The Most Meaningless Record In Sports

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
Some local sportscaster just informed me via a 10 second news "flash" that Barry Bonds is now just three home runs away from breaking Babe Ruth's "record" of 714 home runs.WTFIs there a news wire service out there still operating on 1970 time??


  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    It's the Fear of A Black Planet Syndrome...

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    It's the Fear of A Black Planet Syndrome...


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Taking "second place" on a high-profile milestone statistical
    record is usually hyped to a certain point. With the HR record
    being the Mother of All Records, moving into second all-time
    is obviously going to attract a lot of attention.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Taking "second place" on a high-profile milestone statistical
    record is usually hyped to a certain point. With the HR record
    being the Mother of All Records, moving into second all-time
    is obviously going to attract a lot of attention.

    Absolutely....but don't they usually say "Emmitt Smith Passed Tony Dorsett and is now 5th on the All-Time List"??

    I've never heard second or third place of anything ever be called a "Record".

    That's what I thought was weird, not the's obviously the biggest story in Baseball this year.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Man, the first thing that came to mind when i saw this post was the consectutive games played record. INcredible achievement but not really that compelling and requires nothing more than endurance. HRs and SOs you have to earn against an opponent.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    It's the Fear of A Black Planet Syndrome...


    Some people--Barry Bonds and the fans he has left, mostly--are trying to make his pursuit of the HR record a racial thing, claiming that white people don't want to see a black man overtake the most hallowed (white) player in the history of the sport, hence the Bonds detractors. Of course, this distaste for Barry Bonds wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's an asshole and a dopefiend and not really worth rooting for anymore. No, not at all.

  • It's the Fear of A Black Planet Syndrome...


    Some people--Barry Bonds and the fans he has left, mostly--are trying to make his pursuit of the HR record a racial thing, claiming that white people don't want to see a black man overtake the most hallowed (white) player in the history of the sport, hence the Bonds detractors. Of course, this distaste for Barry Bonds wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's an asshole and a dopefiend and not really worth rooting for anymore. No, not at all.

    yeah, the race thing is a pretty empty argument considering that the record has been held by a black person for 30 years.

    There is something to be said for surpassing Babe Ruth though simply cause he is considered one of the best ever if not the very best.

    But still to see a man who can't even run or field propped up simply to swing a bat and pretty much nothing else is a really sorry sight.

    Why is Bud Selig commisioner again?

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    It's the Fear of A Black Planet Syndrome...


    Some people--Barry Bonds and the fans he has left, mostly--are trying to make his pursuit of the HR record a racial thing, claiming that white people don't want to see a black man overtake the most hallowed (white) player in the history of the sport, hence the Bonds detractors. Of course, this distaste for Barry Bonds wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's an asshole and a dopefiend and not really worth rooting for anymore. No, not at all.

    yeah, the race thing is a pretty empty argument considering that the record has been held by a black person for 30 years.

    There is something to be said for surpassing Babe Ruth though simply cause he is considered one of the best ever if not the very best.

    But still to see a man who can't even run or field propped up simply to swing a bat and pretty much nothing else is a really sorry sight.

    Why is Bud Selig commisioner again?

    What do you want Bud Selig to do? That race card is also irrelevant considering Hank Aaron holds the record. Baryy Bonds =

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Some people--Barry Bonds and the fans he has left, mostly--are trying to make his pursuit of the HR record a racial thing, claiming that white people don't want to see a black man overtake the most hallowed (white) player in the history of the sport, hence the Bonds detractors. Of course, this distaste for Barry Bonds wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's an asshole and a dopefiend and not really worth rooting for anymore. No, not at all.

    My aren't we projecting. That he may be an asshole isn't the issue. That he's maybe a dope fiend (like Steve Howe - who we lamented his passing recently) isn't the issue either. The issue is whether he's failed a drug test as a Major League Ballplayer.

    It seems his innocence has zero place in this convo. All the conjecture and questions as to what he has or hasn't done/taken is secondary to the fact none of those things were illegal to use as per the rules of Major League Baseball. You want people to play by those dontcha??? I don't see the need to dismiss ones accomplishments because they followed the letter of the law instead of the spirit of it. It's a factual statement he's never failed an MLB drug test for drugs banned by baseball. period. That should be enough. It's odd some people have to have a "reason" for him being the best in the game right now because there "has to be" something shady about his ability. My foot & hat size has grown the last few years - am I gulity of roiding out?

    Plus can anyone quantify how any of the supposed doping improved his swing or hand-to-eye coordination? No one anywhere gives us that data. No one also points out we eat more Growth Hormone steroids in everyday life in the food that's approved by the FDA. If it's bad for you, that should be enough to not have it anywhere. It's interesting we have lines drawn as to what's the wrong or right amount of steriod use is good for our health.

    To make an analogy, no one denigrates the The Seagrams, Kennedy, Phillip Morris families for amassing their fortunes on something that was illegal when part of their fortunes were made. they just changed the rules to make their shit legal cuz they had dough. You really think weed is illegal because it's supposedly bad for you or is it because it was a threat to the Tobacco industry??? No one is mad when their accountant saves them more money by using the rules of the tax law to their benefit, but somehow when it's Barry Bonds using the principal he's somehow villianized. He's the best we've ever seen who's at the tail end of a career that if he were Dave Kingman or Steve Garvey we prolly couldn't wait to hoist him up on that pedestal.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    and there were death threats to Hank Aaron when he was close to breaking The Babe's hollowed record soley because "some people" didn't think it was a good thing for a darkie to hold a record that's a true testament to power & ability (remember 98% of the pitchers were white back then)....

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    My aren't we projecting.

    Not really. Barry's the one who made this a racial issue, not me. I was just explaining how and why he did so. If he wants to invent some sort of racial angle to shield himself from the idea that perhaps he's responsible for his waning popularity and to keep himself motivated, he's certainly free to do so. Just as I'm free to recognize it as a bunch of bullshit.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Barry's the one who made this a racial issue, not me. I was just explaining how and why he did so. If he wants to invent some sort of racial angle to shield himself from the idea that perhaps he's responsible for his waning popularity and to keep himself motivated, he's certainly free to do so. Just as I'm free to recognize it as a bunch of bullshit.

    If it's bullshit why the issue with his accomplishments??? he's passed every one of MLB's drug tests. Why isn't what he's done on the feild enough??? there's no bullshit as per their rules to what he's done. It seems like a simple question yet the only retort is "well he HAS to be doing something" or reasons that don't apply as per the rules. Can annyone name a single white athlete who was not found guilty of breaking any of his or her's sports rules and yet still has been villiafied???

  • DustbusterDustbuster 278 Posts
    Many agree that the drugs Bonds was supposedly taking do not neccesarily make you stronger, they just make smaller workouot sessions more productive in muscle building. Many argue that steroids gives player a psychological edge, which I agree with, but not much of a physical edge, which I do not. One time I saw Bonds hit a broken bat, opposite field homerun in SF, which is by no means a short porch. That was an amazing hit. Is someone strong enough to be able to do that? I'm sure of it. Can a 40-year old do it? Highly unlikely. While Bonds is the best hitter of his generation, I think it's obvious that steroids had to add some enhancement to his already insane talent.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    While Bonds is the best hitter of his generation, I think it's obvious that steroids had to add some enhancement to his already insane talent.

    And while that may be a factual statement, the said steroids weren't illegal to use as per MLB's rules and as such he should be made into some cheater.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    While Bonds is the best hitter of his generation, I think it's obvious that steroids had to add some enhancement to his already insane talent.

    And while that may be a factual statement, the said steroids weren't illegal to use as per MLB's rules and as such he should be made into some cheater.

    You, sir, are wrong. Not only were those drugs ILLEGAL, but they were declared illegal in baseball in a 1991 memo. I have said memo in a PDF on my desktop if you'd like me to send it to you. I won't post it here, because it is pretty long and dull, but if you are interested, you can find it online with little difficulty. Try google.

    SO, Bonds was doing something that was illegal both in a court and in his sport; he did something that helps him avoid injuries (giving him more games, at bats, and home runs); he did something that made him stronger; and he did something that can help the fast twitch muscles that improve bat speed and therefore hitting.

    Saying that 1) there was no policy is wrong, 2) that they don't help hit is wrong, and 3) that because he never failed a test this should not be an issue is also wrong. The evidence of his using masking agents, HGH, and undetectable 'designer' steroids is legion, has been admitted in a federal investigation, and negates the 'failed test' argument.

    Further, this whole, 'but, stop! Its a witch hunt," argument is bullshit. If I am standing over a dead body holding a gun, there is evidence that I probably shot that person- I can't say, "Stop! This is a witch hunt!" Similarly, IF THERE ARE MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE THAT ARE ADMISSABLE IN FEDERAL COURT, it ceases to be a witch hunt.

    Bonds apologists are filling up all the waaaaaaambulances these days.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    For the record...

    The most meaningless records in Sports were those set in baseball in the last 15 years. From McGwire's 70 home runs, Bond's 73, Sosa's 3 straight seasons at 60 HRs, a whole lot of MVP awards, etc. I do not recognize them, and I'll tell my kids the same.

    Those records look Babe Ruth's career numbers look engraved in stone and gilded by comparison.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Barry's the one who made this a racial issue, not me. I was just explaining how and why he did so. If he wants to invent some sort of racial angle to shield himself from the idea that perhaps he's responsible for his waning popularity and to keep himself motivated, he's certainly free to do so. Just as I'm free to recognize it as a bunch of bullshit.

    If it's bullshit why the issue with his accomplishments???

    I have no issue with his accomplishments. I haven't even said a single word in this thread about his accomplishments. I just think his puerile attempts to create a racial angle to this whole thing are fucking ridiculous and a pretty sad thing for a grown man to be doing.

  • Why is Bud Selig commisioner again?

    What do you want Bud Selig to do?
    I just think the guy is an absolute failure at his job. During his tenure we've had strikes, lockouts, the near collapse of two franchises, and the biggest drug fiasco in baseball's 150 year history.

    so I ask again, why is Bud Selig commisioner?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Barry's the one who made this a racial issue, not me. I was just explaining how and why he did so. If he wants to invent some sort of racial angle to shield himself from the idea that perhaps he's responsible for his waning popularity and to keep himself motivated, he's certainly free to do so. Just as I'm free to recognize it as a bunch of bullshit.

    If it's bullshit why the issue with his accomplishments???

    I have no issue with his accomplishments. I haven't even said a single word in this thread about his accomplishments. I just think his puerile attempts to create a racial angle to this whole thing are fucking ridiculous and a pretty sad thing for a grown man to be doing.

    Bonds has shown an almost Bush-esque desire to remove all responsibility from his own shoulders. Its not his fault that he did something that is totally illegal; its the media's fault, for wanting to see him fail; Its MLB's fault, because they want homerun hitters; its the fans fault, because they cheer when he hits homeruns; its his trainers fault, because he was only given 'Flax Seed Oil'; its white people's fault, because they can't handle the success of a blackman.

    The conspiracy theories that he is able to concoct to absolve himself of all wrongdoing and responsibility make the Kennedy assassination look cut and dry by comparison.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Saying that 1) there was no policy is wrong, 2) that they don't help hit is wrong, and 3) that because he never failed a test this should not be an issue is also wrong. The evidence of his using masking agents, HGH, and undetectable 'designer' steroids is legion, has been admitted in a federal investigation, and negates the 'failed test' argument.

    So is what you're saying is, he didn't fail a test and because he didn't he's guilty???? If he broke the rules throw him out just like Pete Rose. Excuses as to how he passed those tests aren't proof of his guilt. If it is common knowledge he wasn't passing those tests, how is it he's been able to play in the MLB for the last 15 years??? If it's factual that he used masking agents, why does there need to be an "investigation" about it.

    All I'm trying to say is if what you say is the truth, how is it MLB didn't take action until now???

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Saying that 1) there was no policy is wrong, 2) that they don't help hit is wrong, and 3) that because he never failed a test this should not be an issue is also wrong. The evidence of his using masking agents, HGH, and undetectable 'designer' steroids is legion, has been admitted in a federal investigation, and negates the 'failed test' argument.

    So is what you're saying is, he didn't fail a test and because he didn't he's guilty???? If he broke the rules throw him out just like Pete Rose. Excuses as to how he passed those tests aren't proof of his guilt. If it is common knowledge he wasn't passing those tests, how is it he's been able to play in the MLB for the last 15 years??? If it's factual that he used masking agents, why does there need to be an "investigation" about it.

    All I'm trying to say is if what you say is the truth, how is it MLB didn't take action until now???

    MLB had its head in the sand as well; they are not above blame in this. And keep in mind, that in 1991 there was a different commisioner than Selig (who, by the way, renewed the memo in 1997).

    I'm not using the circular logic that because he didn't fail tests he is guilty; I am using the logic that there is considerable sworn evidence that states he knowingly took steroids that were specifically designed to bypass a test. In light of that evidence, his passing tests becomes irrelevent. And yes, I hold Jason Giambi to the same standard- we KNOW he took steroids because he admitted it. Yet, he never failed a test? Why?Because he was taking the same steroids from the same trainer as Bonds.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    Come on, of course Bonds used steroids...if you don't think he did you're crazy. So did McGwire and all those ridiculously big power hitters. That doesn't mean he should be banned from baseball if it can't be proven, but the court of public opinion is different. No one else is being villified because no one else is this close to breaking the record, but I believe when McGwire and Sosa were chasing Maris' single season record there were definitely discussions about them using steroids. And why didn't baseball do anything about it? Because they were making huge bank off it. Sad but true.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Come on, of course Bonds used steroids...if you don't think he did you're crazy. So did McGwire and all those ridiculously big power hitters. That doesn't mean he should be banned from baseball if it can't be proven, but the court of public opinion is different. No one else is being villified because no one else is this close to breaking the record, but I believe when McGwire and Sosa were chasing Maris' single season record there were definitely discussions about them using steroids. And why didn't baseball do anything about it? Because they were making huge bank off it. Sad but true.

    But, again, what is 'proven'. I shoot someone; I go home, and wash my hands, and destroy my clothes, and the police find no evidence of gunshot residue or blood on my clothing. I've passed all the tests.

    But, then 50 people come forward and say they saw it, and one of them has a video tape that shows it happening. But wait! I say...I passed all your tests. I'm innocent! Common sense should dictate that at somepoint a test is merely a test, and that OVERWHELMING evidence should come out on top.

    McGwire and Sosa helped create a great deal of this mess, and because of timing, missed out on a lot of the worst of it (especially McGwire, since he retired early). But, Sosa couldn't even get a contract this year, and Palmiero retired in shame. One would hope that these people will be punished in their Hall of Fame votes as a way to show their tainted legacy.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    And why didn't baseball do anything about it? Because they were making huge bank off it. Sad but true.


    I don't for a second believe he didn't used something, I just don't think it's an issue as the MLB didn't do anything about it.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    oh they definitely will (although they will all clearly get in). At this point I don't think MLB officially has enough evidence to do anything about Bonds, but like I said that doesn't mean he won't be booed every time he comes to the plate etc.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    And why didn't baseball do anything about it? Because they were making huge bank off it. Sad but true.


    I don't for a second believe he didn't used something, I just don't think it's an issue as the MLB didn't do anything about it.

    So, its baseball's fault that Bonds did this. Nice. Again, I'm not saying that MLB is without blame; but, to say it is their fault is silly, and puts us back in a world devoid of personal responsibility. Which I'm sure Barry would love to hear.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Bonds works the media as much as the media works him. Remember last year when (with his son sitting next to him) he was considering retirement because the media has been too harsh on him. You think Ken Griffey Jr. would get this kind of abuse if he was close to breaking the record? I doubt it. America doesn't like cocky athletes. The media does though.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Bonds works the media as much as the media works him. Remember last year when (with his son sitting next to him) he was considering retirement because the media has been too harsh on him. You think Ken Griffey Jr. would get this kind of abuse if he was close to breaking the record? I doubt it. America doesn't like cocky athletes. The media does though.

    Funniest press conference EVAR. "Well, you guys finally did it...I hope you're happy." Even put his son in the Barry Sanders jersey.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    So, its baseball's fault that Bonds did this. Nice. Again, I'm not saying that MLB is without blame; but, to say it is their fault is silly, and puts us back in a world devoid of personal responsibility. Which I'm sure Barry would love to hear.

    It's baseball's fault if they knowingly allowed him and others to break the rules. It's quite the opposite of not having personal responsiblity. This isn't the fat kid suing McDonalds. This is a system that allowed its people to brazenly break every rule and then when there's public outcry a single person gets hung to dry. I dont' see anyone turning their backs on Baseball, but Bonds is an asshole dopefiend, which to me, is somewhat convenient. If everyone's to blame - blame everyone. Tell your kids baseball cared more about filling the stands and making money than what a few people stupid did to their bodies until they had to deal with some shit they didn't want to in the first place.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    yoigotbeats? do you think if Ken Griffey Jr. was going to break Ruth's record people would be as upset????
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