Am I PAP for liking the new Common?
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It's no classic (or Resurrection for that matter?), but there's some fly tracks and it's short. I fucks with it, but it is a little ...shmaltzy, ya feel me?
just kidding, the new Common is the best album of the year
better than beanie?
Even better than the new Will Smith?
I thought the first single was okay for radio. But hey - real question - how long before peoples start gettin' tired of Will and hatin' on 'em? He survived Wild Wild West. He's the "black man at work everyone can agree on." Is it forever? Even with this new album? Or are peoples just ignorin' it (I ain't heard anyone talk about this new album.)
as fuck
Will Smith VS. Pet Sounds
you must be kidding.
And "Cassidy's flow is so nice," right?
Sometimes I wonder about you, TheMack.
This album is really only impressive in comparison with that Electric Muppets trash.
Considered on its own, it's just kind of okay.
Man, it's good you're a lawyer and not a judge, YAOMINGUS?
You make Simon Cowell look like Paula Abdul and it entertains me to no end.
That shit is kinda dentist office hiphop, yasmell?
- J
Not to mention the fact that he would slap the shit outta each and every one of you for calling him soft. Constructively criticizing an album and straight up calling an artist soft are two completely different things. I find internet message boards funny in this respect.
Haven't heard the album yet but I've heard good things and plan on peepin' it.
Man, you're sounding kind of soft.
That response was officially soft.
hee hee, but actually in all honesty I never listened to JT's album but I liked all the singles. I still need that "Rock Your Body" 12".
Now get back to work D**iel!
Do you not understand anything about this game?
It takes a hard man (PASUE) to appreciate the soft soul sound of Justin Timberlake.
nah, i wanted to like it too, but common is boring as fuck. sorry.