Jessica Alba (NSFW)
5,526 Posts
Um, so yeah, i guess im the residant Alba fan, and youve all seen the gifs...well i found another... and NO THIS AINT GOT NUTTIN TO DO WITH RECORDS...but i thought id share anyway.I guess this is kinda NSFW so if you moderators wanna get rid of it: cool, but ...
WHAT IN the world is that from!?
Get rid of it? This should be made a sticky! (ayo?)
Hecks naw, I just added (NSFW) to the subject line so folks don't have giant half-beast/half-man cartoon penises popping up on them at school or the jobplace.
(Herm, I will never forgive you for that one! )
But, on a serious note, is that supposed to be an ass?
I gotta get out of this thread! Have fun.
BTW, despite my criticism,
Please tell that story again of when, where and how that happened. That was TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I could find the OG thread, but it was close to two years old.
My last year of grad school I was giving a presentation if one my courses that included a majority of undergrads. I'm up in front of the class talking to them about online forums and how they can be used to foster discussion on news-related websites. I asked for a show of hands for those who were familiar with forums. Only a few responded. So, in addition to the planned example of a basic forum, I decided show them what a more advanced BBS looked like on the overhead projection screen.
I clicked into one of the first threads on the board. The title seemed innocent enough. Mind you, I hadn't checked in earlier that day. I'm scrolling down the page and rambling about features of the board when *BAM*, a GIGANTIC illustration of a manimal with a HUGE dripping erection appears on the screen. At this point I start buggin', pressing all kinds of buttons on the keyboard to scroll down faster, which only revealed SEVERAL MORE OF THESE PICTURES! I finally shut the web browser while babbling, attempting to gather my thoughts and awkwardly wrap up the presentation. Meanwhile, all the kids are tickled to DEATH, giggling like "WHAT THE FUUUCK WAS THAT?!"
As I was leaving the building after class, my professor knocked on the window for me to come back in and speak with him. Thankfully he didn't even mention the pictures and gave me a second crack at the assignment, but I'll be damned if that wasn't one of the most embarassing things I've ever experienced in life.
Thanks guys!
You just made my day!
looks like her, but i'd be very surprised if she subjected herself to such a revealing position. actually, if someone knows it isn't her don't tell. better to believe than to have it ruined.
JYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That has got to be one of the BEST Soulstrut related stories/situations EVAR!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing that special moment again Drew.
hate to break it you but thats not jessica alba... ive definilty seen that video, its some brazilian girl who proceeds to cover herself in paint. i um.. a friend showed it to me... yea...
Alba always looks like she's in need for a sammich. That girl looks like I would need a sammich.
I thought that ass looked a little too flat.
We South Americans know the time when it comes to these things...
ANSWER ME!!!![/b]
Danno posted this a while back. There is a science to ass.
EDIT: Don't check out the above link if you still want to enjoy prOn with most white girls in it.
Grimace? holy shit. hahahah!
Sorry, Drewn.
(By "sorry" I mean "goddamn I wish I could've been sitting in that classroom to witness that!")
Sorry, Drewn.
(By "sorry" I mean "goddamn I wish I could've been sitting in that classroom to witness that!")