Does Evil Exist??? (nrr)

Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Well does it?On the one hand, we live in a relativistic world where value judgments are based on location and context. Furthermore, one could say that all the perceived evils of the world are the result of regular people acting in their own perceived best interests. To complicate that matter, with our society's increasing understanding of phsychology and brain chemistry, it seems only a matter of time until all projected signs of "evil" are traced back to the brain in the form of a chemical imbalance, faulty DNA, or fucked up memories stemming from situations where the individual in question had no control to guide the situation to a favorable outcome.On the other hand, there are murderers, serial rapists, pedophiles and so on. From the look of it, these people would seem to be cleary sociopathic, and so it is no small leap to trace their problems back to errors in the brain. Yet we know that these sociopaths are often highly intelligent and understand that what they are doing wrong. For a literary example, think of Huumbert Humbert. But up till now, I have assumed that evil, as I have defined it, is something that comes from inside humans and is projected onto the outside world. Is the concept of evil a human phenomenom? For instance, if there were a giant asteroid that were to kill several hundred million innocent people, would that astroid be evil? Or would it merely symbolize the workings of the universe, which is above judgement? Can we say that indifference is evil? Or does that antrhopomorphize the universe? Discuss...


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