Slightly different Here, My Dear covers
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I have two copies and one has Here, My Dear in quotes, while the other does not. Anybody know why and which one is th OG?
Are both gatefold?
i'm thinking it has something to do with the special circumstances around the release of this record.
Do they both have flames at the scupltures crotches? I think the flames were removed in later copies due to the Anna or Berry insistance.
My gut feeling is the "Here My Dear" is NOT the OG. Shit is real "blue" looking.
Notice the flames on the crotch area? See if the " " version has those flames.
I can only find one copy, flames and quotes.
David Ritz describes the problems the album/album covers had when released, in Divided Soul, If i recall correctly.
IN OUR LIFETIME had a quesion mark at the end of the title before it went to print. Motown removed it against MG's will.
Do i need to reveal my sources.....
holy shit
I'm not sure how true this can be, since the entire project was released against Marvin's will, causing him to refuse ever to record for the label again.
I mean, that may have been his original concept, but I don't think there ever was a version of the album that he was onboard with.
Incidentally, the only one of his albums besides Troubleman that he wrote, arranged, etc. in its entirety.
True. i think he was pissed that they omitted the question mark which he felt recontextualized his "vision".
But yeah released against his will, it was.
I came home, and found that my copy has quotation marks as well. And all the flames were intact.
Whatever i mentioned previously about the covers having re-edited art is my mistake and private mind garden blumber. Pleez disregard.
have you seen
check the ending...