POST A FUNK 45 w/ Audio Info

drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
edited February 2016 in Record Collecting

I picked this up in Chicago over the weekend. Those of you who love drum patterns will appreciate this track, because they are simply nuts. I did a bit of checking around and this goes for pretty cheap on the regular, so cop if you're feelin' it like that.

Morton Grove, Illinois, 1976 (whoda'thunkit?)



  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    I, The Conch, approve of this post.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts

    I picked this up in Chicago over the weekend. Those of you who love drum patterns will appreciate this track, because they are simply nuts. I did a bit of checking around and this goes for pretty cheap on the regular, so cop if you're feelin' it like that.

    Morton Grove, Illinois, 1976 (whoda'thunkit?)

    Drew, you needs to get "Live and Let Live" by the dude as well. This is good too


  • Some info:
    Originally issued on Act IV, which i have not heard, the Nickel release has extra flute parts. Being a funky flute freak that's all good with me.

    More info: WICKED!!!

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

    This is bananas!!!


  • novasolnovasol 204 Posts

    I picked this up in Chicago over the weekend. Those of you who love drum patterns will appreciate this track, because they are simply nuts. I did a bit of checking around and this goes for pretty cheap on the regular, so cop if you're feelin' it like that.

    Jimmy Jones - Time and Changes

    Morton Grove, Illinois, 1976 (whoda'thunkit?)

    HA...I think that's the one I sold them last week. Funny! Good 45...kinda trippy too.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts

    The Politicians: "Free Your Mind (Instrumental) (lil dude alert)... I just like the way the guitar player sings along w/ his gee-tar.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts

    I picked this up in Chicago over the weekend. Those of you who love drum patterns will appreciate this track, because they are simply nuts. I did a bit of checking around and this goes for pretty cheap on the regular, so cop if you're feelin' it like that.

    Jimmy Jones - Time and Changes

    Morton Grove, Illinois, 1976 (whoda'thunkit?)

    this song is intense. i just bid on this 45 a couple months ago, and i NEVER buy stuff on ebay.

  • I picked this up in Chicago over the weekend. Those of you who love drum patterns will appreciate this track, because they are simply nuts. I did a bit of checking around and this goes for pretty cheap on the regular, so cop if you're feelin' it like that.

    Jimmy Jones - Time and Changes

    Morton Grove, Illinois, 1976 (whoda'thunkit?)

    Drew, you needs to get "Live and Let Live" by the dude as well.

    Heavy co-sign; that track is right up your alley. It's on Deke and usually goes for around $20. Holler for a soundclip if you want.

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    I like this post.....

    This isn't a funk45, but I dug it up recently from a box in my closet, and would love if someone could fill in some info (like who is the band?). I like it alot, but I don't think it'll appeal to everyone. Its a modernsoul/disco thing. I'll post up a "true" funk 45 a bit later.

    Liquid Paper - The Perfect Future (flip is instro)


  • I like this post.....

    This isn't a funk45, but I dug it up recently from a box in my closet, and would love if someone could fill in some info (like who is the band?). I like it alot, but I don't think it'll appeal to everyone. Its a modernsoul/disco thing. I'll post up a "true" funk 45 a bit later.

    Liquid Paper - The Perfect Future (flip is instro)


    I more into disco than modern so this one was a little bit too modern for me.. also veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery cheezy! IMO..

    you should also check out and also don't forget to check out the killer radioshow / podcast


  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    I like this post.....

    This isn't a funk45, but I dug it up recently from a box in my closet, and would love if someone could fill in some info (like who is the band?). I like it alot, but I don't think it'll appeal to everyone. Its a modernsoul/disco thing. I'll post up a "true" funk 45 a bit later.

    Liquid Paper - The Perfect Future (flip is instro)


    I can't add any info about the track, but the inventor of liquid paper and founder of the Liquid Paper Corporation Bette Nesmith Graham is the mother of the Monkees' Michael Nesmith. Is there a connection to this 45? Probably not, but random trivia is always fun.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    How did my funk 45 thread dissolve so quickly into one about bad disco?

  • How did my funk 45 thread dissolve so quickly into one about bad disco?

    I'll post 2 things that (I hope) will put the thread back on track this evening.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    You need to check out some quality disco.


    "youre the one..." is okay. maybe the band isnt the best but its got a decent sound. it also sold real well. i think they went through 1000+ copies of this. some radio play out here as well. i like the hook quite a bit. theres also a nice instrumental part near the end of the track thats cool. pretty nice bass playing. the flip side "can you hang" isnt so bad either. i could do without the call and response breakdown but other than that its cool. ive heard quite a lot worse...

    also, the band played quite a bit around the bay area 78-83. they have some dope band jackets though. silver, purple, and green trim... sounds weird but its FRESH.

    in my opinion...

    hey ryan... whos it signed by?

  • How did my funk 45 thread dissolve so quickly into one about bad disco?

    I like the thread, I'll bring french dopeness in it, tomorrow... I'll try to pick some stuff you never heard about yet... It's damn too hot in here to let my 45s out of their sleeves now. I'll do it in the "fresh" morning otherwise the risk of warp is much too high. I'm sweating so much I could also water-damage the sleeves!!!

    I'll be back!

  • ryanryan 334 Posts
    hey ryan... whos it signed by?

    (as usual). although i can't make out the signatures, i presume its autographed by the band because there are three other ones on the flip.

  • ryanryan 334 Posts

    okay, so the jury is out on the weird synth roller skate jams. here's another bay area (berkeley?) 45 that will hopefully revive the thread. the only other detail i know is that this 45 was apparently released in support of the "Hit Play" Resurgence. again, not straight funk, but i'll be curious to see what the ss massive opinion is on this one -- it sat in the store for months before i snatched it up, but a little scratchy.


    okay, so the jury is out on the weird synth roller skate jams. here's another bay area (berkeley?) 45 that will hopefully revive the thread. the only other detail i know is that this 45 was apparently released in support of the "Hit Play" Resurgence. again, not straight funk, but i'll be curious to see what the ss massive opinion is on this one -- it sat in the store for months before i snatched it up, but a little scratchy.

    Wow, now that's a nice tune there. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that. What record store was that chillin' at for so long?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    That track is pretty dope, thanks for sharing!

  • ryanryan 334 Posts
    What record store was that chillin' at for so long?
    this little shop in the lower haight.

  • There's also a small-hole issue of that.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    that resurgence track is really nice!!

  • As sheduled, here's some french heat... I could have post a lot more but I guess they're all already classics as The Salambos and others french delights. But hey, I never heard anyone talking about this one, the opposite of an uptempo but funky as hell and definitely rare. I don't have any further info on that, if anyone knows anything about it (should call robert murt) then feel free to tell us what's to be known... The track is "Liberte Lefteria"...

  • I just couldn't resist bringing an african jewel from Benin out of my crates... This is not funk but some groovy african beat that can't leave the amateur indifferent. The kind of record you meet once, except if you're K. from Canada... I'm just B. from France!

    for the eyes:

    for the hears (full 5 minutes+ version):

  • Like Jimmy Handyman or the Burg??? You need to get your ego in check, Junior. You could use a taste lesson yourself.


    What the fuck is your problem, Mr. King of Soulstrut? You are always attacking me and trying to diss me.. WTF

    I don't like the song at all. IMO it's cheezy, IMO it sucks. And yes, I've heard worse..

    "You need to get your ego in check, Junior?"??? haha you did the same, fool! Calling my finds "cheezy ace of base - abba crap" and this 45 here is even more ace of base than "Disco Party"..

    Damn, you could use a taste lesson yourself..

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    Sorry for getting your thread "off track"....I had just found that 45 in my closet and thought it was kinda interesting. Anyway, here is a funk gem. Many people don't know this side, cause they are more familiar with the flip, "Remember Me".

    The Trinikas - Black Is Beautiful (Pearce 5828)[/b]

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    Heres another..... This one is mostly soul, but during part 2 around 1min gets reeeeeeeeal funky.

    Big Ella - How Long Can I (pt2) (Superheavy 301)[/b]

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Mr. King of Soulstrut?

    Cranberry juice almost came out my nose.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts

    Like Jimmy Handyman or the Burg??? You need to get your ego in check, Junior. You could use a taste lesson yourself.


    What the fuck is your problem, Mr. King of Soulstrut? You are always attacking me and trying to diss me.. WTF

    I don't like the song at all. IMO it's cheezy, IMO it sucks. And yes, I've heard worse..

    "You need to get your ego in check, Junior?"??? haha you did the same, fool! Calling my finds "cheezy ace of base - abba crap" and this 45 here is even more ace of base than "Disco Party"..

    Damn, you could use a taste lesson yourself..


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