Fox News Related

soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
edited May 2005 in Strut Central
just caught sheppard smith telling a fellow co-anchor to:
go smoke pot & kill someone
they also earlier had a dude giving his opinion to who may have killed some kids, & also stated:
was most likely some kids smoking pot that did it
the weed must be evil, cuz fox linked it to some murder that has no suspects & no leads, but weed def had a part in it...


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    don't you know weed is the devil?

    We need some semi-automatic assault weapons so we can rid America of such a dangerous thing

  • couple months old but...

    Wis. cops 'did their job' in killing man abusing his kids, relative says[/b]

    March 31, 2005

    BY RUMMANA HUSSAIN Staff Reporter

    A relative of three children whose screaming, naked father was killed by Kenosha, Wis., police when he began twisting his 5-year-old son's neck on the side of a road said the authorities were "just doing their job" when they fatally shot him.

    A few of Bobby Sherrod's family members questioned why police lodged nine bullets in the 31-year-old's torso, but concluded they probably resorted to shots to keep the children safe from Sherrod's uncharacteristically bizarre and abusive behavior, said the relative, who didn't want his name used.

    "He just snapped," the relative said Wednesday. "We're not really blaming the policeman. Basically, we think they did their job."

    Sherrod, who had an extensive criminal history, was scheduled for arraignment on domestic battery charges in Lake County on Wednesday. The man, who grew up in Zion and Waukegan, was normally a "good father," the relative said.

    Shannon Skidmore, 24, fled the apartment she shared with Sherrod after Sherrod beat her early Tuesday morning, Kenosha Police Sgt. Ron Bartholomew said. Then Sherrod smoked marijuana, drank some shampoo, ripped the sink out of the bathroom wall and took off his clothes, Bartholomew said.[/b]

    Sherrod then threw water on his children, including a 14-month-old girl and a 3-year-old boy, before undressing them and parading them on the street at 2:15 a.m. Before heading outside, Sherrod also gave the younger boy several pills -- which he spit out -- held a knife to his daughter and punched his 5-year-old several times, according to his eldest son, Bartholomew said.

    'The officers were justified'

    Once outside, Sherrod and his children were spotted by a female motorist, who called 911. When officers David Monson and Luke Hofmann found the four and asked Sherrod to stop, he kept barking orders and eventually held scissors to the toddler's neck, Bartholomew said. He threw the scissors down when Monson drew his gun and Hofmann took out his stun gun.

    But the 5-foot-10, 236-pound Sherrod fell on top of his daughter, Bartholomew said. He then began twisting his eldest son's neck. "The child fell limp, and the officers thought he had killed him," Bartholomew said.

    Fearing for the children's lives, Monson shot and killed Sherrod, Bartholomew said, adding "the officers were justified." The children now live with their mother in Zion.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    fuck him

    good riddance.

    Anybody that hurts a kid should be killed.

    Have a great day!

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    just caught sheppard smith telling a fellow co-anchor to:

    go smoke pot & kill someone

    they also earlier had a dude giving his opinion to who may have killed some kids, & also stated:
    was most likely some kids smoking pot that did it

    the weed must be evil, cuz fox linked it to some murder that has no suspects & no leads, but weed def had a part in it...

    I realize that in actuality comments like this are, by themselves, fairly innocuous, but I swear to god, there's something about reading shit like this that makes me want to fucking claw my eyes out! How fucking long before editorializing renders journalism in this country completely fucking obsolete?

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    fuck him

    good riddance.

    Anybody that hurts a kid should be killed.

    Have a great day!

  • Funny how Fox's news programming is completely at odds with their sitcoms and stuff. That 70's Show, for example- totally glorifies potsmoking.

  • How fucking long before editorializing renders journalism in this country completely fucking obsolete?

    already is. mother fuckers are all acknowledging they dont investigate shit. they only cover administration talk points, give each side a chance to present their spin, and their work is done. the only time network news finds anything new is by reading some crackpots blog. shit is sad.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    How fucking long before editorializing renders journalism in this country completely fucking obsolete?

    already is. mother fuckers are all acknowledging they dont investigate shit. they only cover administration talk points, give each side a chance to present their spin, and their work is done. the only time network news finds anything new is by reading some crackpots blog. shit is sad.

    F'real. Bill Moyers killed that shit. Journalism has ceased to be dogged questioning and investigation in pursuit of facts. Now it's just letting both sides spin and recite their talking points with only a cursory fact check, if that. And Fox News is perhaps the worst thing to happen to newscasting. Sad indeed.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Funny how Fox's news programming is completely at odds with their sitcoms and stuff. That 70's Show, for example- totally glorifies potsmoking.

    Rupert Murdoch is a businessman before he's an ideologue. It's just a bonus that Fox News' political alignment plays into his own worldview. He'd run a liberal network if it made him more money to hire tax cut & deregulation lobbyists.

  • I actually just read an editorial in the New York Post about a week or two ago that called for the decriminilization of marijuana. The editorial said that marijuana arrests were way up over the past ten years, but its usage was still the same and/or rising. They said the it was all unjustified as the herbs are no worse for you than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. i agreed with the post, now I need to quit the ciggs.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Network news is the reason why I read everyday.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Funny how Fox's news programming is completely at odds with their sitcoms and stuff. That 70's Show, for example- totally glorifies potsmoking.

    Rupert Murdoch is a businessman before he's an ideologue. It's just a bonus that Fox News' political alignment plays into his own worldview. He'd run a liberal network if it made him more money to hire tax cut & deregulation lobbyists.

    Right. It's a great thing if you can play both sides of the coin and rope in twice as many folks. I mean, Bill Fucking O'Reilly was a the host of "Inside Edition" for years - "reporting" on Playboy parties and rap stars - before he because the gaping asshole he is today.

  • Funny how Fox's news programming is completely at odds with their sitcoms and stuff. That 70's Show, for example- totally glorifies potsmoking.

    Rupert Murdoch is a businessman before he's an ideologue. It's just a bonus that Fox News' political alignment plays into his own worldview. He'd run a liberal network if it made him more money to hire tax cut & deregulation lobbyists.

    Right. It's a great thing if you can play both sides of the coin and rope in twice as many folks. I mean, Bill Fucking O'Reilly was a the host of "Inside Edition" for years - "reporting" on Playboy parties and rap stars - before he because the gaping asshole he is today.

    O'reily used to be for marijuana decriminalization too. I used to watch his show before 9/11 -- it was always very amusing, especially the Gary Condit scandall. Dont worry, I'm a loyal dem/dom.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    is it just me or was 9/11 the day that liberals and conservatives really began to choose sides and attack one another?

    anybody remember Bush's initial post-election speeches in which he said he was going to try to unite the two parties. Shits never been more divided in my lifetime (yes Reagan)

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    is it just me or was 9/11 the day that liberals and conservatives really began to choose sides and attack one another?

    Just you. After the 2000 elections Democrats rallied around Bush and supported No Child Left Behind and his scheme to take the entire budget surplus and mail it out to tax payers in small checks.

    Then 9/11, things were even more united.

    Bush got 100% backing in the senate and and only one no vote for military action in Afganistan.

    If Bush had chosen to go after Al Qida in Afganistan and to truely rebuild Afganistan and restore our standing in the Muslim world he would have run unapossed in 2004.

    Instead, despite the fact that 1/3 of the country was oppossed. And dispite the fact that it took a pack of lies to justify it, he invade Iraq.

    While many Americans oppossed this proven mistake, few in the senate or congress oppossed it.

    Those running against Bush would not talk out against Iraq until Howard Dean started talking and became the front runner.

    That was the day that sides were chosen and the attaks began.


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    your right I had my time tables of bullshit american politics all wrong.

    BTW can anyone remember a time when Bi-partisan politics actually worked? I don't really understand why I haven't seen this. the 2 parties and their supporters tend to look at the other party as an enemy. I'm in no way a republican but I actually like some of the things John McCain does.

    Just seems like 2 parties based in American democracy may actually be on the same page on more issues than just bombing countries

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Network news is the reason why I read everyday.

    Yea! It scares me I learn more about my country by watching the news from FUCKING ENGLAND!!!!!!!

    Also, they had a cool thing the other weekend about the human voice and the played some Rahzel stuff.
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