What will happen to your records when you die?
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Anyone actually have a will giving their collection to anyone? Giving it to family, friends, a favorite record shop, etc.
Now I think I'd give them to my little brother but first let a few of my digger friends pick out five records each of their choice first. My brother could keep it (my wish) or sell it for scratch. I wouldn't know since I'd be dead.
Pass the legacy and get the kid some great music
I hear that, my family is doesnt have a lot of money...in fact we dont have any money. God for bid something happend prior to my own death that would force me to sell, but all in all I consider my collection a good investment should anything happen. I'd like to think I would leave them to my brother or children if I had any...but Ive told my mom that she can sell them to pay for bills and services if needed. I guess if it was the other way around I would sell them for the needs of any of my family members as well.
Raers in life, so shall it be in death.
I hope so but most likely...................
I kept my parents wax cause the turntable was still quite common in the 80's. But come 2010+.....
But think of all the possitive suggestion and other kid raising powers you have to influence your child
"You dont want to be a lil dude..no you dont..no you dont"
"Wheres the re-issue..where...."
Most likely scenario...
until then, i have no idea. and please don't make me think about it...
They will all be burned in an Indian Suti ritual. The flames from the funeral pyre will be forty-feet tall and as my shrivelled husk burns with the plastic, shrill pops, whistles and whining will accompany my final and total relinquishment of material possession.
A Nate Bizzo will come by and offer you a meaningless amount, get the collection and brag how he got the collection for so cheap (Pictures of Course).
A K in Canada character will show up in his bike, get the collection, make fake weekly "finds" that look amazingly look like "sales" classifieds" then all dissapear into a cloud of smoke.
Seriously, my brother was a deejay and when he passed I kept some of his records. Ya see he was in mad records pools and a humongos record hoarder so when the time came to clean up I was taking a few trips to the salvation army to get rid of shit. I kept a good amound but I wasn't going to keep 5 boxes of "How Ya Want I Got It" by the Jungle Brothers and other just reaalllly bad dance music (I love you bro, but damn you had a lot of wack shit in there). Don't get me wrong my early 90's collection and hip-hop club bangers is on lock because of hin,,,,,,,but now i'm getting waaaaay off subject.
If I pass soon-ish (I literally knocked on my headboard) I'd want my friends to have the records. Go through some records that we both liked and that person could have them (my kufi dudes can havemy kufi records, my 45 homies can have my 45's, etc etc). If I die like I imagine (when i'm 80-ish and loaded with memories of making real world moves in and out of the bedroom ) then I think the value of records will be of long gone by then.