I no longer care for modern soul and "boogie" type stuff. Now it's all about Led Zeppelin and other Grand Funk Railroad offshoots. I get excited at the dollar bin again.Also liking these Skippy White 'fast rap' mix CDs.
1st song on Led Zeppelin's "Presence" LP
Wut it do on some Set Sale action?
i need to hear that song at least once a day
Mad Hassidic loner biz.
I was listening to Zepplin "II" on the way into the office this morning. That at Andrew Hill "Point of Departure" have been getting major play in the car. I need some new jazz though. Not new, per say, just new to me.
Try this. It's centainly to my "NOW" musical taste.
doesn't make me as squirmy and impatient as it used to, but i still proceed with caution.
i don't listen to a fraction of the free-jazz i used to
I know, I'm sick of most that stuff too. Not that it ever went away but latey,I have been listening to the good old rap music, new and old.
I'm not down with the real, nor can I make sound files. Let's just say that it is pretty unique. Oh, and after you look it up in Poopsike, I'm sure even Reynaldo and NateBizzo are into it.
So, basically, nothing has changed.
Music is no longer a primarily aural experience for me--instead just hearing the word "crack" stimulates some primitive animal part of my brain. All else is secondary.
In fact, merely typing the word "crack" has transported me into a world of mental bliss. Don't expect any more posts from me today.
*sound of Guzzo hurriedly bookmarking page for reference in future personal attacks*
whats the deal Raj? This the boston Skippy White? I assume someone using his store to sell mix cds? Didn't the RIAA bust his store last year?
ps. not the exact one, you know, not to take yours away. but if i could have one just like it. sigh.
I believe he means SLOPPY White... who posts here
That's pretty much what I figured, that I would have a slim-to-no chance of running into that in the real world. But that's OK. Here's another record that makes my pants tight:
It's a known and raer record.
A fellow strutter once mentioned to me that they were looking for it & I couldn't turn up schitt. That's the first pix I've seen of the thing. It looks
I'm listening to a lot of old and new/nu folk, West Coast/Laurel Canyon soft rock, FM rock mainstays like the Doobie Brothers ("Another Park, Another Sunday" is that crack), America, early Hall & Oates. Late 70's/early 80's synth stuff like Tangerine Dream's "Exit" and some of their soundtrack joints are doing it for me as well, especially in tandem with "Miami Vice" season 1 on DVD. I don't know too much about GAMM Inc., but they've been putting out some of my favourite dancefloor records of recent months, and I'm at the point where I'm pretty much copping their shit on spec - lots of slickly-executed reggae blends, disco/boogie/latin re-edits and old-fashioned c&p action that are a lot of fun to play out. I've been bumping some cumbia comps a friend did for me, along with a bunch of old Ice Cube joints, Sticky Fingaz' slept-on "Blacktrash" album, and the Scott Walker box-set from a couple of years back. Oh, and Roxy Music as well.
and Television's Marquee Moon - LATE PASS!
I've never had or heard it, but ShowandTell had it up on his site for years - which means it's now sweated by about 300,000 collectros. I believe he also sold a copy on the bay for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-300 bucks last year-ish.
never too late for this!