SummerDrunkStrut - Whatcha sippin?



  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts


    what's a chelado/michealado? I googled that after reading it in the My Life...thread, but couldn't find anything. My summer has been all about citrusy Tequilla cocktails, with this one local bourbon cocktail thrown in (MVP of the summer right thur.)

    Oh, and Red Stripe. I think it is because they are sponsoring Pardon the Interruption, which we watch as I leave work and stop at the liquor store. Ad money well spent on their part. Saw me coming.

    Hey dude... I don't know why the images didn't load. The beer is Pacifico.

    As for the Michelados, my dudes down in Mexico hipped me to it. Take a tall glass, like a pint glass, and take a slice of lime and run it around the rim of the cup. Then dip the rim in salt so that it coats the entire rim. Then fill your glass with ice. Then, you pour into the glass freshly squeezed lime juice, and on top of that a few shakes of habanero hot sauce. Then you pour your beer into the cup and make sure it all mixes well, then throw a few slices of lime up in there. Shit is the bomb.

    And a Chelado is just without the hot sauce. Still banging.

    Pacifico is nice in the summer time. i am not into the pilsner style much, but all those Presidente', Pacifico, Cerveza Ole` are nice on hot days, the most little touch on the sweet side.


    In a pint much lime juice would you say? i am all for giving this a shot.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    In a pint much lime juice would you say? i am all for giving this a shot.

    I play it by ear dude and like maybe fill it up up an inch or so. It's all to taste really.

  • I'll say this as well...on the 'whatcha sippin?' end of things, I could simply and accurately answer, "A Lot."

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts

    In a pint much lime juice would you say? i am all for giving this a shot.

    I play it by ear dude and like maybe fill it up up an inch or so. It's all to taste really.

    That works. i'm gonna do this asap.

    i have a handful of regular customers that love their prarie fires and snakebties, so i am going to see if i cant work this into their patronage.

    Good look.

  • Victory's Ten Year joint is off the chain!

    YES..Shit gets me really drunk though. Fr&#k, you need to come by and have a beer because if I drink the rest of the alts in my fridge I may face liver failure.

    Oh yeah, and Circus Boy is brewed by Magic Hat. They have some other good beers too.

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Stoli just released Blueberry. I'm wondering what could u make w/ this? no ayo.

  • phono13phono13 842 Posts
    Mainly this summer:

    Local yummy staple

  • these icy cold

    with chilled shots of this tasty lil bourbon

  • so i went to this new restaurant in hollywood which isnt saying a whole lot except they had kobe beef burgers and cornfed turkey or some shit and they have some decent beers on tap but my frou frou friends ordered some beer shake thing that was a milkshake made with beer and they were all acting like a bunch of food blog dorks over this shit when really its as nasty as it sounds.

    and i dont get the beer in the summer thing. i mean, it sounds like a great idea but it gets effing HOT down here and i had a couple of beers and then i fell asleep and had a headache. 2 beers! just give me some damn whiskey flavor bitches!

    anyways, i do love me some hoegaarden.

  • so i went to this new restaurant in hollywood which isnt saying a whole lot except they had kobe beef burgers and cornfed turkey or some shit and they have some decent beers on tap but my frou frou friends ordered some beer shake thing that was a milkshake made with beer and they were all acting like a bunch of food blog dorks over this shit when really its as nasty as it sounds.

    and i dont get the beer in the summer thing. i mean, it sounds like a great idea but it gets effing HOT down here and i had a couple of beers and then i fell asleep and had a headache. 2 beers! just give me some damn whiskey flavor bitches!

    anyways, i do love me some hoegaarden.

    was it a guiness float? i've seen those...

    what i've been feelin lately is just a on the rocks!

    but i have to say, posting up pix of drinks w/ice sweat makes me reallllllly thirsty and want to try some of these-especially the pisco sour and spicy lookin' margaritas.

  • But seriously - already have posted Prof. Rockwell's Blackout Frozen Strawberry Margarita, and the infamous Vodka Milkshakes, but I learned a new one last night: SIP 'N GO NAKED

    1 can limeade concentrate
    fill empty concentrate can with vodka, add to concentrate
    add 3 BUDWEISERs (yes, it matters what brand, but canned or bottled will do)
    add limes if you wish
    mix, serve and enjoy!!

  • no offense to anyone here, BUUUUUUT, the mix drinks crowd are the same asswipes that give their sex acts a name. like dudes that take the time to perform a donkey punch, i mean, dogg, what youre really after is sex so why all the extra effort? mix drinks! psssshhhaaaww! if you wanna get fucked up just say i wanna get fucked up and grab a bottle of jack!

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Tried to post this earlier and more eloquently, but i dont know where it went.

    A word on Magic Hat:

    Its like a good beer starter kit. For every beer of theirs (and they do produce many, which is commendable) there is a much better alternative elsewhere in the microbrewed world.

    Among serious beer drinkers it is by and large little guy brew. Post about Magic Hat in a beer forum and you will get the BAN.


  • no offense to anyone here, BUUUUUUT, the mix drinks crowd are the same asswipes that give their sex acts a name. like dudes that take the time to perform a donkey punch, i mean, dogg, what youre really after is sex so why all the extra effort? mix drinks! psssshhhaaaww! if you wanna get fucked up just say i wanna get fucked up and grab a bottle of jack!

    hey man, I am NOT an asswipe, and I don't give names to my sex acts. I just fuck. Like a champ.

  • when i splurge

    the "every day" staple

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I love these alcohol-related threads!

    So much knowledge is dropped in these threads.

    I'm drinking the following ales:

    That schitt will have you blasted but no end-of-the-world headache the next day.


    The whole Time I was in Taiwan I drank Boddington's and when I'm at home its Newcastle all day every day.

    I swear to god dude, Its like we were related or something. If it weren't for that whole thing about us not exactly being the same race and all, I would get our DNA checked or some shit.

    I'm gonna call you tomorrow.

  • sergserg 682 Posts

    Local yummy staple

    man I miss that shit, use to always cop a six or two at sun stop in tempe

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    my summer drinks are:

    gin and tonics's , hendrick's on special occasions
    pimm's, for that regatta watching vibe
    calimocho (red wine and coke) b/c you can drink them all night and they get you faded
    pbr, ballentine, genny cream, or any other cheapshit beer xtra cold!
    mojitos (i'm too lazy to make my own, but if a bar has fresh mint, i'm about it)

    i actually prefer beers like boddingtons and hoegarden in the winter...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    I order this for the name alone.

    I don't have a "winter" beer. Mostly because San Diego doesn't really have "winter".

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    hoegarden is a very nice summer daytime beer, but i don't really drink it that often.

    once every so often i like rolling rock too but only if it's BLAZING hot and the beer is so cold that it's painful to hold.

    but in general i'm all about this shit from okinawa

    easy to find in japanese stores in NY, probably more difficult to find elsewhere in the US. like a japanese pabst blue ribbon. clean and delicious.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    Cerveza Caguama (cheap!)
    Olde English
    Bloody Mary w/ lots of extra Tabasco

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Every now and then I goto the store and come back with some funky beers. I just got finished drinking from Lithuania

    and I got to sat it was very tasty... I also Got a 4 pack of the 90 minute I.P.A.

    One od my favorite beers lately!!!
    Honk if you like Dogfish!!!!!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    my anytime of day beer of choice!

    Good to see wife-beater getting a mention.

    Hoegarden's a damn fine beer but I couldn't go on an all day binge on it - too gassy and sweet.

    I'm desperately trying to find somewhere that imports this:

    Though I know it won't taste the same from bottles as is does from the tap. The Czechs are blessed with what I reckon is the finest lager in the world. Light, refreshing, doesn't give you beer mouth and still hits 5% easily.

  • Tried to post this earlier and more eloquently, but i dont know where it went.

    A word on Magic Hat:

    Its like a good beer starter kit. For every beer of theirs (and they do produce many, which is commendable) there is a much better alternative elsewhere in the microbrewed world.

    Among serious beer drinkers it is by and large little guy brew. Post about Magic Hat in a beer forum and you will get the BAN.


    This is very true a lot of their beers taste the same, but the Circus Boy is actually a pretty good American White Beer. The #9 is crap though.

    Dog Fish head is great, last summer they came out with a 40oz and that shit was really fucking good. The 90min is also excellent. I want to try the 120 min but its like $10 for a 12oz bottle.

    Also, I have been drinking any and all St. Bernardus beers. Their white beer is great and the Patar 6 is fucking brilliant. Don't sleep.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    I drank threw Newcastle's last night while I was bumping Psycrunk.

    I picked up my Boddington's habit from Magic Jaxon. Thank you, SoulStrut!

  • Link to NY Times article on their summer cocktail contest. They also have an articleo n prosecco up...props to whoever it is on the board whose homie is Eric Asimov.

  • Anyone have some good sangria recipes?

    I'm going to try some cutty bang tonight.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    7-up and Remy Martin. So tasty.
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