Hutz: Uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder. Marge: Is that bad? Hutz: Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog. Marge: You did? Hutz: Well, replace the word ???kinda??? with the word ???repeatedly,??? and the word ???dog??? with ???son.???
i thoughtr it was karaoke mic ..........
"So you don't work on contingency?"
"No--money down! Also, this Bar Association logo shouldn't be on there."
Ah, I love a good grammar joke.
"I move for a...bad court...thingy."
"A mistrial?"
"That's okay, the box is empty"
"If there's a bad bookkeeping joke, I haven't heard it."
elise 8)
(ha sorry elee)
well ill give u a pic also
That's why your the Judge and I'm the ... law ... talkin' ...guy.
Delay -
Good Records
easily the best jpeg i've ever seen on this site. who did it? so genius.