Fuck Barry Bonds (NoAyo) (NRR)

I Heart you SF strutters and know this might make you cranky, but fuck this dude. Disrespecting the legends of Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth. Wack shit. I don't care much about baseball and this dude still annoys me.
these are real questions. I love Barry but if he's doing bad shit, he's doing bad shit. And is he the only one?
For all you know they could be testing Barry but it don't mean shit . Certain steroids can be detected but, with the balco scandal, its been shown that designer steroids are out there and pretty much undetectable. So dudes like Bonds, Giambi, McGuire, etc can shrink their nutsacs without worry of getting in trouble.
true and no one can deny his amazing natural talent but theres something pretty disgraceful about needing to cheat when you are already that remarkable.
His career avg. for HRs is 42. For one year out of his whole career, he crosses 50 HRs, and it happens to be a wopping 73. you do the math.
fuck bonds. fuck his apologists. fuck giant fans with their heads in the sand...you sound like reds fans in '88 on the sinking pete rose ship. your boy fucked up. your crying won't change that.
i will teach my kids to ignore anything with his name on it. i have NO respect for what he did.
(and for anyone interested in the next question, you can take the name bonds out of the above paragraphs, and replace it with McGwire, Giambi, Sheffield, et al. Fuck all of 'em.)
but i will trade his rookie card for raer- 1986 topps traded.
give me Junior over Bonds any day. Dude plays his fucking heart out every game. And he was back in form last year, that was a great thing to see.
The Chicago White Sox won the 2005 World Series with a bunch of skinny dudes.
And one fat one...