


  • This board is a good way to pass the lulls at work, but I don't really take it seriously. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the problem with a lot of people on here.

    It sometimes seems like everyone is just trying to be super politically-correct and look all sensitive just for the benefit of the three or four females that actually read and post in this place. If that's your bag, it's fine by me, but you might have better luck with a singles bar or on eHarmony or something else.

    The internet is supposed to be one of the final frontiers of free speech. However, this is a double-edged sword as you might mistakingly subject yourself to some nasty stuff i.e. scat, kiddie porn, hate materials, etc. That said, NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO LOOK AT ANYTHING THAT YOU DEEM OFFENSIVE. This is why I'm not offended by dumb shit like the 'ghey' gremlin, or the user title, 'yes homo', and the other homophobic slights made daily on here.

    Do I agree with some guy saying the word 'nigger' on an internet forum? Not in the least - but I don't know him, and I'll likely never meet him. It doesn't really matter. But if you can't handle it, maybe computers aren't for you.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    It sometimes seems like everyone is just trying to be super politically-correct and look all sensitive just for the benefit of the three or four females that actually read and post in this place.

    damn dude, you totally just stepped in it...


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    This board is a good way to pass the lulls at work, but I don't really take it seriously. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the problem with a lot of people on here.

    It sometimes seems like everyone is just trying to be super politically-correct and look all sensitive just for the benefit of the three or four females that actually read and post in this place. If that's your bag, it's fine by me, but you might have better luck with a singles bar or on eHarmony or something else.

    The internet is supposed to be one of the final frontiers of free speech. However, this is a double-edged sword as you might mistakingly subject yourself to some nasty stuff i.e. scat, kiddie porn, hate materials, etc. That said, NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO LOOK AT ANYTHING THAT YOU DEEM OFFENSIVE. This is why I'm not offended by dumb shit like the 'ghey' gremlin, or the user title, 'yes homo', and the other homophobic slights made daily on here.

    Do I agree with some guy saying the word 'nigger' on an internet forum? Not in the least - but I don't know him, and I'll likely never meet him. It doesn't really matter. But if you can't handle it, maybe computers aren't for you.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    It sometimes seems like everyone is just trying to be super politically-correct and look all sensitive just for the benefit of the three or four females that actually read and post in this place.

    damn dude, you totally just stepped in it...


    There's women in here??!!!?!?!??!!!

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    I don't know how many of you follow astrology or care about this shit, but apparently mercury is in total retrograde right now which basically means that all communication is going to be fucked up. I'm not even sure I believe in astrology but I gotta tell you every arena in and around my life right now that involves communication seems screwed to the hilt. The message board my wife frequents also has everyone yelling at each other and getting angry. At work, everyone seems to be NOT listening and miscommunicating and getting frustrated and angry...

    Shit seems to be everywhere right now is all I'm sayin'
    Maybe it might really pay for everyone to take a breath and a giant step back.

    Ever notice how when you wake up in a bad mood EVERYTHING gets you pissed off?
    Even shit that usually wouldn't bother you?
    I'm starting to get the feeling that the fucked up nature of our world right now might finally be showing itself in everyone's lack of ability to deal and get along.

    Who knows...

    It just seems to me that when everone around me is acting frustrated and angry it usually means other shit behind the scenes is coming into play.

    Am I saying that some of the shit that has been happening on here is good?


    Just that we all might be working through it a bit more calmly and constructively at other times.

    Sorry, but I've grown to love this site.

    All it would take is another week of the Strut going down to prove that to me all over again.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Goatbwoy... It's in de stars, call mi now...

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    guzz, while i realize you're trying to call archaic on some hyprocritical or anti-semitic shit that in your mind he's pulling, he has stated several times he's not anti-semitic. so either a) he is and he doesn't want to admit it here (which i don't think is the case) or b) he believes in some shit that you think is anti-semitic but he doesn't. by his word he has no problem with jews, so when you attack him like this its like youre on a witch hunt trying to pull the curtains back on some foul shit that doesn't exist. anyway, you know i have love for you, but please stop dragging your issues with archaic around from thread to thread and from month to month.

    I don't even know what to say in response to it. I'm completely baffled that you think that I hate Jews.

    I don't.
    if you didn't before, i think you may be starting to now.

  • All it would take is another week of the Strut going down to prove that to me all over again.

    It'll take another Hurricane Katrina to bring the love back to this place.

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    Goatbwoy... It's in de stars, call mi now...


    I think I just felt a tap on my shoulder but when I looked back all I could see was a rainbow.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Please spread your hate elsewhere, Mr. O'Brien. I turned off my telescreen a long time ago.
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