Milkcrates Anonymous (NRR)

bobbydeebobbydee 849 Posts
edited September 2006 in Strut Central
As all aussie heads will know, our milkcrates are slightly too small for records. Inspired by the milkcrate man in the banksy thread, thought I would see what else people have done with them. Truly like lego for big kids.Crates + HD foam + printed canvas from my work = camp couch and cut one side out with a saw, you got some sweet ass shelving


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    The couch is a dope idea. I will definately look at copying that idea when I go camping this summer.

    The Merideth DIY couch scene won't know what hit it.

  • ha.. gotta make one of those for my back yard for sure.
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