Celebrity sightings:

prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Ok, back in 1992, I saw Burt Reynolds and the guy who played Mayor Kyle Applegate from "out of this world' together just browsing around. Today, on my way to rescue my overly drunk ex-girlfriend (who happened to be home with some strange dude sleeping on the bed with her - IN MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!) I saw Method Man juggling oranges. any others?Valentine's Day sucks ass. Majorly.


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Today I made Richard Lewis crack up several times which made me feel good.

    Later on in the day I chilled with Dwayne Perkins for a few minutes.But it was sort of a letdown,

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    Today I made Richard Lewis crack up several times which made me feel good.

    For some reason that doesn't sound very hard to me.

    But Method Man juggling Oranges? That sounds like adult onset schizophrenia!

    My great celebrity story happened last spring when I flew to NY to visit Bambouche. I got bumped up to business class and ended up sitting directly in front of Ted Danson. Dude kicked my seat all through the flight but would stop whenever I turned around to look at him. I got my revenge, though, when pulling my luggage out of the compartment on the opposite aisle. As I pulled my suitcase down, I accidentally elbowed someone in the ass. Sure enough, that someone turned out to be Ted Danson. I felt pretty good about that.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    i once met wolfgang dauner and klaus doldinger at the same place. at a record store! they were chilling before doing a show in my town. they are both old now, but i immediately recognized them. grim looking guys.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Yo, I met Cosmo Baker once.

    Hey, wtf is up with your girl and the stranger? Details plaese.
    That sounds like some Rambo shit from the jump.

    Maybe that's just me though

  • I saw Natassja Kinski and daughter in line at Starbucks behind Flava Flav . Flav was telling her daughter to follow her dreams and all that. It was funny because I wondered if she knew who Flav is. Little did I know Kenya Julia Miambi Sarah Jones was daughter of Quincy Jones so maybe she did know. Flav was mad cool and gave everybody nothing but love.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I saw Natassja Kinski and daughter in line at Starbucks behind Flava Flav . Flav was telling her daughter to follow her dreams and all that. It was funny because I wondered if she knew who Flav is. Little did I know Kenya Julia Miambi Sarah Jones was daughter of Quincy Jones so maybe she did know. Flav was mad cool and gave everybody nothing but love.

    On a similar note, my wife and I met Flav and that dude fucking radiated LOVE for real. We had just gotten married and he gave us a giant hug, all the while saying "Love is a beautiful thing". Dude was sincere, too.

    Doesn't top Cosmo Baker though.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Doesn't top Cosmo Baker though.

    I sat under a tree with DJ Day once

    a few months later he took me back to his hotel

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    Doesn't top Cosmo Baker though.

    I sat under a tree with DJ Day once

    a few months later he took me back to his hotel

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    Doesn't top Cosmo Baker though.

    I sat under a tree with DJ Day once

    a few months later he took me back to his hotel

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    I saw Chuck Norris drive a camaro past the Pike Street Market once.

  • I saw Chuck D in the Roosevelt Field Mall.

    Big voice
    Little dude

  • I guess this kind of speaks for itself:

    For those who can't make out the scrawl, it says "To John, Ron Jeremy" and on the other side of that card is Slash's autograph.

    Kind of amusing story on that card... I was in Los Angeles visiting friends and also in town for the AES convention. First night I was there my friends are going to The Roxy to see the Dillinger Escape plan so I decide to go and try to get a ticket at the door. Get there and the show's sold out so me and this other girl who didn't have a ticket decide to walk down Sunset Boulevard to kill time until the show's over. Eventually we go into the Hustler store and while we're at the cafe there the girl turns to me and says "Is that Ron Jeremy outside at one of the tables?" I look and sure enough it's Ron Jeremy. We go out there and get his autograph. I'd have liked to have gotten my picture taken with him but the day I got to Los Angeles my digital camera decides to stop working so I didn't get a single picture out there.

    The next day I was at the AES convention and during the day Slash was making an appearance at the Gibson Guitar booth signing autographs. I don't care too terribly much about Slash so I wasn't about to stand in line for an hour to get his signature so I go grab something to eat. A couple hours later I'm back at the AES convention and I notice Slash is still standing at the Gibson booth talking to a few guys. I decide what the hell, I'll just walk up to him and ask for his autograph. I ask and Slash's manager/handler/bodyguard/whatever says "Sorry, Slash is done signing autographs." I look at Slash and say "Aww, I was hoping to get you to sign this card that Ron Jeremy signed for me last night." Slash hears that and perks up a bit, looks at me and says "What? Let me see that." I show him the card, he flips it over and signs the card. As he hands it back he says to me "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but Ron Jeremy introduced me to my wife." So, if I hadn't met Ron Jeremy the night before I wouldn't have gotten Slash's autograph (nor would I have cared too much).

  • I stayed at the same hotel as the 2 Live Crew concert tour entourage in South Carolina in the early 90s. Does that count?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    I produced a play in University with a girl who's on the show "The L Word". She stole my notes on Dostoyevsky's "Notes From The Underground".

    I met Jeremy Roenick & Mike Modano @ the old Montreal Forum (Hockey heads know the deal). They gave me 200 bucks US to go get them hamburgers at McDondalds.

    I gave Corey Haim CPR once.



  • anybody here, knows who this guy is ?(Ron Jeremy related) I took this pic last summer at venice film festival

  • I saw Angelina Jolie in Peshawar, near the Afghan border.

    I was like Turns out that she's an ambassador for UNHCR.

    Another time I was working as a doorman at a local venue. Lou Reed was in the house. I was paged because Lou Reed wanted a glass of water. I brought it to him but he refused it because he only drinks water from a longdrink glass.

  • Worked in a record store near Stockholm tourist district and among all the drunk finnish boat travellers and russians that tried to rip me off i met:

    Supergrass (the whole band.. they were really mellowlike)

    Some big soccer team, i don't know since i don't really like sports but all the guys around me was in big awe and made a big deal about it.. they had really poor music taste btw, bought shit-loads of craprock

    Almost the whole cast of Jackass when they were on tour, only talked to one guy and he was really cool, bought Big L "lifestylez", Kool G rap "4 5 6", both Pete Rock/CL albums and i think some Jeru the Damaja album.

    Also saw Dionne Warwick there but she never went into the store but she spent a really long time in the fur store next to us

    Also Mariah Careys keyboard player who tried to score weed from me


  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    I gave Corey Haim CPR once.



    Were you the guy that lived next to Corey in Canada? Tell us about it. I want to hear more. ARE YOU COREY FELDMAN?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    I gave Corey Haim CPR once.


    OH SHIT!!!! I just spilt my coffee.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    I stayed at the same hotel as the 2 Live Crew concert tour entourage in South Carolina in the early 90s. Does that count?

    I went to see the Kansas City Chiefs in San Diego and they happened to share the same hotel as me. That was pretty cool. I saw Larry Johnson waiting for a cab. Tony Gonzales juking autograph seekers. Len Dawson letting people buy his drinks and the bar and Jared Allen drinking beers and a brew pub. My wife wouldn't take a picture of me and Larry Johnson.

  • This is more of a lame to fame

    My wife works with the son of David Bowie.

  • I waited on Walter Cronkite. He was a really cool guy. He hit on this red headed waitress. He told her, "You know I quite like red heads." and his wife looked at the waitress and said, "Its true he does."

    I also saw Meg Ryan post plastic surgery and she is . What happened to aging gracefully.

  • What happened to aging gracefully.

    I've met Xaviera "the happy hooker" Hollander:

    And worked with Sylvia "Emmanuelle" Kristel:

    (I would still like to meet Laura Gemser)

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Do local celebrities count? I was having lunch the other day and right across my table was Pamela David, a local model/actress/hotness. She was with a nerd-looking dude. One of those creatures that emanate sex waves through the air.

  • I've got a bunch of random ones, but two of the best were:

    a) working at a record store in Bloomington IN where John Cougar Mellencamp would come in all the time...when I lived there (early 90s) he had just had a heart attack and always seemed cranky - one particularly time was when he came in with a very pregnant Elaine Irwin (his wife, ex-model, very pretty) and made her go pick through the Stephen Stills CDs while he hung out by the door at the front. he was yelling across to her, "no, no I'm looking for the one where he's sitting in the snow on the cover." a friend of mine who worked at the deli next door told me that came in for lunch after record shopping that day and promptly told my friend he "wanted a chef's salad but skip all the goddamned cheese."

    b) when I was living out in SF I was commuting on CalTrain back to the city from Menlo Park...we're around Burlingame when this dude with a huge combed-out afro - who was apparently lying down in the seat in front of me bc I thought the seat was empty - sits up all sudden and turns around and asks me where we were. I told him "Burlingame" and he kinda nodded and was like, yeah, cool, OK and went back to sleep....I'm sitting here thinking, dude looks familiar...

    ...so we get into 4th/King on the CalTrain and he wakes up again, stands up and asks me if we're in SF now. I tell him yeah and immediately recognize him as Shock G. I tell him thanks for the music and he says "ohhhhh yeeeeah you're welcome!" in MC BlowFish's voice and laughs, was cool.

    as I was walking back to the station along the platform he came up alongside me, asked me which way Oakland was and then told me to check out his website. cool guy, guess "flowin on the d" is written from personal experience.

    I, too, met with Flava Flav in Evansville IN in like 1990 when PE was doing a show there. he was in the mall DeJaiz buying Skidz and IOU sweatshirts (my girlfriend worked there at the time). he was super super nice, barely recognized him w/o glasses and cap, had huge dreads.

  • a few random ones both at chicken places:

    once met marty jannety and shawn michaels (the midnight rockers) in kfc after my mom spotted them while we were in the drive thru and they were inside ordering. she thought they were hot, and i looked up and instantly recognized them as my favorite tag team wrestelers in the wwf at the time. they signed napkins for me and my brother.

    i also met jimmy pop, the dude from the bloodhound gang in a bw3's. he commented on my ATCQ shirt, and i asked him about the cute girl on their first album cover. said she was hot but that she had a horrible jersey accent that took her down a few notches. bizarre enough, i think she was eating a piece of chicken on the cover.

  • Doesn't top Cosmo Baker though.

    I sat under a tree with DJ Day once

    a few months later he took me back to his hotel

    [color:#666666]That deserves some kind of OOF[/color]

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    i saw kool, of kool and the gang, yell at sandra bullock while i was loading the band's luggage in their bus.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    a few random ones both at chicken places:

    once met marty jannety and shawn michaels (the midnight rockers) in kfc after my mom spotted them while we were in the drive thru and they were inside ordering. she thought they were hot, and i looked up and instantly recognized them as my favorite tag team wrestelers in the wwf at the time. they signed napkins for me and my brother

    I've never met anyone from professional wrestling, but if I did, I would hope it would happen in a K.F.C. At the very least Hardee's.

    One of my favorite "celeb" stories is this one time I interviewed Abel Ferrara. It was at some Chicago art school and the film department was screening "King of New York," and Abel and a small posse of actor-types as well as an art gallery owner were getting rowdy in a room upstairs. I had set up an interview sort of on-the-spot, and I had never seen "King of New York." I saw "Bad Lieutenant" but other than that I was not familiar with his work.

    Anyway, I go up there, and Abel was sleeping on the floor, just laying on the floor in a stocking cap and leather jacket. He gets up to do the interview as is all groggy and talking real low like the Godfather or something. Meanwhile, this art gallery dude kept saying to me, "DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?!?" Abel was really cool and a good interview. The best part about it was all his friends were sipping Heineken while Abel was drinking Budweiser. No fanny beers for him!

    Please more details about Corey Haim and C.P.R.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    I gave Corey Haim CPR once.



    Were you the guy that lived next to Corey in Canada? Tell us about it. I want to hear more. ARE YOU COREY FELDMAN?

    LOL! Nope, I ain't Corey Feldman. Here's the story (with some backstory):

    Corey (Haim) was my neighbor for a few years, but I knew him going back to when he was doing well with his movies. I was friends with his cousin & we had some mutual acquaintances in Montreal. He was always a very chill, nice guy. Probably too nice/naive because lots of people took advantage of his generosity & screwed with him business wise. Over the years, I watched his finances decline. You'd see him roll up here in a Porsche & then the next year in a Mazda. Was some wacky schitt. One Sunday morning, I wake up because I hear voices in my living room. I stagger out of bed & guess who's chilling out in the kitchen? Corey Haim. He needed to use the phone because he just moved in next door & his wasn't connected yet. My moms had let him in. I hadn't seen him in a while & I was bleary eyed. It took a second for us to recognize each other, but when we did he was like "Dude? DUUUUUUUDE!!!" Anyhow, he had come back to Montreal & had taken an apartment right next door to me w/ his mother. There were some pretty crazy stories to come out of the next few years. Corey was a interesting neighbor & he had some other relatives who lived on our floor who were cool. We had fun. So, yeah, getting back to the CPR thing. One night, I go out with friends, get back home & I'm just climbing into bed when my mom knocks on my bedroom door: she's like "H**ie, its Corey's mother -there's something wrong with Corey." I go next door & see Corey sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. I don't know anything about medicine, but I thought he was dead. His lips were a funny color & he looked blue-ish. His Mom is in shock & doesn't even have the presence of mind to call 911. She's paralyzed with fear. My mom gets on the phone with the police & tells 'em to send an ambulance. Corey's mom is sobbing. I'm bugging too - I have a little first aid training - I started giving dude CPR, hoping his eyes would open or some color would come back to his face. At that point, the ambulance people show up & start working on him. One dude gives him a shot & he slowly starts to come to. It was surreal. The ambulance tech was like "hey, I think I recognize this guy". It was really sad. Then, Corey sits up, like he just woke up out of a nap, & is like "WTF is going on?" He was disoriented & didn't want to go to the hospital because he said he felt fine. I talked him into it, tho. I remember my exact words were: "dude, go to the hospital. 5 minutes ago, you looked like a fucking smurf. You need to see a doctor" Anyhow, I escorted him to the ambulance, holding him up by the arm. It was like a scene out of a goddam movie.

    Next time, I should tell you about the time Corey drove across the USA in a beatup Toyota Celica, which he dubbed "The Red Zepplin", with a Great Dane in the back seat, listening to my copy of Paul's Boutique the whole way or the time he scared my kid sister schittless. That shit was gold.


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