Sorry, I've got to share this one (youtube related



  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    that is so bizarre. my friend just sent me this same video the other night. Random. Well here is a different one that another friend showed me yesterday.

    Little Girl Giant

    don't hate.

    that made me feel really weird in a really really good way.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts

    this was excellent. Soothing, goose bumping, just excellent. do you know who did the music that undergirded the video? I don't know if I would want to listen to it without the accompanying visual, but I was enjoying its mellow slightly freaky vibe enough to want to find out more. My three favorite parts of this video are: (1) when the little girl giant is eating a popsicle; (2) when the people are riding on the arm of the little girl giant; and (3) for about 10 seconds from 3:24 to about 3:34, when they pull the camera away, she almost looks real and like she is confused by the system of pulleys that surround her, as if they were trying to capture her. it reminded me of ET a little bit.

    Thanks for sharing this video,

    PS I also like the way her jaw is fan-hinged - it makes it look like she is wearing a headgear or something when her mouth is closed. Very cool interactive sculpture/puppeteering.

  • <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Hey Y'All, check out where this was originally posted.

    Don't steal aNYthing's thunder, those dudes will beat you up.

    Freaky ass video though where in the world did it come from?
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