
I think that harvey and the rest of the gang are right. Im not fit to be here. What i wrote was personal and should of been kept that way. It was uncool and definitely wack to post that. Sorry to those that really got hurt by this. I cant sound sincere typing but believe me i am.
Report to "What Pisses Strutters Off" thread for Justin v. Archaic....
Way too much to read.
That really pisses me off!
I blame the parents and/or patriarchal oppression.
So my zero tolerance policy stands.
Plus I'm still amazed that the moderators of this site aren't stepping in and handling the wielding of such an indiscretion the same way they do when even a certain political movement merely gets called into question.
I'm all for free I'm not necessarily saying that a ban is my own best way of handling this. But according to how I've seen this site work in the past when it comes to bannings, I am appalled by the double standard at work here.
Whatever though, just when I've finally reached a point where I've met in person more than a few dudes on this site and generally liked them, maybe it's time for me to skip out on this fratboy, if-you-have-raer-and-you-kiss-our-asses-we-excuse-you-for-anything bullshit.
I think Justin was raised by wolves though.
You know, usually when people get banned it's because of some similar violation but in the context of having nothing much to offer. While I am not about to condone any of the ugliness in that other thread, I can see why the mods would be conflicted. Justin brings a lot to this site and the record game as a whole.
OK, we'll let the Egyptians ban him for us.
I saw a re-issue 45 with his name on it in the dollar bin but elected not to purchase. I'm such a dude.
Does the record game outweigh the importance of the atmosphere of the Board?
Is there more to be achieved by talking things out and challenging people???s prejudices or by getting rid of folks and halting conversation / exchange of ideas?
Actually, IMO, yes. I mean, as much as I do like some of you, I am not here to make new friends or find a new hangout - My business here is mainly record-related.
In the world there are millions of different people and not all of them subscribe to the same value systems. When I'm traveling or I meet new people I try to learn from them even if we disagree on a lot of things or I find them offensive or ignorant.
This site is becoming such a social/friendship kind of thing. I guess that's cool but uh... I don't know, people who are heavy with the records are of interest to me, no matter how caustic they may be. People who are PC and nice and all that but don't have much record game... not so much.
Not me. Sometimes I feel bad for calling Funky fat, but I get over it.
Well, Jinx apologized to the people that got offended. That's not the same as apologizing for saying/thinking it. Not that he has to, but at least it would put him in a better light. Then again, I actually appreciate his honesty.
And yeah, exchange of ideas and all that good shit.
Apologizing for saying it (acting it out), which is what offended people, is one thing, but I don't think anyone should have to apologize for thinking things. That's getting into some weird and dangerous territory.
Right, I totally agree.
I think the exact opposite. Whether he decided to say it or not is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm offended that he thinks that way.
Hopefully he can get right ASAP. Believe it or not, I'm pulling for you Justin to not pull this on the next man.
People tend to ignore intolerance (or any bad look for that matter) when it comes from sources that they find other values in. It's not the best way to live IMO, but if that gets you through the day...
and so for the folks who are offended by the way you think and want you to curb and change that and want for you to 'get right' - what would you say to them? who gets to decide what thinking 'right' is?
every other word out of my grandfathers mouth is the n bomb, it doesnt mean i don't love him
I prefer to think of soulstrut as a comedy website with occasional record content.
There are well-established boundaries not to be crossed, in your head as well as in your voice box. A racial slur is one of them. Y'all can overcomplicate things all you want to, but it's pretty darned simple.
Also, when you can cite me as having uttered a racial slur is the only time[/b] that you can flip this back on me...which of course will be never.