4,594 Posts
i'm rick james, bitchblack kkkwayne bradyr. kelly "piss on you"prince
the "what if cops treated dealers like they treat white collar criminals & vica versa" skit - "there are sooooo many amendments to choose from!!..."
replace Wayne Brady with Mad Real World and that's pretty close.
I'm with you on all of these except for the Black KKK skit. Yes, funny, but I would replace that with perhaps the Racial Draft skit.
wu tang financial
wayne brady
Player Hater's Ball
World Series of Dice
Racial Draft
haha, Marcy son, Marcy! Ashy Larry is almost as ill as Charlie M.
Honorable Mention
When Keepin It Real Goes Wrong
The Niggars
The skit where the dads switch families. "Could you turn down that R&B music please?"
Racial Draft
Black KKK
Wayne Brady
da band 2
white collar cops
wanye brady
I am REALLY gonna miss this show once these few new episodes run out (and after buying the upcoming DVD, of course). Can't dave find some way to make this work??? Schitt, Seinfeld didn't fall to pieces when NBC started droppin' serious $$$ on his ass! Neither did those Friends muthafuckas! MAN UP, DAVE, AND GET YOUR ASS BACK TO COMEDY CENTRAL!!!! WE NEED YOUR SHOW, MAN!!!!!!! Crazy muthafucka.
2.Wayne Brady.
3.History Channel: World's Greatest Wars:Ft. Mos Def.
4.Make a Wish: Dave visits a boy with cancer.
5.Black Bush
2. Rick James
3. Black KKK
4. Prince
5. New 2Pac sketch
Were the sketches they're airing finished (ok'd by Chapelle) or were they pieced together by Comedy Central? A number of the new sketches seemed like they needed a little tweeking and they would have be classics.
Not Oked by Dave.............Bootleg bullshit/Makavelli-esque/3episode/nonsense.
I actually thought last night's sketches were a lot better than the 1st episode of the "Lost" season.
i think you got it twisted. that dean and the pixie skit were Fing HIlarious. it was the coleman skit that fell flat.