My Official Bay Area Strut Farewell!
720 Posts
Now as I'm finishing packing up my shit, securing a U-Haul box full of my pillagings from the last five months for airplane travel, I need to shout out all the nice people I have met from the Strut while here. Thank you guys for free drinks, entries, mixes, and records, weed, rides in the middle of the night, laughs, karaoke, hugs and pounds, and some of the greatest DJ sets I have ever witnessed. I have been in the receiving end so much more than in the giving and I feel that the hospitality of this City has indeed made itself felt. If you ever feel like visiting Finland I'll be there to take care of you.Thank you in no particular order:Jinx and Bev, Morse Code, Young Phonics, peacefulrotation, Ross and Neta, coolchris, Stef and SergeTo all the folks that I met only briefly I hope that I'll catch more of you sometime later:Ms Damn, Mike2600(thong tho-tho-thong-thong), Johnny Paychecks, dollar bin, Mongo Slade, urrrs, Cosmo.It was nice people! Keep on it!
It was great having you here in the Sco these past few months. Not only did you bring your pleasant company, knowledge, and height - you brought Nicole Willis's and Timmions! Thanks for kicking it with us and coming out to all the funk-tions. (and cleaning out our bay rap used bins... ) No, No records at G****s!
Please PM the addy for future mailings~~~have a safe trip and good luck carrying all that vinyl on if you haven't shipped it already.
At least you won't have to worry about Serg doing this to you at parties.
Thank you, take care and farewell! (*HUG*)
No wonder... I usually come off at that place thanks to the lazy diggers of the Bay Area... not this time around... I figured someone was dipping their finger in my sugar bowl
Markus it was good to meet you and feel free to give a holler if you're ever on the east side of things.
Who knows, maybe I'll see you in Finland some time?!?!?
Happy and safe travels,