Bumpshop ft. Chris "Iceburg" Burgan **3/11**

Queen City Represent!
Chris Burgan, co-curator of the acclaimed Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati museum exhibit, ???A Thousand Years Too Late: A History of Cincinnati Soul" & primary selector @ "Move On Up" joins us this month, delivering the finest in vintage Porkopolis (& other Midwest) funk. FYI, Chris was also instrumental in orchestrating the recent Pure Essence "Wake Up" reissue on SoulCal - essential sh*t, a Dante signature tune,
. In commemoration it's been rumored that former Essence drummer L.A. Reid may or may not be making an exclusive Bumpshop appearance (no word on Kenneth Edmonds). Friends, colleagues & cheapskates PM me for comp akshun. Hope some of youse can make it.Peace,Mao

Will consult Al Roker closer to the date & get back to you.
The early word is 60 degree temps this weekend. Perfect for mingling, baby.
Not to be missed.
Hope to se ya'll.
PM Mao for the list.
Anyways, tonight, people.