10 most important moments in soulstrut history?

Pap day got me thinking about this... I've been here a long time and see soulstrut grow like crazy. This is my little list, feel free to make your own or add on... (this is in no particular order)1. SOULSTRUT IS BORN. I wasn't here when it happened, but I've heard the story. Raj creates it, a few people hang out, a few more show up, and soulstrut explodes.2. THECRATES GETS BANNED. As far as I know, the crates was the first person to get banned. I don't even know why he got banned, but he was soulstrut's first super-villian. From arguing about shadow vs. marley marl, to the crate's diary, to getting called out on his beats that he said weren't his own (and then got straight BUSTED). TheCrates will always be the greatest to ever get banned.3. WELKSHAKE IS RELEASED ON VYNIL. OK, coming from me that sounds pretty self-important, but I think it was the first time that something got released as a result of soulstrut. I posted it up, people liked it, I got a pm, it got pressed, and strutters supported it by buying it. Now all sorts of real world moves get make here, but I really think welkshake was the first.4. MISS SHINGALING TELLS US TO DRINK A 40, SMOKE A BLUNT, AND GET LAID. It may have been the first of the million page threads. They happen all the time now, but I swear that was the first. And it was hilarious.5. MONTY STARK SHOWS UP. I think that maybe this was our first "Salma Hayek!" moment. I could be wrong, but it was the prime example. Person A talks shit about person B, then person B shows up out of nowhere. Another prime example would be Anthony Pearson, especially since a lot of people didn't even think he existed.6. LET A HEATROCK LOOSE. No explanation necessary. One of the greatest things to happen on the strut.7. MINGERING MIKE. If you were there while the whole thing took off, it was like reading a novel and wondering what would happen next. And when Secret Chimp and Fatback finally found him, shit was crazy. Then an article appears in Wax Poetics that snubs soulstrut and bitch slaps the entire board by editing out any mention of us.... which brings me to the next one....8. DOLLAR BIN TOM DOES AN ALL SOULSTRUT RADIO BROADCAST. To show love Dollar Bin does like 3 hours of nothing but music make by soulstutters, complete with callers and an interview with RAJ himself. Shit was beautiful.9. SOULTSRUT CRASHES MAJOR, NEW SOULSTRUT IS BORN. We raided the-breaks, and stonesthrow and whoever else was out there. we emailed each other on giant lists. Terms such as TET and SPIDERHOLE were coined. Finally soulstrut was reborn with a new look. Still doesn't quite work.10. PAP DAY. what started off as a few funny pap posts exploded into a whole day of nothing but pap posts. If you were in on it, it was hilarious. If you weren't, it was outrageously annoying. In the end it was so funny it became our first and only internet holiday. Does any other web site on the entire web have its own holiday? I don't know, but I'd like to think we were the first.
le-toupt doesn't make the list???
yeah, i fucked that one up!!! he totally needs to be on there?
how do you know letoupt with only 31 posts? WHO ARE YOU?
hehe, i been drinking.
Real Lurkerz Know the Deal
Also honorable mention for that whole soul_syndrome thread. That shit was classic.
And, while I like all ur stuff Diz, that L13 dis was pretty damn
you're not going to believe this, but Miss Shing-a-ling, herself, was in my studio for a couple hours, one afternoon, sharing a bong with me, (but none of that other stuff). She got on-line, and the first site she hit was Soul Strut. i swear that's the truth... and then the "bean dip offa Stark" google thing happened days later.
heatrock is #1
Hahahaha, this is true!
I've been reading and posting (very infrequently) lo these many years, pretty much since the site was a baby. I don't remember how I came across the site (maybe someone linked to it from the old Soul Fire board or something), but I do remember finding a great Iron Monkey mix on the front page--the set with "Do the Granny" by the Nite-Liters--and bookmarking the Strut. It wasn't too long after that that le-toupt showed up and started asking for mp3 raer.
I had a different user ID then, before the first board crash, but I only posted once in a while anyway...
Plaese to summarize for us who weren't around? Sounds interesting.
- Bean dip offa Stark, son.
- Breakbeatraer 12" is released
- Raj's Soulstrut Mansion party
Has anybody seen my red bicycle??
Yeah, that shit was hilarious. For some reason I thought TheHookUp did those.... That was monkey man? Le-Toupt is also important since that was really the dawn of "insider" slang on soulstrut. I mean, soulstrut's first official release is named in honor of him. I can't beleive I left le-toupt off. I knew there was shit I was forgetting.
Actually, I should add your reviews to that list, since so many people got here by googling an artist and finding your reviews. So make those 11 and 12.
And yeah, heatrock should be first, except that the list wasn't in any order.
To the dude that asked about mingering mike.... it's a LONG story, and yeah, it really is interesting. You could google it though and find out all about him.
Alphonze Mouzon was a good one. That was before my time, but I heard all about it.
I wish there was some way to categorize "meeting strutters in the real world" into that list. Strutters DJ'd my wedding. I've hung out with them in LA, San Francisco, NYC, etc. Next week I'll be meeting up with DJ Sheep in Taipei. Its cool knowing that just about any major city you go to there are some strutters there who are probably down to hang out and have fun. Its not even weird anymore. Delay took me and HJ out on our honeymoon in NYC and we had the best time ever.
Look here:
All things Mingering
Mingering Mike.. THE BOOK
(coming to a store near you in Spring '07!)
I would say we need to save THIS THREAD as a remedy
for whenever people talk about the "good old days" of the Strut -
despite the comedy of bean dip, I think it shows the board has come a
looooooong way.
one guy wants to buy all the Herb Alpert records and burn them
so nobody will see them in thrift stores anymore.
another guy defends Herb Alpert because he "found an open kick
& snare" on whipped cream & other delights.
someone else wants to buy "it's becasue i'm black" (?) by Syl
Johnson and a copy of Skull Snaps that he would sample and then
sell for "$1000"
yet another guy says "it's becasue i'm black" isn't a very good
album except for the title track and thank god he only bought the repress.
so basically soul strut 2002 reads like thebreaks.com 2006
That's still a step up from the-breaks. What happened to Kojack and Chase Crusher? And who did dreidel menorah become?
Kojack is alive and well. I saw him yesterday at Aaron Money's engagement (!!!) party.
He's steady gettin' his school + lurk on.
Chase Crusher = now just Chase on the board.
That's still a step up from the-breaks. What happened to Kojack and Chase Crusher? And who did dreidel menorah become?
dreidel came back on under a different name....he told me some of yall came at him with that, your a newjack loser attitude..never been back since. hes doing his thing tho..
That's still a step up from the-breaks. What happened to Kojack and Chase Crusher? And who did dreidel menorah become?
dreidel came back on under a different name....he told me some of yall came at him with that, your a newjack loser attitude..never been back since. hes doing his thing tho..
Dreidel came back as Woimsah. Nice guy, I met up with himn a few times a couple months ago.
Okay, I remember reading about that guys stuff in a newspaper. So which strutter posted his work? What happened then?
As I understand it, Secret Chimp first posted it up, then he and Fatback went back to obtain more MM items. The finds were picked up by outsider art fans and communities and created a buzz online. The NY Times later did an article on it. I don't know the chronology very well, but at some point Chimp and Fatback tracked down Mike and got him involved in displaying the art in galleries. Dori (aka Secret Chimp) has been working on a Mingering Mike book, as well as releasing original Mingering Mike reel to reel recordings (hopefully through another strutter's label).
That's the highly condensed version and I'm sure I missed something.
hell yeah!
Not top ten, I guess......but our Brillo nights were borne out of 3 Strutters getting together - not 3 Vultures.....in the first instance, anyhow.
Even though I didn't make a track, I did enjoy the "Sayer Beat-off" or whatever it was called. Phill Most killed it if I remember correctly.