UCLA Campus Police (Racial Profiling related)



  • He doesn't listen, they tell him get up half a dozen times and he probably went limp as Dolo's baby penis in their arms and wouldn't budge.

    Dogg, if I shoved my erect penis into a bush itd look like there was an oak growing out my groin. your role: know it and slow it.

    Can we get a translator for this one? Even I can't decipher that.

    The dude did seem SUPER overdramatic and and on some bullshit (I'm picturing those annoying super liberal self-righteous college kids) and the episode could of ended real quick but at the same time cops are fucking cops.

    Watching that I was also thinking "damn maybe dude is tired of being racially profiled and people need to stand up for themselves".

    Did I mention I think that dude came off real fucking annoying?

  • i just saw this video for the first time. wow.

    how are you guys justifying this dude getting tasered? i agree that he was overdramatic, but 3 cops can't cuff a skinny kid without tasering him 5 times???? gtfohwtbs. this wasn't compton either, it was a LIBRARY. If the kid wanted to make a scene, they could have just cuffed him. end of story. this wasnt a riot, it was 1 noisy kid.

    btw, who is to say this kid wasn't justified for making a scene. i know security guards are generally super intelligent and open minded, but maybe the dude who stopped him was notoroius for singling out middle eastern kids. who knows?

    i'm glad some of you dudes aren't cops.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    i just saw this video for the first time. wow.

    how are you guys justifying this dude getting tasered? i agree that he was overdramatic, but 3 cops can't cuff a skinny kid without tasering him 5 times???? gtfohwtbs. this wasn't compton either, it was a LIBRARY. If the kid wanted to make a scene, they could have just cuffed him. end of story. this wasnt a riot, it was 1 noisy kid.

    btw, who is to say this kid wasn't justified for making a scene. i know security guards are generally super intelligent and open minded, but maybe the dude who stopped him was notoroius for singling out middle eastern kids. who knows?

    i'm glad some of you dudes aren't cops.


    The comments in this thread are symptomatic of the racial divide in America. No offense, but White folks will NEVER fully understand what it's like to be treated adversely because of their race, plain and simple. Usually, the situation isn't as dramatic as depicted in the video, but it consists of an annoying little paranoia that Black men face daily. Some examples include:

    -Being stopped or followed by the police.
    -Fear reactions from others (purse clutching).
    -Being ignored in service lines.
    -Being observed in department stores, grocery stores, etc.
    -Facing racial hostility in the "wrong" part of town.
    -Being ignored in a meeting after making a point (a point that's lauded as "great" when a White colleague makes it).
    -Having one's competence questioned on sight.
    -Being challenged by less credentialed others.
    -Job discrimination (read some resume audit studies).
    -Housing discrimination (HUD audit studies are something else).

    These are just some of the "hits" off the CD, but the rest of it pretty much sounds the same.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • All that is true, Big Stacks, but I think a lot of people were also able to separate the man's race from his non-cooperation. He was adamant about not helping to diffuse the situation.

    I've said multiple times on here how the guy deserved it. After second thought, I don't think he did, but we can both agree that there are people who are responsible with power and people who are irresponsible with it, so the outcome doesn't really surprise me.

    The power-hungry guards threatened to taser some white people in there, too.

  • The comments in this thread are symptomatic of the racial divide in America.

    one issue is whether the kid was racially profiled, the more glaring issue is whether the police used excessive force (although the two issues might certainly be related here).

    if the kid were white, would the cops have still tasered him? who knows. regardless, in order to justify his repeated tasering, an investigation will have to reveal that either: 1) this dude had a weapon on him; or 2) the library was on the verge of becoming a riot scene. moreover, either of the two would not excuse the cops from tasering the kid while he was handcuffed.

  • but I think a lot of people were also able to separate the man's race from his non-cooperation. He was adamant about not helping to diffuse the situation.

    why are you confusing non-cooperation with PROTESTING. should we taser cindy sheehan and all the other non-violent war protestors? please.

    there is a difference between acting out to make a point and being a screaming, violent lunatic. it didn't take a genius to realize that this kid had an agenda. he was making a point. perhaps he was overdramatic and maybe he was flat out wrong. regardless, the dude was by no means a threat and tasering him for basically being a protester is some shit out of 1984.

  • Come on. Maybe he was wrongfully targeted because of his race (we didn't see what led up to this, mind you), but he flat out broke the library's rule of not presenting identification upon request, which leads to removal from the library.

  • but he flat out broke the library's rule of not presenting identification upon request, which leads to removal from the library.

    how is this relevant to the cops tasering him again?

  • targeted because of his race? what the fuck are you idiots talking about? he didnt have his id so was asked to leave, failed to co-operate so police were called, still wouldnt leave so he got that ass zapped. fuck dude

  • It doesn't.

    I went back on my former statement about how he deserved it. He didn't.

    Maybe I'm confused about what you think he's protesting?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I haven't seen the video (blocked at work) but I did hear about this story and I heard the dude that tasered him was black (???).

    Also, I've heard speculation that this was a planned stunt. Not saying I agree, but the next morning there was already an organized protest with signs and everything, and this shit happened at 11 the night before. Again, I don't really buy into any conspiracy theories, but I figured I'd toss it out there.

    Thing is... everybody in the library gets their IDs checked after 11. White kids too. They ALL do. So why didn't this kid just say "Hey- you know what? I forgot my ID. I'm just trying to get this paper done. Can you cut me some slack?" And if the security kid says no, then go home and be pissed. I'd be pissed if they kicked me out too, but hey, that shit happens.

    I also heard the tasers were only set on "stun", which means it will hurt the part of the body that it tases, but its not the full setting that will shut the whole body down. Again, I haven't seen the video, I'm just repeating shit I heard. I have no love for cops (AT ALL.), but I have no love for people who lash out for attention and then get their feelings hurt when they get some attention.


  • i think you guys are missing the point. if it was a "planned stunt", so what? people aren't allowed to protest against racial profiling without getting stunned?

    even if it was on the weakest setting that shit is still uncalled for. cops can't just be cops? throw some cuffs on the dude and walk him out. bouncers know how to move people, they don't teach that shit at the police academy?

  • I don't disagree with any of that.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i think you guys are missing the point. if it was a "planned stunt", so what? people aren't allowed to protest against racial profiling without getting stunned?

    even if it was on the weakest setting that shit is still uncalled for. cops can't just be cops? throw some cuffs on the dude and walk him out. bouncers know how to move people, they don't teach that shit at the police academy?

    I agree... but do you trust cops to "do the right thing"???? I sure as hell don't. If you want to protest racial profiling the protest REAL racial profiling, not some pimply faced kid asking you and everybody else for IDs. That kid wanted to make a scene, and thats what he got. When I get pulled over I assume the worst. I don't trust cops for a fucking second. If I wanted to make a scene the first thing I would do is make sure there weren't any fucking pigs around.

  • ha. i'm certainly not making this kid out to be rosa parks.

    the press that this story has gotten is interesting though because there are A LOT of people (not just the Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter types) who are saying the dude got what he deserved. the racial implications of this reaction are, imo, much more eye-opening than the Kramer fall-out.

    Would right wingers be saying the same thing if it was a white guy making a scene in the library over a middle eastern kid who wasn't[/b] stopped for his ID? Doubtful they would support tasering in that instance.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,139 Posts
    It's the amperage that kills/hurts you, not the volts. The skinny CKY/Jackass boys have been doing it to themselves for a living for years. Cops, as power trippy as they may be, are required to get shocked to know what it feels like. It's an in-joke amongst electricians that your "rite of passage" from an unexperienced apprentice to a journeyman is the inevitable jobsite rookie mistake followed by a "oooh, I'll never do that again!" 120v-440v shock. This was not a "police officer" with a "tazer". It was a rent a cop with those little deals you can get through specialty magazines, available to civilians. Drama queens, no matter what color, getting zapped is hillarious.

  • What would be the point of requiring ID to be on campus property if anyone without it could just claim they were protesting something or other and go about their way?

    he had the same right to protest on campus property as I have to protest in your living room. He didnt get stunned because he wasnt white, he didnt get stunned because he was trying to excercise his right to protest, he got stunned because he was a petulant asswipe who thought he was above compliance with campus rules.
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