whats your favorite knot for a tie



  • Isn't that what I said--what part do you disagree with?

    even in the musician/art gallery world, i think the day has passed when wearing a black shirt and tie could be considered stylish...unless you are a member of g-unit at the mtv vma's.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Isn't that what I said--what part do you disagree with?

    even in the musician/art gallery world, i think the day has passed when wearing a black shirt and tie could be considered stylish...unless you are a member of g-unit at the mtv vma's.

    Perhaps--Batmon is in the art gallery world and I am not, so I was deferring to him.

  • Isn't that what I said--what part do you disagree with?

    even in the musician/art gallery world, i think the day has passed when wearing a black shirt and tie could be considered stylish...unless you are a member of g-unit at the mtv vma's.

    Perhaps--Batmon is in the art gallery world and I am not, so I was deferring to him.

    Is that your final answer?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Can we get a ruling on going shirtless beneath one's suit? Is that also generally acceptable at board meetings in your New York, if not in Pennsylvania?

  • There are no rules in fashion.

    There may be no rules of fashion, but there are many rules of style. Black shirts with white ties violate all of them, unless, as many have mentioned, you're a gangster.

    It's just a tacky look.

  • STYLE > Fashion

  • What about the solid look--red shirt, red tie--in this case, black shirt, black tie?

    How about ruffled shirts? Does anyone wear cummerbunds anymore? Would the fashionistas nod vigorously for keeping the same finish from cuff links to tie clip to penknife?

    And what ever happened to the pleasantries of conversation? Gentlemen, let thee not be the sock in your drawer. A gentleman is both well-worn and foulishly vociferous.

  • What about the solid look--red shirt, red tie--in this case, black shirt, black tie?

    How about ruffled shirts? Does anyone wear cummerbunds anymore? Would the fashionistas nod vigorously for keeping the same finish from cuff links to tie clip to penknife?

    And what ever happened to the pleasantries of conversation? Gentlemen, let thee not be the sock in your drawer. A gentleman is both well-worn and foulishly vociferous.

    i'm feeling what this dude has said and his screen name.

  • really though, soulstrut should be the LAST place you look for fashion advice... black shirt and white tie or not.

  • I rocked a black shirt with a fly ass tie and some flat front khakis to work today.

    My boy Earl said "schmoooooove."

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