reasons why Paypal sucks #5006

meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
edited July 2006 in Strut Central
So I got a chargeback today from you guessed it, FRANCE. This asshole (soul-of-florida) wins a record with a SOUND CLIP INCLUDED, first emails me this: hi, I have received today this record and it is absolutly not incondition mentioned !!! it looks G+ and plays at G-- !!!! I'm veryangry about this grading and I want to be half priced refuded !! orI'll put a claim on paypal and leave negative feedbacks !!! cheers,Laurent.To which I responded with apology, and that I wouldnt refund half the price, but I would refund in full, as soon as he sends the record back. To which he responds...Are you mad or what !?? it have a LOT of clicks and pops !!! totallyinaudible with constant BIG background noises !!! overall big scratcheson it !!! the condition is G-- !! I don't have no more trust in youthat's why I won't send the record back to you !!! a record in thiscondition is normally 5$ !!!!! I paid it 76$ !! I proposed you torefund half of the price and you don't want to cooperate so I will makea paypal claim and be fully refunded !!!To which I sayLaurent, you have absolutely no reason not to trust me. I have sold650+ items this year, with no problems. You have a written gauranteethat I will refund the money in WHOLE. I have given you my word thatI will do this, as soon as the record arrives. I shipped your recordimmediately after payment, you can at least do me the favor of doingthe same. I don't understand also, if you heard the sound clip, andsaw the grading, how you can be so shocked? You said it was G+, whichis the same as VG-. I don't want to argue about this any longer, ifyou're a serious collector, you can stop with all this threatening mewith Paypal chargebacks, and just send the record back, get yourrefund and we can both be on our way. These games are silly, pleasejust send the record back already. Get tracking info for the record ifyou don't trust me. I've given you my address and phone number where Ilive, what else do you want from me to prove I'm not going to rip youoff.Andrewto which he saysAs I already told you. I have no more trust you. It's not garanteethat you will refund me. And I don't want to take a risk in sendingback the record. Your not a serious seller as your grading system isvery bad !! I'm not a child too, I'm a big collector and serious buyer.You're losing customers as I know most of the collector of the world inthat kind of music. It's easy for me to put a message about you on somevery famous forums !! and believe me, this will be very bad for youwith the impact. Refund me half, this is a kind of arrangment betweenyou and me and I promise I will not put a paypal claim. You knwo thatpaypal sucks and they give, all the time, all the rights to the buyerand not to the seller.Cheers,LaurentI get a nice chargeback today for 81.99, paypal will do nothing, and they basically tell me its my fault for accpeting a payment from an unverified country. Only US, UK and Canada are in Paypals range of verification supposedly. I am very angry at this fucking guy now, and I would whoop his fucking ass if he were in front of me.BENCHADI Laurent68, bd capitaine gezeBat A7 ambrosini13014 Marseille FranceI will pay anyone in the vicinity 81.99 to do it for me, and send me youtube proof.


  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    problem here isn't paypal... the only problem seems to be mr. jacque-strap acting like a lil bitch... i call bullshit on top.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I remember one time a French guy said he'd tell everyone in France not to do business with me. I asked him if he knew everyone in France and he said yes. Haha!

    I'm still waiting for Google's payment system. You know they're going to come out with something that will kick Paypal's ass. If ever a company deserved to be shot and burried it's Paypal.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    You know that paypal sucks and they give, all the time, all the rights to the buyer and not to the seller.

    sounds like he knew what he was doing.. sorry to hear about this meaty.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    you should send both him AND paypal condoms by the way...

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    Im sure this is just another incarnation of the same dude who's been doing this bullshit for years. Basically if you're French, you have free reign to rob anyone on ebay blind, if its a paypal transaction.

    I will not be acccepting paypal payment from France any more, besides the dudes with healthy and readable feedback. YAY!

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    You might as well have titled this thread: "Another Reason why online record shopping sucks (for both buyers and sellers)".

    And what's up with sellers who don't respond at all to emails and automatically invoice you with priority shipping (even though it states the media option)?

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    I feel for you man, But having checked his ebay feedback, 27 with 2 (I presume the most recent one is you) neg's and private would have set my C**T alarm going off.

    Like I said in my first post, this forum could do with a suspect ebay users thread so people can be updated on the bastards before hand.

    I hear Zidanes not doing much latley and he's good with his head, perhaps send him round.

    EDIT: Having read his feedback, he's only been registered since April, and has bought 50 odd itms, I suspect he's going to be doing a LOT more chargebacks, take a lot of neg's and pop up with another ID soon enough.

    EDIT: EDIT Ignore me, I'm talkinh crap, all his feedback came from the same fella.

  • sonofsamsonofsam 680 Posts
    same fucking thing happened to my wife a couple of months ago... she wanted some money for something, so i told her she could sell this old korg electribe sampler i had... some dude in fucking france bought it for $270 ( that's more than i payed for it new 3 years ago), he payed, she sent it, everything was cool... she went out and spent the money, and a few weeks later, he starts complaining, and does a charge back... the money was already gone, so it fucked her paypal account all up... the only explaination he gave was in french, and from what we could gather using the translator shit was that he was saying some of the buttons were sticking... that wasn't true, and even if it was, just because he doesn't like the condition of a used item, he gets to just steal my sampler and my wife's money with no questions asked?

    fuck that dude and fuck paypal

    sorry that happened to you

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I'm still waiting for Google's payment system. You know they're going to come out with something that will kick Paypal's ass. If ever a company deserved to be shot and burried it's Paypal.

    Google has already set it up, but it's not what you think.[/b] They will be working with Paypal to keep customer information locked and sealed so it doesn't have to be entered on the internets (as I understand it). This is much more applicable to Amazon and, but your wishes will not be granted.
    Mecca lecca High Mecca Hiney No

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    He's got 3 now...

    And only been a member for 3 months.

    You're losing customers as I know most of the collector of the world in
    that kind of music. It's easy for me to put a message about you on some
    very famous forums !! and believe me, this will be very bad for you
    with the impact.

    I'm betting you will see alot more of this in the future. People buying shit and then using tactics like this to get the item cheaper or free.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    wow, it makes me angry just reading that. of course selling shit on ebay is my day job so i get to deal with pricks like this all the time. he deserves to die.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    ...I have no more trust you...

    I wish eBay had more options for who you will accept bids from like if the person has more that 5 negatives than they cant bid or if they are not verified through paypal...

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    he got 3 negs within the past 3 days. He didnt have any when he won the record from me. BEWARE!! Really, the only acceptable payment from France from now on will be money orders, unless its someone I've dealt with cordially in the past. I suggest the rest of you do the same.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    Is this him?

  • IronfeetIronfeet 516 Posts
    That's some bull S*it! I'm going to start selling on ebay but I think I'm only going to sell to US only.. Dude knew what he was doing, he wanted that record that's why he didn't send it back.... Wack! Dude gets the GASFACE fo sho!!!!!!

  • 7 bid retractions in 6 months? what a nut.

    that sucks meaty. thanks for the records btw!

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    Is this him?

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    "BIDDERS MUST HAVE AN OVERALL FEEDBACK SCORE OF 50 OR MORE IN ORDER TO PAY BY PAYPAL. If you are an overseas bidder and you don't have 50 or more feedback you must pay by US cash!"

  • That is ridiculous. I've recently sold some records to people in France via paypal - hoping I don't get some similar treatment.

    A suggestion to get at this French cocksucker: if people are going to stop offering Paypal - perhaps have a link to a page outlining Mr Ogre's experience and how this wanker has ruined it for everyone.

    Meaty: I hope you get a taker for someone to kick his ass for said money.

  • schoggischoggi 298 Posts
    beeing a small fish in the buyer/seller world but anyway i have some words to say (sorry in advance about the typos):

    maybe i'm just a lucky bastard but in all these years of record hunting i bought/sold records from/to all over the globe (really allover incl. peru, colombia, ecuador, asia, south africa, eastern europe... bla bla) i can't remember of any lost or damaged records (selling/buying) BUT i must say that the french post is the worst EVER... i had troubles with 5 parcels (lost, damaged) if not more plus several more MASSIVE delivery delays in both directions, okay... i'm a patient person, but with the thought in my head that the chance exists that (again) it will be lost, it's always like sitting on needles when a parcel is delayed... adding my best friends last year experience with a broken (probably only a small handful of copys known) killer AMHA LP for ??200+ which the post guy simply folded like a burrito... unbelieveable! of course the seller of this record also wasn't the most intelligent, packing it in one of these thin cardboard sleeves/mailers (can't call that package) without an extra cardboard piece... to write simply FRAGILE or NE PAS CASSER on it was maybe also to much work...

    INSURANCE is a must or at least REGISTRATION to have a bit of safety (anyway, be prepaired to wait over half a year to get an answer from the french post)

    my last parcel (cheapie) from france, about 2 months ago was covered ALL OVER with white cement... (will post a picture later) the record inside was safe but anyway... the seller (a friend) couldn't belive his eyes when i've send him a pic!

    pfff... i'm happy i got that off my chest! works like a therapy after all these years of pressure...

    must add: i know MANY reliable and very nice guys/dealers from france!


  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    meaty, I just received an email announcing the new Bidpay service. "Seller Protection from chargebacks" is a new feature. Maybe it's worth to look into it.

    I think that currently it only works for US sellers, and now you can transfer the money to your bank account. No more checks in the mail.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    You might as well have titled this thread: "Another Reason why online record shopping sucks (for both buyers and sellers)".

    Sorry to hear about that. Dude sounds like a bitch.

    There's at least 5 threads a week discussing how such and such screwed someone over. That's why I don't fuck with eBay too much. Only with dudes that I've been buying from for years or someone that I feel absolutely comfortable with.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    or someone that I feel absolutely comfortable with.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    or someone that I feel absolutely comfortable with.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    yeah, this is fucked up. This shit has definitely made selling on eBay this last year or so stressful. It's like if you impose too many restrictions of foreign bidders it's finacial suicide, but every record that sells for decent money and goes overseas makes me nervous now. I hate to be this way, but I'm just going to start canceling bids/refusing to sell to people without clean feedback. And why do these dudes need private feedback? Is there any legit reason for it? I don't see how there could be. It makes me wanna cancel bids on principal.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    And why do these dudes need private feedback? Is there any legit reason for it? I don't see how there could be. It makes me wanna cancel bids on principal.

    seriously.. i think with german bidders it's built that way (privacy laws like whoa) but frenchie has no excuse. private feedback with no negatives is OK but otherwise??

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    bear with me while i brainstorm on a hypothetical situation here. IT'S PURELY HYPOTHETICAL AIGHT???

    Let's just say, someone sells a record on ebay. And let's say the winner is in a foreign country...let's just say FRANCE for the sake of argument. I just threw a dart at a map and that's where it stuck. Let's say the high bidder receives the record but is a little bitch about it and files a complaint with Paypal, saying he never received it. Now in this HYPOTHETICAL situation, what's to stop the seller from packing up some old beat-to-shit Christopher Cross record, mailing that to the high bidder via DHL with tracking, and then submitting that tracking info to Paypal?

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    bear with me while i brainstorm on a hypothetical situation here. IT'S PURELY HYPOTHETICAL AIGHT???

    Let's just say, someone sells a record on ebay. And let's say the winner is in a foreign country...let's just say FRANCE for the sake of argument. I just threw a dart at a map and that's where it stuck. Let's say the high bidder receives the record but is a little bitch about it and files a complaint with Paypal, saying he never received it. Now in this HYPOTHETICAL situation, what's to stop the seller from packing up some old beat-to-shit Christopher Cross record, mailing that to the high bidder via DHL with tracking, and then submitting that tracking info to Paypal?

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    what's to stop the seller from packing up some old beat-to-shit Christopher Cross record, mailing that to the high bidder via DHL with tracking, and then submitting that tracking info to Paypal?

    ethics, and a NM/NM Christopher Cross would work just fine.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    bear with me while i brainstorm on a hypothetical situation here. IT'S PURELY HYPOTHETICAL AIGHT???

    Let's just say, someone sells a record on ebay. And let's say the winner is in a foreign country...let's just say FRANCE for the sake of argument. I just threw a dart at a map and that's where it stuck. Let's say the high bidder receives the record but is a little bitch about it and files a complaint with Paypal, saying he never received it. Now in this HYPOTHETICAL situation, what's to stop the seller from packing up some old beat-to-shit Christopher Cross record, mailing that to the high bidder via DHL with tracking, and then submitting that tracking info to Paypal?

    see, this still won't work, because Paypal will not verify anyones address other than in the US, UK, or Canada. Its pointless to even bother with tracking in any of the other countries if you're doing paypal payments, because Paypal wont back you up for shit.
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