these might cause a few car accidents
686 Posts
custom wheel related:
-I got 22's on raisin toast [email]nigg@![/email]
Yeah, it's a nice first attempt. I'm holding out for the ones that will display animated gifs
yup, they got the jamster style graphics...ghey. i'm surprised there isn't a dancing frog or some shit.
if they up the quality of the images... imagine if you had your choice of album cover or samethin...that could be the move.
No way would anyone be tempted to steal that.
these remind me of graphics you'd see on a basketball at toys'r'us
i guess that means the hood's gonna eat em up! and pay top dollar
Yup. 26" package with Pirelli tires ($19,500.00). That's a lot of cash to look stupib.
East Bay folks will be seeing these things installed on the Fatt Sak van post-haste. Da Sak is Fatt!
oh, didn't actually read that bullshit...people will be showing movies on these and other drivers will be wrecking left and right.