Does The Klan still exist in your hood (NRR)

so i know some of you prolly live in area that were & or still are (K K K) shit going on, enlighten me... what kinna shit goes on... ive been doing a lot of research on this stuff & am in the process of putting together a comp to raise $$ for victims of hate crimes...any info would be greatly appreciated...peace
Remember when the KKK wanted to have that summit meeting up in Norcal in the 90s? That was in my backyard
that's fucked up...your parents were gonna let them fools do that shit in your YARD??
LOL...naw, but I'm from Napa, and they were trying to do it in this little canyon area about 15 minutes from my house. I think David Duke was all up in that shit. But the bad publicity shut it down before it even happened
I don't remember that. I do remember when the Arian Nation got a permit for a march on Powell Street, SF. We rallied over there from Berkeley to kick some skinhead ass, stoping along the way to raid an open house for it's beer.
We ended up getting there too late for the beatings, but we did catch the tail end of the march of people who took over the parade shouting, "No Nazi's, No KKK, No Fascist USA!!!" with bloody skinheads on the sidelines. That was gold.
This was around '90 or 91.
Not sure if you've heard this or not, but there was a nice feature about this on the NPR show, "This American Life".
In the 50's, this white dude from down south had always hated the clan... He went undercover in the organization to learn about them, and eventually, got the superman radio program to do a series where superman takes out the ku klux klan.
Dudes were quitting the klan because they're kids were playing superman vs. klux... they felt like jackasses.
Really interesting story, here's the link to the radio show about it.
yes N. & S. Carolina's are bad for that shit, that's where they did those church burnings...
shits amazing to me really, i really wish at times a black movement would start up & go fuck up them dudes & skins, same as skins do, 2 wrongs dont make a right, sayin though...
thats more than golden...
i remember a HC show in 88' sick of it all & some locals bands, some dude shows up in a skrewdriver shirt, throwin hail hitler bs in the air, he socked some dude & was then gettin beatin down by a lot of SExHC kids, when he bounced out the club, the bouncer went after him & fucked his world up, the bouncer was a black cat that worked all the HC shows, kewl as fuck, anyways i will never forget this part & it exists on video i hope to one day cop... dude was layin on ground bleeding & beat bad, skrewdriver shirt lit on fire in the alley, the bouncer says qoute " Hey homie, remember a ni**er did this to you", & busted dudes nose, i will never ever forget that shit, so classic...
more, keep em commin i know there was more HC kids on this board back in the day layin hammers on nazi punks...
when i was there (4 years ago) it was not pleasent.
there were regulalry homemade signs about "if your black watch your back" type shit put on the side of the road and stuff..
There is a town about 20 miles from here called
Church Point that is a KKK hub. Full on marches
in the middle of the day, undisturbed.
When I was 12 or 13, I stumbled accros a KKK roundup
in the woods behind my neighborhood. Burning cross,
beer and buffoons. Keep in mind this was in a relatively
large metropolitan city, in the woods behind a suburb!
Whats really odd is that Church Point has been KKK
territory for ages, according to my pops, yet the
one thrift there has hit me up with all kinds of
funk and jazz. I have scoured the town, and can't
find any brothers living there at all.
that shits unreal...
that had be a trippy experience on the real...
in the clovis west high school yearbook, the klan had an advertisement in the back with all this weird symbolism and shit. fortunately, i went to the rival school.
They include the JDL on there which in my opinion is whack since they're more like haterhaters (disrupting Nazi rallies, etc). But whateva.
Oh and when we first moved down here my fiance went to a yard sale and got escorted around a rurrrrral farmhouse by a racist hick who kept a noose hanging on a tree in his backyard because he was paranoid he would get cursed if he took it down. (there's actually a longer story behind this story, too, but I dont feel like typing it out) Clan members had lived there before them.
I havent personally ever met anyone down the klan..but I know its gotta be around...especially in more rural areas.
damn!!! i assume it's in so cal to, used to be in norco, but now i nevere hear about it, nor cal seems to have more, but so cal def has mad neo nazi's runnin around which is bad nuff...
im bout ready to put a grand wizards # on blast...
I read that, too. I'd be a little shook if I were the author. He makes it pretty clear his identity in the story I thought. But fuck it. If the skinheads wanna bring it...
I don't know about the Klan per se, but I know that Nazi skinheads are plentiful throughout New Jersey. I had a similar experience to yours, where I was drinking with some friends in the woods and we stumbled upon some sort of Nazi rally with flags and bonfires and everything. Shit was nuts. My brother used to go to hardcore shows in Jersey and apparently there would be Nazi skinheads around on a regular basis. The saddest shit about most of these people is that they can't even articulate any sort of cogent basis for their hate. They're just angry, lazy, ignorant fucks looking for a scapegoat.
The list on that website is pretty telling--
Active U.S. Hate Groups in 2003
Racist Skinhead
39 Hate Groups Found [of those 13 are from NJ!]
New Jersey
Atlantic City
???? AC Skins Racist Skinhead
???? Eastern Hammerskins Racist Skinhead
???? Bergen County Hooligans Racist Skinhead
???? Eastern Hammerskins Racist Skinhead
Little Egg Harbor City
???? AC Skins Racist Skinhead
???? White Power Liberation Front Racist Skinhead
???? Werewolf Crew #45 Racist Skinhead
???? Aryan Raiders Racist Skinhead
Point Pleasant
???? Eastern Hammerskins Racist Skinhead
Somers Point
???? AC Skins Racist Skinhead
Toms River
???? East Coast Hate Crew Racist Skinhead
???? East Coast Hate Crew Racist Skinhead
???? Bergen County Hooligans Racist Skinhead
I lived in Southie on two different occasions (both times I was desperate for a cheap apartment, and I have old family connections there), and I can tell you that they are so insular that it pretty much goes beyond race, it is anybody perceived as "not from here." Don't get me wrong, people there are deinitely some of the most racist motherfuckers in a town loaded with racist whites. It's just, they fuck with ANYBODY not from Southie. I was supposedly "okey" because in each apartment my roommate was someone with deep neighborhood connections, but I still didn't like walking around my streets ANY time of day, and I would have to walk through packs of 40 kids on a corner at 1 AM saturday nights, all tryin to be local dude what's-up-guy and not get baseball bats to the dome. Friends of mine got jumped coming to see me, my sister's boyfriend had a guy walk up to him and punch him in the face when they were getting into his car. A couple of times I went to neighborhood bars, and even though back then I pretty much just looked like Joey Boston Irish Guy, mad people would STILL hard stare me, just cause they didn't know who I was.
It's crazy, I have so much family from there, I'm tied to the place, but it is one of the most fucked up spots in the USA.
I'm as Jewish as they come, but the JDL is a hate group plain and simple: they hate certain groups of people simply based on their ethnic or religious affiliation, they are violent as fuck, and they don't just disrupt Nazi rallies. They've thrown teargas into theater performances featuring middle eastern artists. They've attacked peaceful protestors with baseball bats. Basically, they suck shit.
It's crazy xenophobic. I say I'm "from boston" but if I run into somebody from boston proper I'm screwed, because they'll say "oh yeah whereabout?" and I'll say "winchester". Then they give me the cold shoulder because it's a pretty snobby neighborhood... my parents both worked in academia, so I wasn't living high on the hill or anything, but yeah, I look, I'd say, polish and german, and that's not enough for them either.
A friend of my fiance did a lot of photography down there. Boston like HEY YOUU SEEN SULLY?
Gaston,eh? I looked it up on the map..looks like its a few hours below me. Whats going on in Gaston?
Gaston,eh? I looked it up on the map..looks like its a few hours below me. Whats going on in Gaston?
Pied Pipers Of Funkingham, that's whats goin' on in Gaston!
There has to be a box of those 12's somewhere.....