Spill.

    you may not know this, but the greatest rock song ever might have been put onto their Keep it Like a Secret LP. this is that song.

    kennel district- Pavement. man.

     that one KILLED it on my mix tapes.

    dance steps- the natural history.

    just a song i heard on the radio once, that i fell in love with immediatly. forgetable band and album. GREAT song.

    Man, go to NYC for a couple days, and everyone freaks out about this place; my sister is done drying her hair, and we're off to dinner, but for proof of strut health, i'll post when we're home seems to be doing ok.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Man, go to NYC for a couple days

    Doin' any rackord shopping down there?

    You can pick up that Silhouettes and Village Callers
    at GRNYC for me

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Gimme a Little Sign- Brenton Wood. yeah, you can catch it on the oldies station, but it is probably my favorite soul song ever recorded.

    ...and the coolest keyboard solo this side of Del Shannon's "Runaway."

    Awakening- Ahmad Jamal- I love playing this late at night, when i'm up reading and my wife is asleep. later, when i come to bed, she'll say, 'you played the pretty jazz song,' and then go back to sleep.

    Because she had her "Awakening." (Needed to be said.)

  • Lee Dorsey - Get Out Of My Life Woman

    The Tomko's - Spook

    Funkadelic - Let's take it to the people

    Lucky Clark - Let Me Be The Fool

    Hank Ballard - Hey there sexy lady

    Gale Garnett - You've been talking about me baby

  • i have no idea what this record is. if you read japanese, by all means please tell me because it is the shit. this woman is singing in what almost sounds like a kabuki theater style, but it 's more like she skipped her class in the overwrought and decided to do the most intimate, stripped-down folk blues version of it she could. loner shamisen? fuck i hope not. and then out of nowhere you have some humming yellow magic electronics. why the fuck is this happening, i have no idea. this is a snippet - the whole side of the record is one long piece.

    south african field recording, 1950s. hypnotic bow resonance. sound of the womb, sound of the soil. this is characterized as a "little song" in the liner notes. funny, because listening to it, i think i just realized my life thus far has not lived up to these 75 seconds.

    brigitte fontaine / areski belkacem - "je suis venu te voir"

    this is one of the most intensely kinetic love records i've ever heard. it sounds like waking up somewhere alien next to someone who is too complex to understand. there is more than enough much potential between the notes and voices to dupe simplicity into submission.

    the way this song kind of slithers up to meet itself reminds me of completing in real life an action that was started in a dream. and if a song can do that, i am very much with it. this is jazz's skeleton.

    menelik wossenachew - "tezeta"

    ethiopian folk. tezeta is a style that has been likened to blues, but in reality it's just folklore music, storytelling that happens to be sad. this kind of elliptical groove and wet guitar pushing up through the sandy vastness of the song's space absolutely kill me. fucking KILL me. if it weren't so haunting and the band's tightness not so sinister, i would almost call this a lullaby.

    jeanette - "porque te vas"

    if you've seen carlos saura's "cria cuervos" you will probably cry when you hear this song. if not, go see that shit. this is one of the happiest sad songs ever written. beautiful bubblegum pop at it's most intoxicating. i wanted one of the six songs not to be so heavy. if you don't speak spanish, it's this one.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    This is really fucking great. Thank you for sharing.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    I want to throw my pebbles in the pond. But first... On morality and the modern man: What, after all, are we given... do you see?


    I also want to make this, since I'm sleepless (with no egg-fluid to mother me), a cross-pollenated multi-tasking affair. Consider this post, in Top 5 style:

    1. Six Songs That Kill Me Right Now
    2. Letters To Things and People
    3. Unattainable Shorties
    4. Unjade Yourself / An Homage: Schnipper Zine Bamzine #1
    5. Where Schnipper At, Anyway?

    Jim Croce - "New York is Not My Home"

    First, you recherch??ophiles need to reaffirm your allegiance with the noted, known, celebrate blue collar motherfuckers that wear work boots and jean jackets with CAT patches (like Jim, here) or carry lunch boxes (Bill Withers, bitch!) on their album covers. Look at this dude... If you're still not feelin' it, then wreckognyze that Croce, like our own Cosmo Baker, is a South-Philly-born, workin'-at-the-carwash-blues-havin', time-in-a-bottle-savin', hard-time-losin' man. So what does that mean? I'll tell you. You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask of that old lone ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim! That's what the fuck is up, hoss. He's like the ?uestlove of the mustachioed blue jean folk scene. If you don't own this record, you need to get to a dime bin, and quick. It's aces, through and through. Tenderize yourself, tough guy.

    I gotta get outta here/ I'm so alone

    Glen Gray & The Casa Loma Orchestra - "Girl of My Dreams"

    Since you fuckers (Rockadelic excluded) can't get with some croonery, let me share my favorite. Kenny Sargent, the man with the golden tonsils, at 78 revolutions per minute. Now, who wants to get fucked in a puddle of blood?

    Charlie Smalls - "Never Felt Like This Before"

    Putting aside my 40-plus-feels-like-doin-it-with-my-friend's-mom fantasy about Gena Rowlands, which is why I bought this (photos on the back, too), I have to give it up to Mr. Smalls for preventing this record from being relegated to the look-no-listen heap. Who the fuck is Charlie Smalls? I can get behind this guy, and all of his fret-buzz.

    UT - "This Bliss"

    As the resident dyke mafia aficionado, I'm pleased to share this slice of post-punk business--the first release from the OUT RECORDS label. Drumming on this EP leaves you almost thankful for the invention, and later inundation, of the Linn Drum. Sturdy. But you need to remember... bad drumming is memorable, the Linn drum is absolutely predictable (see those Sly Stone singles). I just completed my UT catalog, most of which is now reissued by Mute, but not this. Who cares, right? Chicks who wear eyeliner, but refuse to put out (much less dyke off), what part of the game is that? I don't mind/ cause there's a fascination...

    I, I, I, I am able. I can stumble.

    (I think most of their songs are semi-nonsensical.)

    Couch - "Alle auf Pause"

    I saw this band in a big warehouse in Portland years ago. I went alone, cause who wants to go see some German shoehorns trying to play instruments like samplers. That is, echolaliacly. The bass was so fucking thunderous that I was reminded of Germany's secret sound cannon, as the frequencies were resonating dangerously close to my brown note, wyoming?

    Their performance, not rote-recurring at all, expanded my grasp on using extended repetition and consonance as arrangement elements. Very cyclical, trance-like (but without the glowsticks and silly pants), Overdriven without all the baggage of the Rat pedalsquelch-happy 'wall of noise' set. Their sound was denser and more rousing than any of the loops being 'freaked' by all the Bedroom Rockers in the northwest, who chose to stay home that night instead, cause they weren't trying to hear no wannabeemotherfuckers tryna be all krautbotic with instruments, that's worse than live band hip-hop.

    I had a very uncomfortable exchange with the woman in the band at their merch table after the show. I motioned to the LP, all "yea, what's up with that?" and she gave me the 8-finger German sign language for, "This here is 8 bucks." I hander her 7 on some, "whoops, these basement ginger ales sure add up, is it cool to short you?" and she nodded on some, "i'm sure it's all there." After I had it in my hand, and halfway into my record bag, she let out an expletive. I smiled, she frowned. I made several nonsensical motions to indicate my a) regret, b) urgency to listen to the record, c) praise, d) dire financial straits. She gave me the eye of atrocity, thought to be lost in the decline of Danzig (the Wolne Miasto Godnsk city, not the devil's lock douchebag).

    I group this band among a small subset of the "Fleecy Rock" genre. Perfect for watching glaciers form, or waiting for rock to turn to dust. The roches moutonn??es of stage performance, if you will.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Brigitte Fontaine w/ Art Ensemble of Chicago - Le Brouillard

    I've returned to this LP many times before but the last month or so it has hit me like never before.

    David Hykes & the Harmonic Choir - Foregather in the Name


    Shackleton - New Dawn

    Bass. Bass. Bass. Bass. Thunderclaps. Bass.

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    yeah that UT record is great. for the record the main girl in UT (her name escapes me) was the third guitar player in the classic lineup for rhys chatham's guitar trio (the other two being rhys & glenn brannca with wharford tiers on drums). and for a second with that couch shit i though you were posting about that old band from eureka (who changed their name to "the couch of eureka" because of that other band) but sadly no. were they before your humboldt-county time?

    i too am a big fan of the harmonic choir and the fontaine/art ensemble album

    my tracks coming in a few

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    sorry, no pics

    hall of fame - waves of stations

    this has been one of my favorite records of late. on siltbreeze which might be the best label of the 90s. most of it is rather amazing miniature no neck/kemialliset ystavat style improv soundworlds but every few songs they step out of haze and drop a gorgeous piece subtle guitar songwrting like this that would be amazing on its own but appears even more vivid and fragile in context.

    gist - clean bridges

    stuart moxham from young marble giant's post-YMG project, with vocals on this track by the girl from YMG (alison something?) and viv goldman. captures a certain kind of joy about modern life that i've always seen in my favorite pop music of the early 80s, the kind of stuff that really takes you to its time and place whenever you hear it and makes you fairly sure that they actually WERE having fun. another record i just sold on ebay.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    Francois Rabbath is . I celebrate dude's entire catalog.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    for a second with that couch shit i though you were posting about that old band from eureka (who changed their name to "the couch of eureka" because of that other band) but sadly no. were they before your humboldt-county time?

    Ha ha, that's right. I have those 7"s still. Couch (of Eureka) was my time. I was thinking of posting my SAKE 45 last night, and making a punk rock string section (cellist (Madigan) / violinist (SAKE)) connection, but decided against it.

    I didn't like Couch as much as that other band with some of the same members. The skinny guitar player and his 14 year old sexpot girlfriend who never wore a bra used to play together in a different band. They pre-dated, and maybe overlapped, in time with Couch. Their name escapes me (something with "gun" in the title, perhaps?), and I don't know if they put out any records, but they were ferocious. They played with One Man Running a few times (the Manilla(?) School House out on the beach/dunes) and I was floored each time. A terribly unique band for their surroundings and time.

    Are you still up there? I had Larupin's Mustard Dill sauce on my sandwich yesterday. Yum!

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    Who's this by, anyway? I like it, POZ drums and all.

    The original punk rock cellist, Bonfire Madigan (Shive). Off the ... From the Burnpile album.

    for a second with that couch shit i though you were posting about that old band from eureka (who changed their name to "the couch of eureka" because of that other band) but sadly no. were they before your humboldt-county time?

    Ha ha, that's right. I have those 7"s still. Couch (of Eureka) was my time. I was thinking of posting my SAKE 45 last night, and making a punk rock string section (cellist (Madigan) / violinist (SAKE)) connection, but decided against it.

    I didn't like Couch as much as that other band with some of the same members. The skinny guitar player and his 14 year old sexpot girlfriend who never wore a bra used to play together in a different band. They pre-dated, and maybe overlapped, in time with Couch. Their name escapes me (something with "gun" in the title, perhaps?), and I don't know if they put out any records, but they were ferocious. They played with One Man Running a few times (the Manilla(?) School House out on the beach/dunes) and I was floored each time. A terribly unique band for their surroundings and time.

    Are you still up there? I had Larupin's Mustard Dill sauce on my sandwich yesterday. Yum!

    handgun bravado!? fuck yeah that shit was rad. i have (had?) their tape somewhere. those couch dudes have been in many bands since then (including their current manifestation "the eureka garbage company" which my current roomate played bass in). good dudes...i usually chill with them a bit whenever i go back there to visit. its pretty funny, i hear that holy moutain records is going to re-release ben "six organs" chasney's old dead c-esque noise band that i think bandon, the drummer from couch, was in.
    and yeah sake...i still have their 10" which is radical. pretty funny thinking back about that scene back then cause i was like 9 and 10 years old going to those shows.
    dunno if you ever knew a dude named rob rierdon that was tangled up with all those people, but he died of a heroine overdose recently. very sad.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    1. Horace Andy - Do you love my music

    Simply a song that blows me away everytime it's played. This whole album is one of my favorites. 

    2. Elbow - Fugitive motel (RJD2 mix)

    A remix from a producer I don't really like by a band I really don't like. Nonetheless a song that makes me stand still any time I hear it. 

    3.  Ike and Tina Turner - I am a motherless child

    Probably one of the most tragic soulful performances commited to wax.

    4. Lalo Schifrin - Agnus dei

    A highly overlooked song by a fellow Argentinan this is so minimal for Lalo, but then it gets all 60's latin funk on you. 

    5. Andy Bey - River Man 

     this song gets my vote for greatest cover of all time.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    hall of fame - waves of stations

    this has been one of my favorite records of late. on siltbreeze which might be the best label of the 90s. most of it is rather amazing miniature no neck/kemialliset ystavat style improv soundworlds but every few songs they step out of haze and drop a gorgeous piece subtle guitar songwrting like this that would be amazing on its own but appears even more vivid and fragile in context.

    Wow, thanks for sharing this... Very cerebral. I love that tiny droney organ in the background sound even if it's digital. It also feels a little Velvet underground-y, but maybe that's just me. Also your Agnus Dei had some nice backbeat drums out of nowhere nice man.

    - spidey

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    The Casuals- I'm So Glad I Found You...

    weird lo-fi soul from Toledo that sounds like it was mixed by King Tubby.

    The Moonrakers- Love Train...

    before they were called Sugarloaf, these dudes were a hard-rockin' Christian rock group. This is them at their hard-rockingest.

    Orquesta Riverside- Yo Soy El Que Tu Quieres...funky stuff from Cuba.

    Siglo XXI- Sabor a Mi...

    fuzzy psych-ish stuff from Puerto Rico.

    The Corporation- My Child Walks Alone...

    more hard rockin psychish stuff, this time from Wisconsin. This album got the cold shoulder in the Acid Archives but I think it's terrific stuff.

    Mira- When You Sleep...

    shoegazer group from Florida with otherworldly ethereal female vocals...kinda sounds like Stevie Nicks singing from behind a wall of ice. Even better than the original MBV version???

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    jeanette - "porque te vas"

    if you've seen carlos saura's "cria cuervos" you will probably cry when you hear this song. if not, go see that shit. this is one of the happiest sad songs ever written. beautiful bubblegum pop at it's most intoxicating. i wanted one of the six songs not to be so heavy. if you don't speak spanish, it's this one.

  • fran??ois rabbath - "prelude a l'archet"

    the way this song kind of slithers up to meet itself reminds me of completing in real life an action that was started in a dream. and if a song can do that, i am very much with it. this is jazz's skeleton.

    Francois Rabbath is . I celebrate dude's entire catalog.

    do you have any more tracks off this or anything else?? id love to hear an album or even a couple other traks... i was really feelin this stuff today

    either way thanks for that one trak, made my drive today , a millions times greater

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

    this is some

    thanks for sharing it!

  • They played with One Man Running a few times (the Manilla(?) School House out on the beach/dunes)

    Those are my high school homies, they had a lot of potential but unfortunately did not make too many records. Chuck and Morgan were certainly heavy musical influences on me during that time in my life.
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