Best Library LP ever?

Dinha Mantha's Power was it for me until I finally got hold of this bad-ass de wolfe
Which is pretty much
for me.Whats the best Library LP in your book?
Which is pretty much


I didn't like that Hard Hitter.
For me, its got to be
Stefano Torrosi "Feelings"
Brian Bennett "Drama Montage 1"
Alan Tew "Drama Suites"
Keith Mansfield "Industrial Power"
you guys are mostly mentioning English libraries...from my experience Italian libs are my favourite and the stuff on the IM label from France is just incredible.
What's funny with libraries is the way people try and order, classify, put them in a conducive to generalisations!
Jonny Trunk's book brought together lots of library fans/collectors but it still only skimmed the surface and it was mainly for visual effect. There doesn't seem to be one expert in the field, one guy who's heard them good to ask this person the question, don't you think?
Ask to people who really knows their shit: Iueke or Sermad in Vinylvulture would school you for sure about libraries, these guys know everything about libraries.
johnny trunk's book seemed to be about covers only. cover design. although his choices seemed to be very random. some ugly and pretty bad records in there.
there are many library experts. sermad from used to be on soulstrut.
some good libraries:
vecchio - afro rock on DE WOLFE (much better than the kpm)
big beat 1&2 on KPM
speed & excitement on KPM
Progressive Pop on KPM
feelings on conroy
Sorgini - London Transport on Sonimage
IM libraries in general
Afro Spooky on PEER
Stringtronics on PEER
5 + 4 Powerhouse on PEER
Reggae For Real on PEER
Psycho Soul on Harmonic Mood
Nilovic's MP2thousands
Nilovic's (Loore's) Ambiance Rhythmes on Neuilly
Lesiman Here & Now 1&2
Challenger on Freesound
Philopsis on Freesound
African Voodoo on PSI
Roelens - Research of Sound
Golden Ring #11 by Klaus Weiss (some people don't like it)
most I Marc 4 libraries on Nelson
CAM - too many to name (Rhythmical Modern, etc)
Light & Rhythmical Backgrounds on Selected Sound
The Master Said on Selected Sound
Q1 on Quadriga
there are still some nice libraries out there. I couldn't even name half of them.
Vechhio's Afor Rock is still my favorite library record.
And Stringtronics keeps growing...
easy listening with one decent track and a drum break. i don't miss my copy at all. nick ingman recorded better stuff than that.
i still got the rhthmes, but i'd trade it for some other records immediately.
Now when i see people tellin me that they just listen to library music for the sake of it, i'm just amazed how much they could listen to cheesy music. Because libs are 90% cheesy. KPM is the King of Cheese.
I use Italian libs for violins mostly, KPM for brass and drum sounds, Bruton for synths and layers, MP2000 for loops, etc...knowing that i refuse to spend more than 5$ on a volume. I bought maybe 1500 Libs in the last 7 years. I kept maybe 20 volumes for the shelves... LOL. I sold the rest to heavy diggers for more than what i paid. I know i deserve hell for that. But anyway, to flip back on the topic, most libraries named in this post are "good" in one way or another. It's just a matter of taste. Feelings can't fuck with Drama (sorry for the mistake i made previously).
That's not so dumb...or maybe it is, but i don't see myself pullin' out a library joint to get my fuck on. A marvin, a eddie kiendricks, yea. But some Brian Bennnet to impress your chick. Naw. It don't work man. And if you want to have a nice little house party, i doubt that your guest will dance their feet off of the last Stefan Torossi. I don't know. You tell me if that's first quality music...and i didn't say it's
Yo, you should just stop WRITING, son!
And you didn't answer me : how many girls did you get to stay with you while playing Stringtronics???
or he's never heard much "library" music.
There's bloody tonnes of the stuff that you can play out the whole tracks in a club - it stands up to any other stuff if you are playing stuff from that late 60s - early 70s era.
The Mohawks sessions were originally made as library music for chrissakes !!
they get my vote too
cool record but i like the rhythmiques and neo rhythmiques records a lil' more.
this album is beautiful but if you want "library funk!" look elsewhere.