It is less than a month away. You still have time to get plane tickets 21 days in advance. The Fall shows are always the best because dealers have been hunting all summer long, where are you going to be?I want to know:- who's coming?- who's setting up?- where are you staying?- how can I get ahold of you?post or pm the following answers.Some things to know about this show.If you are in town early. [/b] * Saturday the 21st - the premier of "Shake y'er Shoes" Austin's only Monthly Soul, Psych, Garage, Hammond, Mod Night.Djs coolhands, pointman, nrich, hobo_d, and little danny.Emo's - 2am* Sunday the 22nd - "Rare Fruit" Monthly Latin, Soul, Jazz, and Rare GrooveDjs coolhands and hobo_dWhiskey - 2am* The Friends of Sound is closed on Mondays if you are trying to get to us early.If you are in for the record show only.[/b] * the Friends of Sound will be open until Midnight or until the last customer leaves starting thursday through saturday. And open extended hours on sunday* Thursday the 26th - Special Reggae PreSale at the Friends of Sound.A Jamacian dealer has shipped 5 cardboard barrels of original JA rocksteady, ska, dub, etc. (as well as 12"s and Lps) to Texas for the show. He is setting up, but this is your chance to see it first.Raer JA 45s all night long. Free Beer Provided, smoke what you want. 9pm - for the address and directionsthis is bound to be
* Friday the 27th - Waxiploitation Austin's semi regular deep funk night. If you are in town and like funk, go to this. these guys have been at it for years. i will comfortably stake my reputation on the fact that this is on par with any deep funk night around the country if not the world. djs pointman, little danny, dr. rhythm, greg mostoutdoor dancefloor at the Red Scoot Inn1308 E 4th StAustin, TX* Saturday the 28th - the Psych Moves Party hosted by the Friends of Soundusually this is in a secret hotel room somewhere, but it has been moved by Rockadelic and the other long time Austin dealers to the Friends of Sound. It is invite only, but I mention it here because if you get in touch and answer my original questions you'll most likely end up with an invite.guaranteed
add on folks... this is going to be a good time.[/b]

every stroy I hear about this show is amazing and Ironfeet was recruiting me and couple other record nerds last week at Buena Park. It may just have to be on and popping
I really wish I could make it for the JA records alone!! FUCK!!!
make it happen guzzo.
T*m & Chr*s,
are either one of you selling at Austin this year? and if so would you have room for a extra medium dude to slang some raers at y'alls tables?
I put in a call yesterday to Mr. Friends of Sound to get some info yesterday and I got a call from a Los Angeles soulstrutter about going down there. things are looking promising but like I said before it really comes down to whether or not I can freelance work my way aaround that weekend.
I got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping for limited fishfights
We should have a BBQ too just to let em know.
Driving all the way down this time (at that is something else considering it's Toronto that I leave...damn long way). I'll be with my good friend Akim, who will have some nice Psych and Prog pieces with him. I might have a tidbit or two as well.
Looking forward to seeing all folks I know like Chris, Tim and Rich, and looking forward to meeting others i don't know.
at my house and i nominate nrich grill master.
Plus just saw John the UK dude at 1/2 Price today in Dallas and I want my booth next to his - he's got the best food/stories.
I'm on it
oh shit...i forgot all about that....damn you gots to get that on CD for me. I loved that track!!!! Thanks for reminding me...looking forward to seeing you too buddy...
would like to and maybe i can make something work.
but just too busy up here in nyc and too broke to afford expenses + personal spending once there.
will actually miss WFMU too as a friend's wedding is the same weekend.
austin will have to survive w.out the "boot sales" from the trunk- pre-show- i think it's been two years now.
have fun... will miss the festivities. the hotel party (even if moved from the hotel). hoover's. the private press finds of the year.
sorry but no... it ain't Austin without you....please to report to the reassessment centre for reprogramming and reinstatement...from there you will then find yourself selling records out of the back of your car to all those wiling to buy. Thank you... that is all.
Nrich burnt my Tofurkey dogs last time.
Coolhands isn't from Texas, so he can't be trusted with a BBQ pit.
I'm a vegetarian, nobody will trust me.
Maybe Hobo D should be grill master raer.
Maybe just whoever is sober enough to stand by a pit and not set themself on fire should do it.
watch the slander talk bro, I'm am a seasoned bbq pro.
It's hard to bbq tofu dogs on a smoker bbq pit (with coals in the main smoker chamber no less) in a pitch black dark corner of a yard by flashlight.
disqualified due to tofu
Anyone else decide to make the Vinyl Hajj this year?
i'm half way there now
i'll be rolling in thursday - mid day
hope to see y'all
Half way there???
With that type of trip you should get a couple different corporate sponsors, an RV and have some "Digging Across America" trip. You could have your own line of special digging headbands.
4 DJs spinning the rarest, heaviest Soul, Funk & Boogaloo ALL NITE LONG!
with your Maestro of Ceremonies: OBATALLAH
PLUS: special guest dj Chris Ball (Indiana Funk)
Friday, October 27, 9:30 p.m. until ???
@ The Red Scoot Inn (1308 E. 4th Street???4 blocks East of I-35)
$$ no cover charge $$
Ice cold beer & set-ups available at 2 bars all nite long!
WAXPLOITATION! DJs dig way back in the back of the crypt to exhume the
Little Danny, Dr. Rhythm and Brett ???Pointman??? Koshkin and Indiana Funk guru
Chris Ball get it together to bring you the BADDEST FUNK & SOUL SOUNDS ever
laid in wax! No rap or motherships--just THE REAL ORIGINAL STONE FUNKY sound
as laid down by the GODFATHER JAMES BROWN! All of this PLUS your Maestro of
Ceremonies--a man who was on the scene then and MAKES the scene
today--OBATALLAH presides over the dancefloor.
Put on your FREAKIEST AND FINEST HALLOWEEN THREADS and bring it out to the
y'all recruited chris.
make sure he don't wreck the lex.
have fun in austin.
let me know if the parking lot feels empty w/out me.
my life[/b] feels emptier already.
it's this week...
I'll take fried catfish with mac-n-cheese and jalapeno creamed spinach and a mango cobbler and iced tea please.
I'll take a hot and dressed roast beef po-boy with a side of green beans and a peach cobbler and a Barq's please.
I'll take a brisket plate with barbeque beans and the mayo potato salad with an iced tea please.
I'll take migas and beef fajitas with a Mexican Martini with Hurradurra Silver in it please.
I'll take 3 tacos with potatoes, egg, bacon and cheese please.