That show was hillarious. The writers from it are responsible for Wonder-Showzen, right? I read that whenever Snoop didnt like a skit, the writers would add a wig into the gag. Snoop loves wigs.
That show is not raer enough for me! LOL. It was MAD funny at times. The funny shit was when snoop was a sub teacher at an elemantary school. THAT was funny. Did you check eBay? I am sure MTV will show all the episodes again. Check MTVs web site.
That show is not raer enough for me! LOL. It was MAD funny at times. The funny shit was when snoop was a sub teacher at an elemantary school. THAT was funny. Did you check eBay? I am sure MTV will show all the episodes again. Check MTVs web site.
Mr. Dizzle is the skit.. haha
and yeah, I checked the Bay and no one has bootlegged copies. Man, this is *ULTRA* rare. So rare., no one even has a copy! I double dog dare you to find this Chan... c'mon homie!
MTV shows an ep or two like every couple months. But plus, I don't got cable anymore so that plans is out.
sorry man thats all i found. Yeah i would love to get that shit on tv. one of the better shows to come out in a while. Its up there with chappelles show.
What's up w/ my raer video cats? Big Chan? Anyyyyone??
Mr. Dizzle is the skit.. haha
and yeah, I checked the Bay and no one has bootlegged copies. Man, this is *ULTRA* rare. So rare., no one even has a copy! I double dog dare you to find this Chan... c'mon homie!
MTV shows an ep or two like every couple months. But plus, I don't got cable anymore so that plans is out.
sorry man thats all i found. Yeah i would love to get that shit on tv. one of the better shows to come out in a while. Its up there with chappelles show.
MTV - Doggy Fizzle Televizzle -101
MTV - Doggy Fizzle Televizzle -102
MTV - Doggy Fizzle Televizzle -103