Star Wars Name Generator

Ever wondered what your name is in a galaxy far, far away? Take the first three letters of your last name, put em together with the first two of your first name...this is your first name. Last name is the first two letters of your mothers last name before she got married put together with the first three letters of the town you was born I am the Lemph Scjen, going to go headhunting with boba fett soon...what is your star wars name and does it fit the character you would portray? does it actually even work with your names?
- spidey
All that did was make me Polish.
Vinch Prcha.
Vinch i can get with. prcha has a bad consonant to vowel ratio for my personal taste.
i will, however, vinch that ass.
Intergalactic badass / Magnum P.I impersonator !
The inside mind of the infinite force.
Reija Stmon
What? That's the best one yet.
Zinho Dimon
That's kinda hot...
Opening for the Max Rebo band at a Cantina near you soon.
Requests will be met with a lightsaber up the wazoo
friend to wookie and ewok alike
I'm Haxay Winat. My wife is Zieve Kllod.
I guess it could also be purth tasan.