valentine DRUM record

i just got the valentine drum record finally. thanks to the molemen. it's awesome. 100 drum braeks! you guys should call sound library in new york to see if they have any more repress copies. heres the number 212 598 9302peace, stein. . .

i saw that one but 59.99 was a little high.
is it like an original thing or was it done recently ?
speaking of drum records anybody got any modern drummer flexidiscs that they did in the 70s? those things are sick !
sample em and sell it to me plaese
p.s. i'm pretty sure even the TSL one goes for loot and is long gone
Seriously, what the Hell is this record you guys are talking about right now[/b], and how much is it gonna set me back once I get paid on friday?
vg- though ..
drums by gary mure
It has these brakes + more
mother popcorn
i got the feeling
cold sweat
give it up and turn it loose
do your thing
express yourself
sing asimple song...
Reminds me of that godawful drum break 45 SOULFIRE PUT OUT with the beat#'s and all.
Was Phillip Lehman on drums?
turd gigante
tape loops?? Those records that seem like they were supposed to be sampled are very humorous.
that one on ebay looks like absolute shit, you can see the scratches on the low quality picture.
this guy lives in triton synths and feeds on the producers brain.
Now I know what the B stands for.
My man.
Shoot I can Human beat Box better Drum sounds, you haven't heard the Mango Ate