Think it's time for a roll call?

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited October 2006 in Strut Central
name?age?occupation?where you stay at?favorite raer? dollarbin terd?music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)?what's for lunch?do you have herpes?


  • name? Alex
    age? 25
    occupation? Law Firm Administrator
    where you stay at? Richmond VA
    favorite raer? I don't really have anything all that rear
    dollarbin terd? Can't name just one
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? DJ
    what's for lunch? I have some kashi frozen meal, but I don't think I am going to eat it because it looks nasty.
    do you have herpes? no but when I pee it burns like

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Mental Health Public Policy
    (it's all about numbers---that I'm nuts don't not matter.)
    Richmond, VA
    This week--Ghetto-ology Dub-wise b/w Damn the Torpedoes
    DJ mostly weddings and corporate shish.
    Lamb with rice and roasted pumpkin. (Afghan style)

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i work at a non-profit and do some freelance music writing
    i dont collect records, i just buy ones for djing.
    i havent dj'd in a minute. but i do.
    granola bar from the staff room?
    not that i'm aware of.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    name? Rick

    age? 31 in a few weeks

    occupation? Jack of all trades

    where you stay at? Philly Burbs

    favorite raer? dollarbin terd? Skull Snaps & Journey's Greatest Hits

    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? Drums (60s Green Sparkle Ludwig Superclassic), Bass (Fender Jazzmaster), Guitar (Les Paul Epiphone), Mixing on the 1200s

    what's for lunch? Turkey & Cheese on Pepperidge Farm Wheat Bread with Grey Poupon and a side of Red Hot Blues Chips & an IBC Root Beer!

    do you have herpes? No, a cankersore. There is a difference.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    favorite raer? I don't really have anything all that rear


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I could tell you but I'd have to kill you. It's Mr Junior to you.
    Data Manager
    Just outside London
    Probably still Babs & Ernie
    Um, blogging and boring people with useless titbits
    Salt & pepper chicken with vegetable noodles
    No but I've got a sore toe

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I could tell you but I'd have to kill you. It's Mr Junior to you.
    Data Manager
    Just outside London
    Probably still Babs & Ernie
    Um, blogging and boring people with useless titbits
    Salt & pepper chicken with vegetable noodles
    No but I've got a sore toe

    you sound like a bit of a tit, Mr. Junior.

    Sorry, i'm trying my new Brit slang. was that right?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    name? Robert
    age? 35
    occupation? accountant/music and now sports journalist
    where you stay at? Austin, TX
    favorite raer? Luniz I Got 5 On It Bay Ballers green wax
    dollarbin terd? I don't know, maybe Ferrante and Teicher - In a Soulful Mood
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? writing, ocassional deejaying, running the emerging Narcisse-Banks Community Resource Center
    what's for lunch? I don't know yet, maybe Green Mesquite barbeque
    do you have herpes? Yet to be determined

  • I don't know yet, maybe Green Mesquite barbeque

    I want this for lunch.

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    Hi, I've done about 3 of these but here goes another one...

    Currently sans employment. Still trying to find my calling, thinking about dental technology.
    Edinburgh UK, soon to be Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for several months with my fiance who's from there.
    Favourite raer that I own - Archie Whitewater.
    dollarbin terd that I own - Bob James 'Lucky Seven' or 'Heads'. I still like some songs on them though.
    Only listening and enjoying
    Lunch today was curried vegetables in pitta bread with avocado and lemon/corriander houmous
    I actually do have herpes, but it's only in the form that masquerades as a cold sore on my lip and makes me look like the elephant man for a week. NOTE - I DO NOT HAVE REAL HERPES

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    name? Aaron[/b]
    age? 24[/b]
    occupation? Graduate student (MSc. Pure Math)[/b]
    where you stay at? Edmonton, Alberta[/b]
    favorite raer? dollarbin terd? Dwayne Cannan. Every xian[/b]
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? Folkways radio show, rap related radio show, hoarding local mustache raer[/b]
    what's for lunch? Every day: non-sugar, unsalted PB + creamed honey sandwhich, one apple, one banana, trail mix, sezme snaps[/b]
    do you have herpes? Every two months, in my mouth.[/b]

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I could tell you but I'd have to kill you. It's Mr Junior to you.
    Data Manager
    Just outside London
    Probably still Babs & Ernie
    Um, blogging and boring people with useless titbits
    Salt & pepper chicken with vegetable noodles
    No but I've got a sore toe

    you sound like a bit of a tit, Mr. Junior.

    Sorry, i'm trying my new Brit slang. was that right?

    Ha ha. Perfect.

    Please to also use Wanker, Twat and Bellend.

  • name - Larry
    age - 44 (cough..)
    occupation - IT Systems Help Desk/Database
    where you stay at - Jersey Shore
    favorite raer - Roger & The Gypsies - Pass the Hatchet
    dollarbin terd - Toussaint McCall - Shimmy
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.) - Blog, web zine, occasional DJ, collectro
    what's for lunch - Leftover Cannolini Bolognese
    do you have herpes - Hell to the no....

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    and Bellend.

    what the hell does that mean/source?

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    29 today
    manager of hiv prevention org
    jersey shore
    Harlem River Drive or Dorothy Ashby, all the rest are dollarbin terds
    I don't know what's for lunch today, but I'm having pumpkin pie later
    no, but I'm knocked up

  • Sarah
    29 today
    manager of hiv prevention org
    jersey shore
    Harlem River Drive or Dorothy Ashby, all the rest are dollarbin terds
    I don't know what's for lunch today, but I'm having pumpkin pie later
    no, but I'm knocked up

    Happy Birthday!

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Cap'n will do just fine. Aaaaarrrrr.
    Running a digital music company
    Heart of the Congos / S.O.S Band first album
    Bit of percussion but mostly hoarding. Lots of work related gig going.
    Ha ha don't do lunch unless I'm being schmoozed or vice versa.
    Nope, thank fuck.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    name? Channing
    age? 38
    occupation? Secret Agent, licensed to kill
    where you stay at? Seattle, WA
    favorite raer? At the moment Arthur Verocai S/T & that Brief Encounter 1st LP
    dollarbin terd? Yatch Rock
    music related activities? Need to get some new equipment and get back into production. Down loading too many MP3s LOL! (Microwave mayne). Concert production with all kinds of bands/artists most summers, some good and some BAD!
    what's for lunch? Banh Mi (one with chicken, one with three kinds of ham)
    do you have herpes? I hope not

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    and Bellend.

    what the hell does that mean/source?

    It's another term for the head of the penis. Or, as a googling just put it:

    The bulbous tip of the protuberance

    Which sounds much nicer.

  • name? Joe
    age? 24
    occupation? digital imaging tech./artist
    where you stay at? Chi-town
    favorite raer? damn, so many. soul stuff mostly. mickey and sg etc., some Verocai maybe
    dollarbin terd? twilight 22-electric kingdom or some similar electro type ilk.
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? I like to relax
    what's for lunch? Clam Chowder Batches.
    do you have herpes? no, but I have a funny story about herpes.

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    29 today
    manager of hiv prevention org
    jersey shore
    Harlem River Drive or Dorothy Ashby, all the rest are dollarbin terds
    I don't know what's for lunch today, but I'm having pumpkin pie later
    no, but I'm knocked up

    Happy Birthday!


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    29 today
    manager of hiv prevention org
    jersey shore
    Harlem River Drive or Dorothy Ashby, all the rest are dollarbin terds
    I don't know what's for lunch today, but I'm having pumpkin pie later
    no, but I'm knocked up

    Hell yes!

    Double cheers!!!

    When are you due?

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    name?[/b] Martin Dejean
    age?[/b] 31
    occupation?[/b] Student (yes, late pass)
    where you stay at?[/b] Copenhagen, Denmark
    favorite raer? dollarbin terd?[/b] Invaders, too many terds to mention
    music related activities?[/b] DJ, beats, misc.
    what's for lunch?[/b] Banana cake
    do you have herpes?[/b] No VD here

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I have a funny story about herpes.

    Report to the Sexy Back thread pronto.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    name? Chris
    age? 38
    occupation? webmaster/content management at a large trade association
    where you stay at? DC
    favorite raer? Duke Jordan's Flight To Jordan on Blue Note
    dollarbin terd? All my Ramsey Lewis LPs on Columbia, and my collection of Alice Cooper's Love it To Death
    music related activities : Retired rock and roller, aspiring to be a retired DJ
    do you have herpes? No, but statistically speaking aren't at least a third of you lying about not having it?

  • name? Deejay OM
    age? 32
    occupation? Deejay, Producer, Recordslanger, and I'm the Super at my building...
    where you stay at? San Francisco
    favorite raer? dollarbin terd? Favorite rare...hmm...Project Soul, Scorpio and his peeps, Asian Psych jawn I just got, Local Psych monster, various private presses/acetates, etc. Favorite dollarbin..hmm...not sure on that...I'll get back to you..although, it could be this white label disco jawn I got recently...WOW!
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? yes...all them..
    what's for lunch? Not sure, might make a gnocci with sweet basil cream sauce (homemade of course)
    do you have herpes? um...not last time I checked...trying to avoid that...actually...thanks though!

  • SLurgSLurg 446 Posts
    name? SLurg
    age? over 30
    occupation? Selling records on the internet, writing about music
    where you stay at? Paris
    favorite raer? I don't keep up with what is rare or not, but if it's "raer" it's Lord Finesse 1st album.
    dollarbin terd? You mean my favourite terd ??
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? DJ often, haven't made a beat in years
    what's for lunch? it's 5 pm here, so I guess you meant lunch ?
    do you have herpes? No

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts

    Hell yes!

    Double cheers!!!

    When are you due?

    Thanks! Due the last week of February. (yikes!)

  • name? Jonny
    age? 29
    occupation? Owner and Proprietor of Good Records NYC
    where you stay at? Downtown Manhattan, east side
    favorite raer? Lovelites on UNI
    dollarbin terd? I heard an Ian Dury record a few days ago that killed
    music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? Don't make much music anymore as I'm too busy with the shop. I buy records at an alarming rate to compensate. I play out wherever they'll have me
    what's for lunch? Haven't decided yet. Chan's idea (Banh Mi) sounded good
    do you have herpes? Probably

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    name? Mark
    age? 36
    occupation? Truck Driver
    where you stay at? Boston, MA - where tha killahs run free
    favorite raer? Lollipop Shoppe - "Just Colour"
    dollarbin terd? ummm..."Bad Benson?"
    music related activities - radio DJ ( )
    what's for lunch? lunch? whaddat?
    do you have herpes? absolutment pas
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